IIAP Publications: Recent submissions

  • Satya Narayanan, A; Ramesh, R; Kathiravan, C; Ebenezer, E (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2004-12)
    The solar coronal plasma is highly structured in the magnetic field, density and temperature. This plays a crucial role in the theory of MHD oscillations. In this study, we model a coronal loop to be made up of a cylindrical ...
  • Sawant, H. S; Fernandes, F. C. R; Neri, J. A. C. F; Cecatto, J. R; Faria, C; Stephany, S; Rosa, R. R; Andrade, M. C; Ludke, E; Subramanian, K. R; Ramesh, R; Sundrarajan, M. S; Sankararaman, M. R; Ananthakrishnan, S; Swarup, G; Boas, J. W. V; Botti, L. C. L; Moron, C. E; Saito, J. H; Karlicky, M (European Space Agency, 2002-12)
    The Brazilian Decimetric Array (BDA) is being developed at National Institute for Space Research (INPE) as an international collaborative program. Initially, the BDA will operate in the tuneable frequency range of 1.2-1.7 ...
  • Saha, S. K; Jayarajan, A. P; Rangarajan, K. E; Chatterjee, S (European Space Observatory, 1988)
    In view of the importance of multiple aperture synthesis in optical astronomy, a computer simulation of the same is demonstrated. The fringe patterns obtained through the aperture mask of six and nine holes arranged ...
  • Hasan, S. S (Springer, 2003)
    Activity on the Sun is associated with magnetic fields, involving a complex interaction between the field and plasma. In this review I focus on three fundamental aspects of magnetic activity: (a) the generation, storage ...
  • Ojha, D. K; Ghosh, S. K; Kaurav, S. S; Bhatt, B. C; Sahu, D. K; Tej, A (International Astronomical Union, 2008-12)
  • Puravankara, M; Bhatt, H. C (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003)
  • de Sabbata, V; Sivaram, C (Italian Physical Society, 1990-05)
    The authors consider a spin-torsion coupling for neutrinos in the early universe and show that a neutrino magnetic moment can be present also for zeromass neutrinos. They make an estimate of this induced magnetic moment ...
  • Kamath, U. S; Anupama, G. C (American Institute of Physics, 2002)
    We present here the optical spectra of Gk Persei obtained during 1995 – 2001. This period includes two dwarf-nova outbursts and the quiescence phases.
  • Hasan, S. S; van Ballegooijen, A; Steiner, O (Cambridge University Press, 2008-05)
    This investigation is a continuation of earlier work on the dynamics of the magnetic network. In a previous calculation (Hasan et al. 2005), we examined the response of a single flux tube to transverse motions of its ...
  • Bappu, M. K. V (Indian Academy of Sciences, 1946-07)
  • Kalkofen, W; Hasan, S. S; Ulmschneider, P (Cambridge University Press, 2003)
    Wave propagation in the nonmagnetic chromosphere is described for plane and spherical waves, and excitation by means of impulses in small source regions in the photosphere; excitation for flux tube waves in the magnetic ...
  • Sivaraman, K. R; Bagare, S. P; Gupta, S. S; Kariyappa, R (Springer, 1987-07)
    The intimate association between the surface magnetic fields and the Ca II K-line emission known to exist on the Sun, holds a promise for using this property to detect the presence of global magnetic fields on Sun-like ...
  • Bappu, M. K. V; Bhattacharyya, J. C; Sivaraman, K. R (Indian Academy of Sciences, 1973)
    Isophotes obtained by equidensitometry techniques from four exposures of the March 7, 1970 corona are used for derivation of intensity distributions along the equator, poles, streamers and dark ' gaps ' in the visible ...
  • Bappu, M. K. V (Indian Academy of Sciences, 1946-01)
  • Parthasarathy, M (Cambridge University Press, 1989)
    IRAS data for high-galactic-latitude F supergiants, a few luminous F-G stars, and a few peculiar (forbidden) emission-line stars reveal they have dust shells with characteristics similar to those observed in planetary ...
  • Prabhu, T. P (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2008-10)
    The Tibetan plateau to the north of Himalayas is a high-altitude, dry, cold region with low atmospheric aerosols. The highest part of the plateau lies in Changthang Ladakh and Tibet, and has enormous potential for future ...
  • Reddy, G. P; Singh, M (Elsevier, 1989-09)
    In this paper we present a new spectrograph for extreme ultraviolet region. It is based on unconventional focussng properties of a concave holographic grating so far unexplored. The theoretical results shows that it will ...
  • Sahu, D. K; Tanaka, M; Anupama, G. C; Gurugubelli, U. K; Nomoto, K (Institute of Physics, 2009-05)
    Photometric and spectral evolution of the Type Ic supernova SN 2007ru until around 210 days after maximum are presented. The spectra show broad spectral features due to very high expansion velocity, normally seen in ...
  • Eyres, S. P. S; O'Brien, T. J; Beswick, R; Muxlow, T. W. B; Anupama, G. C; Kantharia, N. G; Bode, M. F; Gawroński, M. P; Feiler, R; Evans, A; Rushton, M. T; Davis, R. J; Prabhu, T; Porcas, R; Hassall, B. J. M (Blackwell Publishing, 2009-05)
    We report Multi-Element Radio-Linked Interferometer Network, Very Large Array, One-Centimetre Radio Array, Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA), Effelsberg and Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope observations beginning 4.5 days ...
  • Anupama, G. C (American Institute of Physics, 2002)
    Recurrent novae (RNe) are a subclass of cataclysmic variables classified based on recorded observations of more than one nova outburst. They form a small, but heterogeneous group of objects, with 10 known members, that ...

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