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Title: Induced supersolidity in a mixture of normal and hard-core bosons
Authors: Mishra, T
Pai, R. V
Das, B. P
Keywords: Ultracold Gases
Trapped Gases
Other Bose-Einstein Condensation Phenomena
Renormalization Group Methods
Boson systems
Issue Date: Jan-2010
Publisher: The American Physical Society
Citation: Physical Review B, Vol. 81, No. 2, pp. 024503-1 - 024503-5
Abstract: We present a scenario where a supersolid is induced in one of the components of a mixture of two species bosonic atoms where there are no long-range interactions. We study a system of normal and hard-core boson mixture with only the former possessing long-range interactions. We consider three cases: the first where the total density is commensurate and the other two where it is incommensurate to the lattice. By suitable choices of the densities of normal and hard-core bosons and the interaction strengths between them, we predict that the charge density wave and the supersolid orders can be induced in the hard-core species as a result of the competing interatomic interactions.
ISSN: 1050-2947
Appears in Collections:IIAP Publications

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