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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 941 to 960 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-07Effects of angle-dependent partial frequency redistrubtion on polarized line profilesSampoorna, M; Nagendra, K. N; Frisch, H; Stenflo, J. O
2019-07Polarized line formation with incomplete Paschen-Back effect and partial frequency redistributionSampoorna, M; Nagendra, K. N; Sowmya, K; Stenflo, J. O; Anusha, L. S
2019-07Polarized line formation in spherically symmetric expanding atmospheresMegha, A; Sampoorna, M; Nagendra, K. N; Anusha, L. S; Sankarasubramanian, K
2019-07Precise photometric transit follow-up observations of five close-in exoplanets: update on their physical propertiesAritra Chakrabarty; Sengupta, S
2019-09On the observational behaviour of the highly polarized Type IIn supernova SN 2017hccBrajesh Kumar; Eswaraiah, C; Singh, A; Sahu, D. K; Anupama, G. C; Kawabata, K. S; Yamanaka, Masayuki; Otsubo, Ikki; Pandey, S. B; Nakaoka, Tatsuya; Kawabata, Miho; Aryan, Amar; Akitaya, Hiroshi
2019-08GASP XVIII: star formation quenching due to AGN feedback in the central region of a jellyfish galaxyGeorge, K; Poggianti, B. M; Bellhouse, C; Radovich, M; Fritz, J; Paladino, R; Bettoni, R D; Jaff, Y; Moretti, A; Gullieuszik, M; Vulcani, B; Fasano, G; Stalin, C. S; Subramaniam, A; Tandon, S. N
2015-05MHD Waves in Coronal HolesBanerjee, D; Krishna Prasad, S
2017-10Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star MergerAbbott, B. P; LIGO Scientific Collaboration; Fermi GBM||INTEGRAL; IceCube Collaboration; AstroSat Cadmium Zinc Telluride Imager Team; IPN Collaboration; The Insight-HXMT Collaboration; ANTARES Collaboration; The Swift Collaboration; AGILE Team; The 1M2H Team; The Dark Energy Camera GW-EM Collaboration and the DES Collaboration; The DLT40 Collaboration; GRAWITA: GRAvitational Wave Inaf TeAm; The Fermi Large Area Telescope Collaboration; ATCA: Australia Telescope Compact Array; ASKAP: Australian SKA Pathfinder; Las Cumbres Observatory Group; OzGrav; DWF ( Deeper, Wider, Faster Program ); AST3; CAASTRO Collaborations; The VINROUGE Collaboration; MASTER Collaboration; J-GEM; GROWTH; JAGWAR; Caltech- NRAO; TTU-NRAO; NuSTAR Collaborations; Pan-STARRS; The MAXI Team; TZAC onsortium; KU Collaboration; Nordic Optical Telescope; ePESSTO; GROND; Texas Tech University; SALT Group; TOROS: Transient Robotic Observatory of the South Collaboration; The BOOTES Collaboration; MWA: Murchison Widefield Array; The CALET Collaboration; IKI-GW Follow-up Collaboration; H.E.S.S. Collaboration; LOFAR Collaboration; LWA: Long Wavelength Array; HAWC Collaboration; The Pierre Auger Collaboration; ALMA Collaboration; Euro VLBI Team; Pi of the Sky Collaboration; The Chandra Team at McGill University; DFN: Desert Fireball Network; ATLASx; High Time Resolution Universe Survey; RIMAS and RATIR; SKA South Africa / MeerKAT; Pavana, M; Anupama, G. C
2019-07Polarized line scattering theory with applications in astrophysical radiative transfer: a historical perspectiveNagendra, K. N
2019-08-10The 3.6 metre Devasthal optical telescope: from inception to realizationSagar, R; Kumar, Brijesh; Omar, A
2019-05Outlying Hα emitters in SDSS IV MaNGABait, O; Wadadekar, Y; Barway, Sudhanshu
2016-07Near UV imager with an MCP-based photon counting detectorAmbily, S; Mathew, J; Mayuresh, Sarpotdar; Sreejith, A. G; Nirmal, K; Prakash, A; Safonova, M; Murthy, J
