In a dual-frequency liquid crystal (DFLC), when the frequency of the applied voltage is more than a critical
value (fc), the dielectric anisotropy of the material changes from positive to negative. This causes the director to
switch its orientation from parallel to the field (for f < fc), to perpendicular to it (f > fc). Hence DFLC can be
used in modulating the light by switching the frequency of an externally applied voltage. We present in this work
about application of DFLCs in full Stokes polarimetery. A polarization modulator has been worked out based
on two DFLCs and two static retarders. The combination of DFLCs’ switching and static retarders are chosen
such that more or less equal weightage is given to all the Stokes parameters. Initial results on the optimization
of position angles of the modulators are presented towards the goal of achieving polychromatic modulator in the wavelength range 600-900 nm.