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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1301 to 1320 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-07-06Hanle echelle spectrograph: design and performanceSriram, S; Amit Kumar; Arun Surya; Sivarani, T; Giridhar, S; Kathiravan, S; Anand, M. N; Jones, D; Grobler, D; Jakobsson, R; Anantha, Ch; Athira Unni; Angchuk, D; Tsewang, D; Gyalson, T
2015-05-01The high-redshift blazar S5 0836+71: a broadband studyPaliya, Vaidehi S
2015-04Late time X-ray, IR and radio observations of the tidal disruption event galaxy NGC 5905Raichur, H; Mousumi Das; Herrero, A. A; Shastri, P; Kantharia, N. G
2017-07Communication: Viewing The Ground And Excited Electronic Structures of Platinum And Its Ion Through The Window of Relativistic Coupled Cluster MethodSinha Ray, Suvonil; Chaudhuri, R. K; Chattopadhyay, S
2018-08-20Opto-mechanical assembly and ground calibration of LUCIMathew, J; Nair, B. G; Sriram, S; Kamath, P. U; Prakash, A; Mayuresh, Sarpotdar; Ambily, S; Nirmal, K; Sreejith, A. G; Safonova, M; Murthy, J; Brosch, N
2018-07Kepler Object of Interest Network I. First results combining ground- and space-based observations of Kepler systems with transit timing variationsVon Essen, C; Ofir, A; Dreizler, S; Agol, E; Freudenthal, J; Hernández, J; Wedemeyer, S; Parkash, V; Deeg, H. J; Hoyer, S; Morris, B. M; Becker, A. C; Sun, L; Gu, S. H; Herrero, E; Tal-Or, L; Poppenhaeger, K; Mallonn, M; Albrecht, S; Khalafinejad, S; Boumis, P; Delgado-Correal, C; Fabrycky, D. C; Janulis, R; Lalitha, S; Liakos, A; Mikolaitis, S; Moyano D-Angelo, M. L; Sokov, E; Pakstiene, E; Popov, A; Krushinsky, V; Ribas, I; Rodríguez S, M. M; Rusov, S; Sokova, I; Tautvaisiene, G; Wang, X
2015-05Far-infrared study of K giants in the solar neighborhood: connection between Li enrichment and mass-lossBharat Kumar, Y; Reddy, B. E; Muthumariappan, C; Zhao, G
2017-12Turbulent Density Fluctuations and Proton Heating Rate in the Solar Wind from 9-20 RSasikumar Raja, K; Subramanian, P; Ramesh, R; Vourlidas, Angelos; Ingale, M
2018-08Photometry and spectroscopy of II Peg, IM Peg and UX AriDar, A. A; Parihar, P. S; Malik, M. A
2018-04-10Breaking the Habit: The Peculiar 2016 Eruption of the Unique Recurrent Nova M31N 2008-12aHenze, M; Darnley, M. J; Williams, S. C; Kato, M; Hachisu, I; Anupama, G. C; Arai, A; Boyd, D; Burke, D; Ciardullo, R; Chinetti, K; Cook, L. M; Cook, M. J; Erdman, P; Gao, X; Harris, B; Hartmann, D. H; Hornoch, K; Chuck Horst, J; Hounsel, R; Husar, D; Itagaki, K; Kabashima, F; Kafka, S; Kaur, A; Kiyota, S; Kojiguchi, N; Kučáková, H; Kuramoto, K; Maehara, H; Mantero, A; Masci, F. J; Matsumoto, K; Naito, H; Ness, J. U; Nishiyama, K; Oksanen, A; Osborne, J. P; Page, K. L; Paunzen, E; Pavana, M; Pickard, R; Prieto-Arranz, J; Rodríguez-Gil, P; Sala, G; Sano, Y; Shafter, A. W; Sugiura, Y; Tan, H; Tordai, T; Vraštil, J; Wagner, R. M; Watanabe, F; Williams, B. F; Bode, M. F; Bruno, A; Buchheim, B; Crawford, T; Goff, B; Hernanz, M; Igarashi, A. S; José, J; Motta, M; O’Brien, T. J; Oswalt, T; Poyner, G; Ribeiro, V. A. R. M; Sabo, R; Shara, M.M; Shears, J; Starkey, D; Starrfield, S; Woodward, C. E
2018-08On dark matter-dark radiation interaction and cosmic reionizationDas, Subinoy; Mondal, Rajesh; Vikram, R; Srikanth, S
2017-12Temporal Variations of Different Solar Activity Indices through the Solar Cycles 21-23Goker, U. D; Singh, J; Nutku, F; Priyal, M
2015-06Modelling high resolution Echelle spectrographs for calibrations: Hanle Echelle spectrograph, a case studyAnantha, Ch; Jones, D; Sivarani, T
2017-07The inner coronagraph on board ADITYA-L1 and automatic detection of CMEsBanerjee, D; Ritesh Patel; Pant, V; ADITYA Team
2019-07A Low-Frequency Study of Recently Identified Double-Double Radio GalaxiesNandi, S; Saikia, D. J; Roy, R; Dabhade, P.; Wadadekar, Y; Larsson, J; Baes, M; Chandola, H. C; Singh, M
2015-06-20Quasi-periodic oscillation of a coronal bright pointSamanta, T; Banerjee, D; Tian, H
2017-12Contribution of Proton Capture Reactions to the Ascertained Abundance of Fluorine in the Evolved Stars of Globular Cluster M4, M22, 47 Tuc and NGC 6397Mahanta, Upakul; Goswami, A; Duorah, H. L; Duorah, K
2018-08Minkowski tensors in three dimensions: probing the anisotropy generated by redshift space distortionAppleby, S; Pravabati, C; Park, C; Yogendran, K. P; Joby, P. K
2015-06SN 2013ej: a type IIL supernova with weak signs of interactionBose, S; Sutaria, F. K; Kumar, B; Duggal, C; Misra, K; Brown, P. J; Singh, M; Dwarkadas, V; York, D. G; Chakraborti, S; Chandola, H. C; Dahlstrom, J; Ray, A; Safonova, M
2017-12Contribution of Field Strength Gradients to the Net Vertical Current of Active RegionsVemareddy, P
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1301 to 1320 of 5279