IIAP Publications: Recent submissions

  • Stoeger, W. R; Chitre, S. M; Narlikar, J. V; Kapoor, R. C (Nature Publishing Group, 1975-01)
  • Sivaram, C (Anita Publications, 2004)
  • Shanmugavel, R; Bagare, S. P; Rajamanickam, N; Balachandra Kumar, K (Astronomical Observatory, Serbia, 2008-06)
    A high resolution spectrum of FTS sunspot umbra of NSO/Kitt Peak was used to conduct a search for the molecular absorption lines due to BeH, BeD and BeT isotopomers. Analysis led to estimates of identification of the ...
  • Bhattacharyya, J. C; Bappu, M. K. V (Nature Publishing Group, 1977-12)
    A photoelectric record of the occultation of SAO 158687 by Uranus on March 10, 1977, is analyzed. The observed variation in the intensity of the star's light is shown to indicate the presence of four zones, which are ...
  • Sastri, J. H (National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, CSIR, 1978-04)
    Some aspects of the day-to-day variations in the diurnal behavior of F-region total electron content (TEC) and peak electron density (NmF2) at midlatitudes during summer months are studied using systematic and extensive ...
  • Anupama, G. C; Kantharia, N. G (Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams, 2006-03)
  • Sastri, J. H (The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1982-02)
    A detailed Investigation is made of the relationship, In the post-sunset period, between the depth of the equatorial anomaly and the evening rise of F-region at the trough on a day-to-day basis, using pubhshed data ...
  • Sastri, J. H; Sasidharan, K; Subrahmanyam, V; Srirama Rao, M (The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1978-11)
    Using quarter-hourly ionogram data at Kodaikanal (geomag. lat: 0.6°N; dip: 3•S0N) for the period 19.57-63 a study is made of the effect of geomagnetic activity on the occurrence of range and frequency types of spread-F. ...
  • Sastri, J. H; Ramesh, K. B (The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1982-04)
    Evidence is presented showing that the longitudinal extent of the forenoon bite-out in f0F2 at low geomagnetic latitudes can sometimes be very narrow and that marked differences in the extent of the development of the ...
  • Sastri, J. H (The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1982-04)
    A study is made of the behaviour of the equatorial ionization anomaly m the Indian region on days with an abnormal S/subq (H) phase limited to the electrojet belt. The anomaly is found to disappear or reduce in strength quite ...
  • Sastri, J. H; Murthy, B. S (The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1978-02)
    A study is made of the occurrence of 'abnormal quiet days' (AQDs) at Kodaikanal (10 deg 14 min N, 77 deg 28 min E; dip 3.5 deg N) using H-field data over a 26-yr period (1950-1975). The results show distinctive differences ...
  • Koparkar, P. V; Rastogi, R. G; Sastri, J. H (The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1989-08)
    Daytime VHF radiowave scintillations at Trivandrum are compared with the E-region irregularities at Kodaikanal. It is shown that daytime scintillations at Trivandrum are basically of two categories. One type of scintillations ...
  • Bhattacharyya, J. C (The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1986-10)
    The evolution of astronomical studies is reviewed with special reference to important achievements on Indian soil since the introduction of telescopic observations in the early seventeenth century. Important activities ...
  • Anupama, G. C; Prabhu, T. P; Ghosh, K. K; Ashoka, B. N; Giridhar, S (Elsevier, 1988)
    Spectroscopic observations of SN 1987a obtained during 1987 August 30 – September 8 from Vainu Bappu Observatory, Kavalur, are presented; the spectrum is compared and contrasted with the spectra recorded at earlier epochs. ...
  • Sastri, J. H (The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1983-04)
    It is shown that a conspicuous noontime positive deviation 10 the asymmetric component or the H field at equatorial electrojet stations, associated with the solar wind on quiet days with A/subp~5, does not manifest if ...
  • Sastri, J. H (Pergamon Press Ltd., 1981-07)
    From an analysis of published geomagnetic data of stations in the Indian equatorial region, it is shown that on days with an abnormal Sq (H) phase limited to the electrojet belt, conditions characteristic of complete or ...
  • Kapoor, R. C (Indian Academy of Sciences, 1976-11)
    Gravitational recoil of a gigantic black hole of about 10 to the 8th to 10 to the 9th solar masses formed in the nonspherical collapse of the nuclear part of a typical galaxy can take place with an appreciable speed as a ...
  • Morgan, D. H; Nandy, K; Kameswara Rao, N (D. Reidel Publishing Co, 1986)
    This paper describes the behaviour of HV 12842 during the period 1976 - 1985 as it appears on the 38 I plates of LMC(N) taken with the UK 1.2 m Schmidt Telescope.
  • Sastri, J. H (The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1980-02)
    Vertical incidence ionospheric soundings with a C-3 ionosonde were performed at Kodaikanal (dip 3.5 deg N) at one minute intervals during October 1974-January 1975 with a view to monitoring the small scale fluctuations in ...
  • Rajamohan, R (Indian Academy of Sciences, 1976-09)
    Rotational velocities for 112 members of the Scorpio-Centaurus association brighter than 8.5 magnitudes are derived from spectra obtained with a dispersion of 47 A/mm. Hydrogen and helium line intensities are determined ...

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