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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 981 to 1000 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-04Physical parameters and long-term photometric variability of V1481 Ori, an SB2 member of Orion nebula Cluster with an accreting componentMessina, S; Parihar, P. S; Biazzo, K; Lanza, A. F; Distefano, E; Melo, C. H. F; Bradstreet, D. H; Herbst, W
2014-11Permanent electric dipole moment of strontium monofluoride as a test of the accuracy of a relativistic coupled-cluster methodSrinivasa Prasannaa, V; Abe, M; Das, B. P
2019-03Characteristics of the solar coronal line profiles from Fabry-Perot interferometric observationsMaya Prabhakar; Raju, K. P; Chandrasekhar, T
2014-12Properties of small-scale magnetism of stellar atmospheresSteiner, O; Salhab, R; Freytag, B; Rajaguru, S. P; Schaffenberger, W; Steffen, M
2019-08Variable stars in Palomar 13; an evaporating globular clusterYepez, M. A; Ferro, A. A; Schoeder, K. P; Muneer, S; Giridhar, S; Allen, C
2017-01GMRT H I study of giant low surface brightness galaxiesMishra, A; Kantharia, N. G; Das, Mousumi; Omar, A; Srivastava, D. C
2014-10Multi-dimensional polarized radiative transfer: methods and solar applicationsAnusha, L. S; Nagendra, K. N
2017-01-01Chemical analysis of a carbon-enhanced very metal-poor star: CD-27 14351Drisya, K; Goswami, A; Masseron, T
2019-02-14Triggering The Birth of New Cycle’s Sunspots by Solar TsunamiDikpati, M; McIntosh, S.W; Chatterjee, Subhamoy; Banerjee, D; Yellin-Bergovoy, Ron; Srivastava, A
2017-02The distribution and kinematics of interstellar O VI in the milky waySarma, R; Pathak, A; Murthy, J; Sarma, J. K
2014-10Polarized line formation with angle-dependent partial frequency redistributionSampoorna, M
2019-03-20Signature of extended solar cycles as detected from Ca ii K synoptic maps of Kodaikanal and Mount Wilson ObservatoryChatterjee, Subhamoy; Banerjee, D; McIntosh, S.W; Leamon, Robert J; Dikpati, Mausumi; Srivastava, Abhishek K; Bertello, L
2016-12The evolution of the Milky Way: new insights from open clustersReddy, A. B. S; Lambert, D. L; Giridhar, S
2016-03Modeling Repeatedly Flaring δ SunspotsChatterjee, Piyali; Hansteen, V; Carlsson, M
2019-06-01Open and closed magnetic configurations of twisted flux tubesSen, Samrat; Mangalam, A
2019-04-01Formation and eruption of sigmoidal satructure from a weak field region of NOAA 11942Vasantharaju, N; Vemareddy, P; Ravindra, B; Doddamani, V. H
2016-06Modelling dust scattering in our galaxyMurthy, J
2019-04-10Polarimetric and photometric investigation of the dark globule LDN 1225: distance, extinction law, and magnetic fieldsEswaraiah, C; Lai, Shih-Ping; Ma, Yuehui; Anil K. Pandey; Jose, J; Chen, Zhiwei; Samal, M. R; Wang, Jia-Wei; Sharma, S; Ojha, D. K
2019-03Prospect for UV observations from the moon. III. assembly and ground calibration of lunar ultraviolet cosmic imager (LUCI)Mathew, J; Nair, B. G; Safonova, M; Sriram, S; Prakash, A; Mayuresh, Sarpotdar; Ambily, S; Nirmal, K; Sreejith, A. G; Murthy, J; Kamath, P. U; Kathiravan, S; Prasad, B. R; Brosch, Noah; Kappelmann, Norbert; Gadde, Nirmal Suraj; Narayan, Rahul
2016-03Line identifications of type I supernovae: on the detection of Si II for these hydrogen-poor eventsParrent, J. T; Milisavljevic, D; Soderberg, A. M; Parthasarathy, M
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 981 to 1000 of 5279