du Mas des Bourboux, H; Rich, J; Font-Ribera, A; de Sainte Agathe, V; Farr, J; Etourneau, T; Le Goff, J.-M; Cuceu, Andrei; Balland, C; Bautista, J. E; Blomqvist, M; Brinkmann, J; Brownstein, J. R; Chabanier, S; Chaussidon, E; Dawson, K; Gonzalez-Morales, A. X; Guy, J; Lyke, B. W; de la Macorra, A; Mueller, E.-M; Myers, A. D; Nitschelm, C; Gutierrez, A. M; Palanque-Delabrouille, N; Parker, J; Percival, W. J; Perez-Rafols, I; Petitjean, P; Pieri, M. M; Ravoux, R; Rossi, R; Schneider, D. P; Seo, H.-J; Slosar, A; Stermer, J; Vivek, M; Yeche, C; Youles, S
(IOP Publishing, 2020-10-01)
We present a measurement of baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAOs) from Lyα absorption and quasars at an
effective redshift z = 2.33 using the complete extended Baryonic Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS).
The 16th ...