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  • Sur, Sharanya; Basu, Aritra; Subramanian, Kandaswamy (Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021-03)
    Using magnetohydrodynamic simulations of fluctuation dynamos, we perform broad-bandwidth synthetic observations to investigate the properties of polarized synchrotron emission and the role that Faraday rotation plays in ...
  • Gaur, H; Gu, M; Ramya, S; Guo, H (EDP Sciences, 2019-11)
    We present a study of a sample of 223 radio-loud quasars (up to redshift < 0.3) in order to investigate their spectral properties. Twenty-six of these radio-loud quasars are identified as flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs), ...
  • Mathur, Harsh; Joshi, Jayant; Nagaraju, K; van der Voort, Luc Rouppe; Bose, Souvik (EDP Sciences, 2022-12)
    Context. Short-lived (100 s or less), sub-arcsec to a couple of arcsec sized features of enhanced brightenings in the narrowband images at the H2V and K2V positions of the Ca ii H&K lines in the quiet Sun are known as ...
  • Steiner, O; Salhab, R; Freytag, B; Rajaguru, S. P; Schaffenberger, W; Steffen, M (Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 2014-12)
    The magnetic field outside of sunspots is concentrated in the intergranular space, where it forms a delicate filigree of bright ribbons and dots as seen on broad band images of the Sun. We expect this small-scale magnetic ...
  • Joshi, Jayant; Rouppe van der Voort, Luc H. M (EDP Sciences, 2022-08)
    Context. Magnetic reconnection in the deep solar atmosphere can give rise to enhanced emission in the Balmer hydrogen lines, a phenomenon referred to as Ellerman bombs. Recent high-quality Hβ observations indicate that ...
  • Louis, R. E; Mathew, S. K; Bellot Rubio, L. R; Kiyoshi, I; Ravindra, B; Raja Bayanna, A (IOP Publishing, 2012-06-20)
    High-resolution blue continuum filtergrams from Hinode are employed to study the umbral fine structure of a regular unipolar sunspot. The removal of scattered light from the images increases the rms contrast by a factor ...
  • Sivaram, C; Smith, D. M; Burbridge, G; Hoyle, F; Narlikar, J. V (American Institute of Physics, 1999-09)
  • Bhonsle, R. V (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, 1986)
    "Ulysses" is an International Solar Polar Mission (ISPM) to be carried out jointly by European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA. The Ulysses spacecraft will be launched in May 1986 by means of a Space Shuttle. The primary ...
  • Singh, J (Indian Academy of Sciences, 2008-06)
    Sun’s atmosphere is an ideal place to study and test many magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) processes controlling turbulent plasma. We wish to resolve some of the finest solar features (which remain unresolved presently) and study ...
  • Sanders, W. T; Henry, R. C; Bregman, J. N; Cen, R; Cox, D. P; Croft, R. A. C; Hammond, E. C; Hurwitz, M. V; McKee, C; Kimble, R. A; Porter, F. S; Serlemitsos, P. J; Stahle, C. K; Murthy, J; Raymond, J. C; Smith, R. K; Szymkowiak, A. E (SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering., 2003-03)
    The Baryonic Extragalactic Structure Tracer (BEST) is a SMEX-class mission that is designed to map the hot million-degree diffuse intergalactic and interstellar gas with high spectral resolution. It consists of an imaging ...
  • Singh, J; Prasad, B. R; Venkatakrishnan, P; Sankarasubramanian, K; Banerjee, D; Bayanna, R; Mathew, S; Murthy, J; Subramaniam, P; Ramesh, R; Kathiravan, S; Nagabhushana, S; Mahesh, P. K; Manoharan, P. K; Uddin, W; Sriram, S; Amit Kumar; Srivastava, N; Koteswara Rao; Nagendra, C. L; Chakraborty, P; Sriram, K. V; Venkateswaran, R; Krishnamurthy, T; Sreekumar, P; Sarma, K. S; Murthy, R; Navalgund, K. H; Samudraiah, D. R. M; Narayan Babu, P; Patra, A (Indian Academy of Sciences, 2011-01-25)
    The outer atmosphere of the sun – called the corona – has been observed during total solar eclipse for short periods (typically < 6 min), from as early as the eighteenth century. In the recent past, space-based instruments ...
