IIAP Publications: Recent submissions

  • Jain, S. K; Srinivasulu, G (SPIE, 1991-10)
    The authors have developed a star-and-sky chopping polarimeter for accurate measurements of linear polarization of starlight in the standard astronomical photometric U, B, V, R, and I bands. The instrumental polarization, ...
  • Banerjee, D (Cambridge University Press, 2008-05)
    With multi-wavelength observations from ground and space-based instruments it has been possible to detect waves in a number of different wavelengths simultaneously and to, consequently, study their propagation properties. ...
  • Hasan, S. S; Steiner, O; van Ballegooijen, A (Cambridge University Press, 2008-05)
    The aim of this work is to examine the hypothesis that the wave propagation time in the solar atmosphere can be used to infer the magnetic topography in the chromosphere as suggested by Finsterle et al. (2004). We do this ...
  • Subramaniam, A; Anupama, G. C (American Institute of Physics, 2002)
    The parent population of novae in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) are identified by a study of the local, projected, stellar populations. The age, density and luminosity function of the stellar population are estimated ...
  • Paniveni, U; Krishan, V; Singh, J; Srikanth, R (European Space Agency, 2005-12)
    We employ fractal analysis to study the complexity of supergranulation structure using the solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) dopplergrams. Our data consist of 200 visually selected Supergranular cells, for which ...
  • Bhat, P. N; Patnaik, K; Kembhavi, A. K; Patnaik, A. R; Prabhu, T. P (CSIR, 1990-11)
  • Venkatakrishnan, P; Hasan, S. S (D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1982-01)
    In the absence of genuine forcing terms, there is no resonance between linear fast mhd and gravito-acoustic waves.
  • Ramesh, R; Kathiravan, C; Satya Narayanan, A (Anita Publications, 2004)
    We present metric radio observation of a transient. quasi-periodic type IV burst emission from the solar corona following the hard X-ray/H¦Á flare of November 23, 2000. The radio event lasted for about 121s, and the ...
  • Arlot, J. E; Thuillot, W; Ruatti, C; Ahmad, A; Amosse, A; Anbazhagan, P; Andreyev, M; Antov, A; Appakutty, M; Aubry, S; Asher, D; Spampinato, S. A; Stellmacher, I; Trunkovsky, E; Tejfel, V; Tudose, V; Turcu, V; Ugarte, I; Vantyghem, P; Vasundhara, R; Vaubaillon, J; Baron, N; Velu, C; Venkataramana, A. K; Vidal Sãinz, J; Vienne, A; Vilar, J; Vingerhoets, P; Vollman, W; Bassiere, N; Berthe, M; Bogdanovski, R; Bosq, F; Bredner, E; Buettner, D; Buromsky, M; Cammarata, S; Casas, R; Chis, G. D; Christou, A. A; Coquerel, J. P; Corlan, R; Cremaschini, C; Crussaire, D; Cuypers, J; Dennefeld, M; Descamps, P; Devyatkin, A; Dimitrov, D; Dorokhova, T. N; Dorokhov, N. I; Dourneau, G; Dueñas, M; Dumitrescu, A; Emelianov, N; Ferrara, D; Fiel, D; Fienga, A; Flatres, T; Foglia, S; Garlitz, J; Gerbos, J; Gilbert, R; Goncalves, R. M. D; Gonzales, D; Gorda, S. Y; Gorshanov, D. L; Hansen, M. W; Harrington, M; Irsmambetova, T. R; Ito, Y; Ivanova, V; Izmailov, I. S; Khovritchev, M. Y; Khrutskaya, E. V; Kieken, J; Kiseleva, T. P; Kuppuswamy, K; Lainey, V; Lavayssiere, M; Lazzarotti, P; Le Campion, J. F; Lellouch, E; Li, Z. L; Lo Savio, E; Lou, M; Magny, E; Manek, J; Marinello, W; Marino, G; McAuliffe, J. P; Michelli, M; Moldovan, D; Montagnac, S; Moorthy, V; Nickel, O; Nier, J. M; Noel, T; Noyelles, B; Oksanen, A; Parrat, D; Pauwels, T; Priban, V; Ramachandran, B; Rambaux, N; Rapaport, M; Rapavy, P; Rau, G; Sacre, J. J; Sada, P. V; Salvaggio, F; Sarlin, P; Sciuto, C; Selvakumar, G; Sergeyev, A; Sidorov, M; Sorescu, S (EDP Sciences, 2009-01)
    Context: In 2003, the Sun and the Earth passed through both the equatorial plane of Jupiter and therefore the orbital planes of its main satellites. Aims: During this period, mutual eclipses and occultations were observed ...
