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Title: High resolution imaging of the sun and other extended sources
Authors: Krishnakumar, V
Venkatakrishnan, P
Keywords: Image Processing
Image Restoration
Point Spread Function
Issue Date: 1998
Publisher: Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Citation: R. A. Donahue and J. A. Bookbinder., eds., The Tenth Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, 2003, pp. CD 2003 - CD 2007
Series/Report no.: Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, Vol. 154
Abstract: The functional form of the long exposure OTF P(u,v) is known (Fried 1966; Kirshnakumar & Venkatakrishnan 1997a) and i(x,y) is what we record. The knowledge of P(u,v) is complete once ro is estimated. Our aim is to recover oe(x,y) which is close to o(x,y). We present here the results of estimation of Fried's parameter ro using a parameter search method (Kirshnakumar & Venkatakrishnan 1997b) and an modified Wiener filter (U filter) (Roddier 1981) for image restoration. The estimation of ro and restoration using the U filter on simulations and images of an extended stellar source, globular cluster NGC 1409, is presented.
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