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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1321 to 1340 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-08Leptonic and hadronic modeling of Fermi-LAT hard spectrum quasars and predictions for high-energy polarizationPaliya, Vaidehi S; Zhang, H; Bottcher, M; Ajello, M; Domi­nguez, A; Joshi, M; Hartmann, D; Stalin, C. S
2018-08Helioseismic inversion to infer the depth profile of solar meridional flow using spherical born kernelsMandal, K; Hanasoge, S. M; Rajaguru, S. P; Antia, H. M
2015-06The needle in the 100 deg2 haystack: uncovering afterglows of fermi GRBs with the palomar transient factorySinger, L. P; Kasliwal, M. M; Cenko, S. B; Perley, D. A; Anderson, G. E; Anupama, G. C; Arcavi, I; Bhalerao, V; Bue, B. D; Cao, Y; Connaughton, V; Corsi, A; Cucchiara, A; Fender, R. P; Fox, D. B; Gehrels, N; Goldstein, A; Gorosabel, J; Horesh, A; Hurley, K; Johansson, J; Kann, D. A; Kouveliotou, C; Huang, K; Kulkarni, S. R; Masci, F; Nugent, P; Rau, A; Rebbapragada, U. D; Staley, T. D; Svinkin, D; Thone, C. C; de Ugarte Postigo, A; Urata, Y; Weinstein, A
2015-07-01Kinematics of and emission from helically orbiting blobs in a relativistic magnetized jetMohan, Prashanth; Mangalam, A
2017-12Tensor Minkowski Functionals for random fields on the spherePravabati, C; Yogendran, K. P; Joby, P. K; Vidhya, G; Appleby, S; Park, C
2018-12Characterization of the HD 219134 multi-planet system I. Observations of stellar magnetism, wind, and high-energy fluxFolsom, C. P; Fossati, L; Wood, B. E; Sreejith, A. G; Cubillos, P. E; Vidotto, A. A; Alecian, E; Girish, V; Lichtenegger, H; Murthy, J; Petit, P; Valyavin, G
2018-09High-resolution spectroscopy of the relatively hydrogen-poor metal-rich giants in the globular cluster ω centauriHema, B. P; Pandey, G; Srianand, R
2015-06Target selection for the SDSS-III marvels surveyPaegert, M; Stassun, K. G; De Lee, N; Pepper, J; Fleming, S. W; Sivarani, T; Mahadevan, S; Mack, C. E; Dhital, S; Hebb, L; Ge, J
2018-09UVIT imaging of WLM: demographics of star-forming regions in the nearby dwarf irregular galaxyMondal, Chayan; Subramaniam, A; George, K
2015-06Strong near-infrared carbon in the type Ia supernova iPTF13ebhHsiao, E. Y; Burns, C. R; Contreras, C; Hoflich, P; Sand, D; Marion, G. H; Phillips, M. M; Stritzinger, M; Gonzalez-Gaitan, S; Mason, R. E; Folatelli, G; Parent, E; Gall, C; Amanullah, R; Anupama, G. C; Arcavi, I; Banerjee, D. P. K; Beletsky, Y; Blanc, G. A; Bloom, J. S; Brown, P. J; Campillay, A; Cao, Y; De Cia, A; Diamond, T; Freedman, W. L; Gonzalez, C; Goobar, A; Holmbo, S; Howell, D. A; Johansson, J; Kasliwal, M. M; Kirshner, R. P; Krisciunas, K; Kulkarni, S. R; Maguire, K; Milne, P. A; Morrell, N; Nugent, P. E; Ofek, E. O; Osip, D; Palunas, P; Perley, D. A; Persson, S. E; Piro, A. L; Rabus, M; Roth, M; Schiefelbein, J. M; Srivastav, S; Sullivan, M; Suntzeff, N. B; Surace, J; Wozniak, P. R; Yaron, O
2017-12Latitude Distribution of Sunspots: Analysis Using Sunspot Data and a Dynamo ModelMandal, Sudip; Karak, B. B; Banerjee, D
2018-08Star clusters in the magellanic clouds II. age-dating, classification, and spatio-temporal distribution of the SMC clustersNayak, P. K; Subramaniam, A; Choudhury, S; Sagar, R
2018-10The recent signs of total column ozone recovery over mid-latitudes: the effects of the montreal protocol mandateShantikumar, S. N; Vemareddy, P; Song, H. -J
2015-08Hemispheric asymmetry of sunspot area in solar cycle 23 and rising phase of solar cycle 24: comparison of three data setsRavindra, B; Javaraiah, J
2017-12Signatures of the Impact of Flare-Ejected Plasma on the Photosphere of a Sunspot Light BridgeFelipe, T; Collados, M; Khomenko, E; Rajaguru, S. P; Franz, M; Kuckein, C; Asensio Ramos, A
2018-10A novel probe of ionized bubble shape and size statistics of the epoch of reionization using the contour Minkowski tensorAkanksha, K; Pravabati, C; Appleby, S; Park, C
2018-10ASASSN-14dq: A fast-declining type II-P Supernova in a low-luminosity host galaxySingh, A; Srivastav, S; Brajesh Kumar; Anupama, G. C; Sahu, D. K
2018-02Coronal magnetic field measurements using forbidden emission linesMegha, A; Sampoorna, M; Nagendra, K. N; Sankarasubramanian, K
2018-07-20On the Variability of the Solar Mean Magnetic Field: Contributions from Various Magnetic Features on the Surface of the SunSouvik Bose; Nagaraju, K
2018-07Onboard Automated CME Detection Algorithm for the Visible Emission Line Coronagraph on ADITYA-L1Ritesh Patel; Amareswari, K; Pant, v; Banerjee, D; Sankarasubramanian, K; Amit Kumar
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1321 to 1340 of 5279