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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 921 to 940 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-03Chemical compositions of giants in the Hyades and Sirius superclustersRamya, P; Reddy, B. E; Lambert, D. L
2015-12Probing the physics of Seyfert galaxies using their emission-line regionsShastri, P; Dopita, M; Scharwachter, J; Kewley, L; Davies, R; Sutherland, R; Kharb, P; Banfield, J; Jose, J; Ramya, S; Srivastava, S; Bhatt, H. C; Hampton, E; Jin, J; Basurah, H; Fischer, S; Gupta, M; Panda, S; Sundar, M. N; Radhakrishnan, V
2019-04Searching for dual AGN in galaxies with double-peaked emission line spectra using radio observationsRubinur, K; Mousumi Das; Kharb, P
2019-04Study of Lithium-rich giants with the GALAH spectroscopic surveyDeepak; Reddy, B. E
2016-07The first aluminum coating of the 3700 mm primary mirror of the Devasthal Optical TelescopeBheemireddy, K. R; Maheswar, G; Pant, J; Omar, A; Kumar, B; Uddin, W; Nirmal, K
2019-04Study of X-ray variability and coronae of Seyfert galaxies using NuSTARPriyanka Rani; Stalin, C. S; Goswami, K. D
2015-04New variables in M5 (NGC 5904) and some identification correctionsArellano Ferro, A; Bramich, D. M; Giridhar, S; Luna, A; Muneer, S
2018-11-22The extended solar cycle: muddying the waters of solar/stellar dynamo modeling or providing crucial observational constraints?Srivastava, Abhishek K; McIntosh, Scott W; Arge, N; Banerjee, D; Dikpati, Mausumi; Dwivedi, Bhola N; Guhathakurta, Madhulika; Karak, B. B; Leamon, Robert J; Matthew, Shibu K; Munoz-Jaramillo, Andres; Nandy, D; Norton, Aimee; Upton, L; Chatterjee, S; Rakesh, M; Yamini K. Rao; Rahul Yadav
2016-12-20A hot companion to a blue straggler in NGC 188 as revealed by the ultra-violet imaging telescope (UVIT) on ASTROSATSubramaniam, A; Sindhu, N; Tandon, S. N; Kameswara Rao, N; Postma, J; Cote, Patrick; Hutchings, J. B; Ghosh, S. K; George, K; Girish, V
2015-12Towards gender equity in physics in India: initiatives, investigations, and questionsShastri, P; Kurup, A; Resmi, L; Ramaswamy, R; Ubale, S; Bagchi, S; Rao, S; Narasimhan, S
2019-08Optical and UV studies of type Ia supernovae SN 2009ig and SN 2012cgChakradhari, N. K; Sahu, D. K; Anupama, G. C
2019-06-01SPIRITS catalog of infrared variables: identification of extremely luminous long period variablesKarambelkar, V. R; Adams, S. M; Whitelock, P. A; Kasliwal, M. M; Jencson, J. E; Boyer, M. L; Goldman, S. R; Masci, F; Cody, A. M; Bally, J; Bond, H. E; Gehrz, R. D; Parthasarathy, M; Lau, R. M; (SPIRITS Collaboration)
2019-06-01TRAO survey of nearby filamentary molecular clouds, the universal nursery of stars (TRAO FUNS). I. Dynamics and Chemistry of L1478 in the California molecular cloudChung, E.J; Lee, C.W; Kim, S; Kim, G; Caselli, P; Tafalla, M; Myers, P.C; Archana, S; Liu, T; Maheswar, G; Kim, M; Kim, K.H; Kwon, W; Kang, H; Lee, C
2019-06-10Survey of Li-rich giants among Kepler and LAMOST fields: determination of Li-rich giants' evolutionary phaseRaghubar Singh; Reddy, B. E; Bharat Kumar, Y; Antia, H. M