  • Tanaka, M; Tominaga, N; Nomoto, K; Valenti, S; Sahu, D. K; Minezaki, T; Yoshii, Y; Yoshida, M; Anupama, G. C; Benetti, S; Chincarini, G; Valle, M. D; Mazzali, P. A; Pian, E (The American Astronomical Society, 2009-02)
    We present a theoretical model for supernova SN 2008D associated with the luminous X-ray transient 080109. The bolometric light curve and optical spectra of the SN are modeled based on the progenitor models and the explosion ...
  • Ramanan, S; Mishra, T; Luthra, M. S; Pai, R. V; Das, B. P (The American Physical Society, 2009-01)
    We study the Bose-Hubbard model using the finite size density matrix renormalization group method. We obtain a complete phase diagram for a system in the presence of a harmonic trap and compare it with that of the homogeneous ...
  • Raju, K. P (Springer Netherlands, 2009-03)
    Relative Doppler velocities and spectral linewidths in a coronal hole and in the quiet Sun region outside have been obtained from Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)/Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) observations. ...
  • Benz, A. O; Monstein, C; Meyer, H; Manoharan, P. K; Ramesh, R; Altyntsev, A; Lara, A; Paez, J; Cho, K.S (Springer, 2009-04)
    Radio spectrometers of the CALLISTO type to observe solar flares have been distributed to nine locations around the globe. The instruments observe automatically, their data is collected every day via internet and stored ...
  • Karthikeyan, B; Bagare, S. P; Rajamanickam, N; Raja, V (Elsevier, 2009-02)
    A search has been carried out for the presence of rotational lines of boron containing diatomic molecules BF, BH and BS in the high resolution Fourier Transform Spectra of sunspots observed at the National Solar Observatory ...
  • Anasooya Ashok; Satya Narayanan, A; Ramesh, R; Kathiravan, C (Anita Publications, 2004)
  • Turck-Chieze, S; Lamy, P; Carr, C; Carton, P. H; Chevalier, A; Dandouras, I; Defise, J. M; Dewitte, S; Dudok de Wit, T; Halain, J. P; Hasan, S. S; Hochedez, J. F; Horbury, T; Levacher, P; Meissonier, M; Murphy, N; Rochus, P; Ruzmaikin, A; Schmutz, W; Thuillier, G; Vives, S (Springer Netherlands, 2009-03)
    The DynaMICCS mission is designed to probe and understand the dynamics of crucial regions of the Sun that determine solar variability, including the previously unexplored inner core, the radiative/convective zone interface ...
  • Satya Narayanan, A; Ramesh, R (Anita Publications, 2005)
  • Choudhury, R; Bhatt, H. C (Royal Astronomical Society, 2009-03)
    An analysis of the proper motion measurements of the young stellar objects (YSOs) associated with the cometary globules (CGs) in the Gum Nebula is presented. While earlier studies based on the radial-velocity measurements ...
  • Reddy, B. E; Lambert, D. L (Royal Astronomical Society, 2008-11)
    An abundance analysis is presented of 60 metal-poor stars drawn from catalogues of nearby stars provided by Arifyanto et al. and Schuster et al. In an attempt to isolate a sample of metal-weak thick disc stars, we applied ...
  • Mekkaden, M. V; Raveendran, A. V; Rosario, M. J; Heckert, P. A (Royal Astronomical Society, 2009-04)
    We present extensive UBVRI photometry of the active RS CVn binary DM UMa obtained at two different observatories over 1988-2008. We find the light curve of the star to be highly variable. The long-term photometry shows no ...

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