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  • Sinha, S (Astronomical Society of India, 2003)
    In Gamma Ray Burst experiments it is very important to obtain realistic and accurate estimates of the Burst parameters, viz. the event trigger time, the duration, peak hardness ratio, peak fluxes and fluences in different ...
  • Sinha, S; Sreekumar, P; Kasturirangan, K (Astronomical Society of India, 2001)
    The SROSS C-2 satellite launched by the ASLV carried aloft a CsI gamma ray burst detector. To date, 51 GRB events have been detected unambiguously with 22 being common with BATSE. The experiment with its 2 ms time resolution, ...
  • Shanthi, K; Kaul, C. L; Kaul, R. K; Tickoo, A. K; Bhat, C. L (Astronomical Society of India, 2002)
    The Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) detection rates at energies ? 20GeV, have been estimated for the 3 atmospheric Cerenkov telescope systems of the GRACE project at Mt. Abu, under the assumption that the bursts have a cosmological ...
  • Sivaram, C (Deccan Herald, 2007-01-09)
  • Bhat, C. L (Astronomical Society of India, 1990)
    Experimental evidence is reported for the discovery of an entirely new class of gamma-ray binary objects involving a magnetic white dwarf rather than a neutron star degenerate primary. These sources may have photon energies ...
  • Bhattacharya, S; Kaul, R. K; Kaul, C. L; Bhat, C. L (Astronomical Society of India, 1999)
    We estimate the integral γ-ray fluxes above 10 MeV photon energy, likely to result from neutral pion decay, following photomeson interactions between ultra-high energy protons accelerated in Supernova Remnants (SNR) and ...
  • Sunderarajan, P (The Hindu, 2011-06-18)
  • Chitnis, V. R; Bhat, P. N (Astronomical Society of India, 2002)
    In atmospheric Cverenkov technique gamma-rays are detected against abundant background produced by hadronic showers. In order to improve signal to noise ratio of the experiment, it is necessary to reject a significant ...
  • Razdan, H (Astronomical Society of India, 1997)
  • Razdan, H; Bhat, C. L (Astronomical Society of India, 1997)
    It was in the early seventies that we made a modest start in the Nuclear Research Laboratory (NRL) of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) in the then-budding field of observational gamma-ray astronomy by setting up ...
  • Ackermann, M; Ajello, M; Baldini, L; Ballet, J; Barbiellini, G; Bastieri, D; Becerra Gonzalez, J; Bellazzini, R; Bissaldi, E; Blandford, R. D; Bloom, E. D; Bonino, R; Bottacini, E; Bregeon, J; Bruel, P; Buehler, R; Buson, S; Cameron, R. A; Caragiulo, M; Caraveo, P. A; Cavazzut, E; Cecchi, C; Cheung, C. C; Chiang, J; Chiaro, G; Ciprini, S; Conrad, J; Costantin, D; Costanza, F; Cutini, S; D'Ammando, F; de Palma, F; Desiante, R; Digel, S. W; Di Lalla, N; Di Mauro, M; Di Venere, L; Domi­nguez, A; Drell, P. S; Favuzzi, C; Fegan, S. J; Ferrara, E. C; Finke, J; Focke, W. B; Fukazawa, Y; Funk, S; Fusco, P; Gargano, F; Gasparrini, D; Giglietto, N; Giordano, F; Giroletti, M; Green, D; Grenier, I. A; Guillemo, L; Guiriec, S; Hartmann, D. H; Hays, E; Marcotulli, L; Horan, D; Jogler, T; Johannesson, G; Johnson, A. S; Kuss, M; Mura, G. La; Larsson, S; Latronico, L; Li, J; Longo, F; Mazziotta, M. N; Loparco, F; Lovellette, M. N; Lubrano, P; Magill, J. D; Maldera, S; Manfreda, A; Michelson, P. F; Mirabal, N; Mitthumsiri, W; Mizuno, T; Monzani, M. E|; Morselli, A; Moskalenko, I. V; Negro, M; Rando, R; Nuss, E; Ohsugi, T; Ojha, R; Omodei, N; Orienti, M; Orlando, E; Ormes, J. F; Paliya, V. S; Paneque, D; Perkins, J. S; Rani, B; Persic, M; Pesce-Rollins, M; Piron, F; Porter, T. A; Principe, G; Raino, S; Razzano, M; Razzaque, S; Reimer, A; Reimer, O; Roman, R. W; Sgro, C; Simone, D; Siskind, E. J; Spada, F; Spandre, G; Spinelli, P; Stalin, C. S; 12 others (IOP Publishing, 2017-03-01)
    The detection of high-redshift ($z\,\gt 3$) blazars enables the study of the evolution of the most luminous relativistic jets over cosmic time. More importantly, high-redshift blazars tend to host massive black holes and ...