2019-03The fast, luminous ultraviolet transient AT2018cow: extreme supernova, or disruption of a star by an intermediate-mass black hole?Perley, D. A; Mazzali, P. A; Yan, Lin|; Cenko, S. Bradley; Gezari, Suvi; Taggart, Kirsty; Blagorodnova, Nadia; Fremling, Christoffer; Mockler, Brenna; Singh, A; Tominaga, Nozomu; Tanaka, Masaomi; Watson, Alan M; Ahumada, Tomas; Anupama, G. C; Ashall, Chris; Becerra, Rosa L; Bersier, David; Bhalerao, Varun; Bloom, Joshua S; Butler, Nathaniel R; Copperwheat, Chris; Coughlin, Michael W; De, Kishalay; Drake, Andrew J; Duev, Dmitry A; Frederick, Sara; Gonzalez, J. J; Goobar, Ariel; Heida, Marianne; Ho, Anna Y. Q; Horst, John; Hung, Tiara; Itoh, Ryosuke; Jencson, Jacob E; Kasliwal, Mansi M; Kawai, Nobuyuki; Khanam, Tanazza; Kulkarni, Shrinivas R; Brajesh Kumar; Harsh Kumar; Kutyrev, Alexander S; Lee, William H; Maeda, Keiichi; Ashish Mahabal; Murata, Katsuhiro L; Neill, James D; Ngeow, Chow-Choong; Penprase, Bryan; Pian, Elena; Quimby, Robert; Ramirez-Ruiz, Enrico; Richer, Michael G; Roman-Zuniga, Carlos G; Sahu, D. K; Srivastav, S; 9 others
2016-07An ultraviolet imager to study bright UV sourcesMathew, J; Prakash, A; Mayuresh, Sarpotdar; Sreejith, A. G; Safonova, M; Murthy, J
2016-03Optical and NIR observations of the nearby type Ia supernova SN 2014JSrivastav, S; Ninan, J. P; Kumar, B; Anupama, G. C; Sahu, D. K; Ojha, D. K; Prabhu, T. P
2015-04Very long baseline interferometry with the SKAParagi, Z; Godfrey, L; Reynolds, C; Rioja, M. J; Deller, A; Zhang, B; Gurvits, L; Bietenholz, M; Szomoru, A; Bignall, H. E; Boven, P; Charlot, P; Dodson, R; Frey, S; Garrett, M. A; Imai, H; Lobanov, A; Reid, M. J; Ros, E; Van Langevelde, H. J; Zensus, A. J; Zheng, X W; Alberdi, A; Agudo, I; An, T; Argo, M; Beswick, R; Biggs, A; Brunthaler, A; Campbell, B; Cimo, G; Colomer, F; Corbel, S; Conway, J. E; Cseh, D; Deane, R; Falcke, H .D. E; Gawronski, M; Gaylard, M; Giovannini, G; Giroletti, M; Goddi, C; Goedhart, S; Gomez, J. L; Gunn, A; Kharb, P; Kloeckner, H. R; Koerding, E; Kovalev, Y; Kunert-Bajraszewska, M; Lindqvist, M; Lister, M; Mantovani, F; Marti-Vidal, I; Mezcua, M; McKean, J; Middelberg, E; Miller-Jones, J. C. A; Moldon, J; Muxlow, T; O'Brien, T; Perez-Torres, M; Pogrebenko, S. V; Quick, J; Rushton, A; Schilizzi, R; Smirnov, O; Sohn, B .W; Surcis, G; Taylor, G. B; Tingay, S; Tudose, V. M; van der Horst, A; van Leeuwen, J; Venturi, T; Vermeulen, R; Vlemmings, W. H. T; de Witt, A; Wucknitz, O; Yang, J; Gabanyi, K; Jung, T
2016-12From nearby low luminosity AGN to High Redshift Radio Galaxies: science interests with square kilometre arrayKharb, P; Lal, D. V; Singh, V; Bagchi, J; Ishwara-Chandra, C. H; Hota, A; Konar, C; Wadadekar, Yogesh; Shastri, P; Mousumi Das; Baliyan, K; Nath, B. B; M. Pandey-Pommier
2018-04-10Breaking the habit: the peculiar 2016 eruption of the unique recurrent nova M31N 2008-12aHenze, M; Darnley, M. J; Williams, S. C; Kato, M M; Hachisu, I; Anupama, G. C; Arai, A; Boyd, D; Burke, D; Ciardullo, R; Chinetti, K; Cook, L. M; Cook, M. J; Erdman, P; Gao, X; Harris, B; Hartmann, D. H; Hornoch, K; Chuck Horst, J; Hounsel, R; Husar, D; Itagaki, K; Kabashima, F; Kafka, S; Kaur, A; Kiyota, S; Kojiguchi, N; Kucakova, H; Kuramoto, K; Maehara, H; Mantero, A; Masci, F. J; Matsumoto, K; Naito, H; Ness, J.-U; Nishiyama, K; Oksanen, A; Osborne, J. P; Page, K. L; Paunzen, E; Pavana, M; Pickard, R; Prieto-Arranz, J; Rodri­guez-Gil, P; Sala, G; Sano, Y; Shafter, A. W; Sugiura, Y; Tan, H; Tordai, T; Vrastil, J; 22 others
2016-03Broad-band polarimetric investigation of the Type II-plateau supernova 2013ejBrajesh Kumar; Pandey, S. B; Eswaraiah, C; Kawabata, K. S
2018-07Estimation of asymmetries in point spread function for the echelle spectrograph operating at Vainu Bappu Telescope for high precision radial velocity studiesSireesha, C; Banyal, R. K; Sriram, S
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 941 to 960 of 5279