2019-06Study of sunspot Penumbra to Umbra area ratio using Kodaikanal white-light digitised dataBibhuti Kumar Jha; Mandal, Sudip; Banerjee, D
2019-06-21The environments of accreting supermassive black holes in the nearby universe: a brief overview of the southern seyfert spectroscopic snapshot survey (S7)Shastri, P; Dopita, M; Banfield, J; Thomas, A; Longbottom, F; Sundar, M. N; Chetna Duggal; Groves, B; Kharb, P; Davies, R; Kewley, L; Lalitha, S; Hampton, E; Shalima, P; James, B; S7 collaboration
2019-06-21Gender status in the Indian physics profession and the way forwardLekshmi, R; Shastri, P; Srubabati Goswami; Pragya, P; Vandana, N; Kharb, P; Sinha, U; Saha-Dasgupta, T; Suratna, Das; Chatterjee, Suchetana
2018-03The PHEMU15 catalogue and astrometric results of the Jupiter's Galilean satellite mutual occultation and eclipse observations made in 2014-2015Saquet, E; Emelyanov, N; Robert, V; Arlot, J. -E; Anbazhagan, P; Baillie, K; Bardecker, J; Berezhnoy, A. A; Bretton, M; Campos, F; Capannoli, L; Pomazan, A; Popescu, M; Pratt, A; Raskhozhev, V. N; Resch, J.-M; Robilliard, D; Roschina, E; Rothenberg, E; Rottenborn, M; Rusov, S. A; Talbot, J; Saby, F; Saya, L. F; Selvakumar, G; Signoret, F; Slesarenko, V. Y; Sokov, E. N; Soldateschi, J; Sonka, A; Soulie, G; Tejfel, V. G; Thuillot, W; Timerson, B; Toma, R; Torsellini, S; Trabuco, L. L; Traverse, P; Tsamis, V; Unwin, M; Carry, B; Van Den Abbeel, F; Vandenbruaene, H; Vasundhara, R; Velikodsky, Y. I; Vienne, A; Vilar, J; Vugnon, J. -M; Wuensche, N; Zeleny, P; Castet, M; Charbonnier, Y; Chernikov, M. M; Christou, A; Colas, F; Coliac, J. -F; Dangl, G; Dechambre, O; Delcroix, M; Dias-Oliveira, A; Drillaud, C; Duchemin, Y; Dunford, R; Ellington, C; Fabre, P; Filippov, V. A; Finnegan, J; Foglia, S; Font, D; Gaillard, B; Galli, G; Garlitz, J; Gasmi, A; Gaspar, H. S; Gault, D; Gazeas, K; George, T; Gorda, S. Y; Gorshanov, D. L; Gualdoni, C; Guhl, K; Halir, K; Hanna, W; Henry, X; Herald, D; Houdin, G; Ito, Y; Izmailov, I. S; Jacobsen, J; Jones, A; Kamoun, S; Kardasis, E; Karimov, A. M; Khovritchev, M. Y; Kulikova, A. M; Laborde, J; Lainey, V; Lavayssiere, M; Guen, P. Le; Leroy, A; Loader, B; Lopez, O. C; Lyashenko, A. Y; Lyssenko, P. G; Machado, D. I; Maigurova, N; Manek, J; Marchini, A; Midavaine, T; Montier, J; Morgado, B. E; Naumov, K. N; Nedelcu, A; Newman, J; Ohlert, J. M; Oksanen, A; Pavlov, H; Petrescu, E
2019-06Workshop report: Intersecting identities gender and intersectionality in physicsHennessey, Eden; Cole, Joanne; Shastri, P; Esquivel, Jessica; Singh, Chandralekha; Johnson, Rosie; Ghose, Shohini
2017-12Illuminating gravitational waves: A concordant picture of photons from a neutron star mergerKasliwal, M. M; Nakar, E; Singer, L. P; Kaplan, D. L; Van Sistine, A; Lau, R. M; Fremling, C; Gottlieb, O; Jencson, J. E; Adams, S. M; Feindt, U; Hotokezaka, K; Ghosh, S; Perley, D. A; Yu, P. -C; Piran, T; Allison, J. R; Anupama, G. C; and 62 co-authors
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 921 to 940 of 5279