  • Britto, R. J; Acharya, B. S; Chitnis, V. R; Cowsik, R; Dorji, N; Duhan, S. K; Gothe, K. S; Kamath, P. U; Mahesh, P. K; Nagesh, B. K; Naidu, A; Parmar, N. K; Prabhu, T. P; Rao, S. K; Saha, L; Saleem, F; Saxena, A. K; Sharma, S. K; Shukla, A; Singh, B. B; Srinivasan, R; Srinivasulu, G; Sudersanan, P. V; Tsewang, D; Upadhya, S. S; Vishwanath, P. R (Societe Francaise d’Astronomie et dAstrophysique, 2009-11)
    We have observed Crab nebula using the recently commissioned wavefront sampling high alti- tude (4270 m) array, HAGAR, at Hanle in the Ladakh region of the Himalayas. Regular source observations have begun with the ...
  • Paliya, Vaidehi S; Ajello, M; Rakshit, S; Amit Kumar; Stalin, C. S; Kaur, A; Hartmann, D (IOP Publishing, 2018-01)
    The detection of signi fi cant γ -ray emission from radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 ( NLSy1s ) galaxies enables us to study jets in environments different than those in blazars. However, due to the small number ...
  • Sagar, R; Joshi, U. C (Astronomical Society of India, 1978-06)
    The colour-magnitude diagrams of the open clusters NGC 1778 and Tr I indicate the presence of gaps on the rising branches of the evolving main sequnces. The positions of these gaps are compared with those found in other ...
  • Sigl, G; Lee, S; Schramm, D. N; Bhattacharjee, P (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1995-12)
    Recent experimental data seem to indicate that there is significant structure in the cosmic ray spectrum above 1018 electron volts (eV). Besides a dip at ~5 x 1018 eV, two events above 2 x 1020 eV have been observed. The ...
  • Ananta Charan Pradhan (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, 2011-04)
  • Kim, Mi-Ryang; Lee, Chang Won; Maheswar, G; Myers, Philip C; Kim, Gwanjeong (IOP Publishing, 2021-04-01)
    We present the results of a single-dish survey toward 95 very low luminosity objects (VeLLOs) in optically thick (HCN 1−0) and thin (N2H+ 1−0) lines performed for the purpose of understanding the physical processes ...
  • Tung, Ngo-Duy; Tram, Le Ngoc; Archana Soam; Reach, William T; Das, Edwin; Chambers, Ed; Mathew, Blesson; Richter, Heiko (American Astronomical Society, 2024-07-10)
    We study the kinematics of a pillar, namely G287.76-0.87, using three rotational lines of 12CO(5-4), 12CO(8-7), 12CO(11-10), and a fine structure line of [O i] 63 μm in southern Carina observed by SOFIA/GREAT. This pillar ...
  • Shastri, P; Hutchings, J; Murthy, J; Wills, B. J (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2006-06)
    We present our results from FUSE observations of Seyfert galaxies of type 2 (Sy 2). We attempt to contrast the properties of the emission lines and absorbing outflows in Sy 1s and 2s in the framework of Unification. We ...
  • Shastri, P; Murthy, J; Hutchings, J; Wills, B. J (Cambridge University Press, 2004-11)
    We present our recent results from the observation of the O VI λ λ1032,1038 emission doublet in Seyfert galaxies of type 2 with the FUV spectrograph on the FUSE satellite. These observations are part of our investigation ...

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