  • Safonova, M; Mathew, J; Mohan, Rekhesh; Sreejith, A. G; Murthy, J; Brosch, N; Kappelmann, N; Sharma, A; Narayan, R (Springer, 2014-10)
    Space astronomy in the last 40 years has largely been done from spacecraft in low Earth orbit (LEO) for which the technology is proven and delivery mechanisms are readily available. However, new opportunities are arising ...
  • Mathew, J; Prakash, A; Mayuresh, Sarpotdar; Sreejith, A. G; Nirmal, K; Ambily, S; Safonova, M; Murthy, J; Brosch, N (Springer, 2017-02)
    We present a design for a near-ultraviolet (NUV) imaging instrument which may be flown on a range of available platforms, including high-altitude balloons, nanosatellites, or space missions. Although all current UV space ...
  • Mathew, J; Nair, B. G; Safonova, M; Sriram, S; Prakash, A; Mayuresh, Sarpotdar; Ambily, S; Nirmal, K; Sreejith, A. G; Murthy, J; Kamath, P. U; Kathiravan, S; Prasad, B. R; Brosch, Noah; Kappelmann, Norbert; Gadde, Nirmal Suraj; Narayan, Rahul (Springer, 2019-03)
    The Lunar Ultraviolet Cosmic Imager (LUCI) is a near-ultraviolet (NUV) telescope with all-spherical mirrors, designed and built to fly as a scientific payload on a lunar mission with Team Indus—the original Indian entry to ...
  • Safonova, M; Sivaram, C; Murthy, J (Springer, 2008-11)
    Transient events have posed special problems in astronomy because of the intrinsic difficulty of their detection, and a new class of observatories such as the Pan-STARRS and LSST are coming up specifically to observe these ...
  • Akanksha, K; Pravabati, C; Ghara, Raghunath; Appleby, Stephen; Choudhury, T. R (IOP Publishing, 2021-05)
    We explore the possibility of constraining model parameters of the Epoch of Reionization (EoR) from 21cm brightness temperature maps, using a combination of morphological descriptors constructed from the eigenvalues of ...
  • Baratella, M; Deepthi, S. Prabhu; Lima, L; Prugniel, P (EDP Sciences, 2022-05)
    Context. The metallicity spread, or the metallicity trend along the evolutionary sequence of a globular cluster, is a rich source of information to help understand the cluster physics (e.g., multiple populations) and stellar ...
  • Bhargava, B. N; Kasiviswanathan, G. A (Indian Meteorological Department, 1966)
    A simple portable proton precession magnetometer designed and constructed for Kodaikanal Observatory is described. Except for the signal amplifier, the instrument is transistorized. The accuracy of measurement of absolute ...
  • Bhattacharjee, P; Gupta, N (Elsevier, 2003-11)
    The detectability of a possible ``high'' energy (>100 GeV) component of gamma ray bursts (GRBs) using AMANDA/ICECUBE large area muon detectors is examined within the context of a specific model of such high energy gamma ...
  • Ren, Bin B; Benisty, Myriam; Ginski, Christian; Tazaki, Ryo; Wallack, Nicole L; Milli, Julien; Garuf, Antonio; Bae, Jaehan; Facchini, Stefano; Menard, Francois; Pinilla, Paola; Swastik, C; Teague, Richard; Wahhaj, Zahed (EDP Sciences, 2023-12)
    Context. The diverse morphology among protoplanetary disks may result from planet-disk interactions, suggesting the presence of planets undergoing formation. The characterization of disks can provide information on the ...

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