We describe and summarize the findings from our CCD time-seri
es photom-
etry of globular clusters (GCs) program and the use of differe
nce image analysis
(DIA) in the extraction of precise light curves down to
19 mag in crowded
regions. We have discovered approximately 250 variable sta
rs in a sample of 23
selected GCs. The absolute magnitude and [Fe/H] for each ind
ividual RR Lyrae
is obtained via the Fourier decomposition of the light curve
. An average of these
parameters leads to the distance and metallicity of the host
GCs. We present the
mean [Fe/H],
and distance for 26 GCs based exclusively on the RR Lyrae ligh
curve Fourier decomposition technique on an unprecedented
homogeneous scale.
We also discuss the luminosity dependence of the horizontal
branch (HB) via the
-[Fe/H] relation. We find that this relation should be consid
ered separately for
the RRab and RRc stars.