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Title: m-state Interference with Partial Frequency Redistribution for Polarized Line Formation in Arbitrary Magnetic Fields
Authors: Sampoorna, M
Keywords: Atomic processes
Line: formation
Line: profiles
Magnetic fields
Issue Date: 20-Apr-2011
Publisher: IOP Publishing
Citation: The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 731, No. 2, 114
Abstract: The present paper concerns the derivation of polarized partial frequency redistribution (PRD) matrices for scattering on a two-level atom in arbitrary magnetic fields. We generalize the classical theory of PRD that is applicable to a J = 0 → 1 → 0 scattering transition, to other types of atomic transitions with arbitrary quantum numbers. We take into account quantum interference between magnetic substates of a given upper J-state. The generalization proceeds in a phenomenological way, based on the direct analogy between the Kramers-Heisenberg scattering amplitude in quantum mechanics and the Jones scattering matrix in classical physics. The redistribution matrices derived from such a generalization of classical PRD theory are identical to those obtained from a summed perturbative quantum electrodynamic treatment of the atom-radiation interaction. Our semi-classical approach has the advantage that it is non-perturbative, more intuitive, and lends itself more easily to further generalization (like the inclusion of J-state interference in the PRD theory).
Description: Open Access
Appears in Collections:IIAP Publications

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