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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 861 to 880 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-02Unravelling the unusually curved X-ray spectrum of RGB J0710 + 591 using AstroSat observationsGoswami, Pranjupriya; Sinha, Atreyee; Chandra, Sunil; Misra, Ranjeev; Chitnis, Varsha; Gogoi, Rupjyoti; Sahayanathan, Sunder; Stalin, C. S; Singh, K. P; Yada, J. S
2020-03Unveiling Vela – variability of interstellar lines in the direction of the Vela supernova remnant – III. Na D and Ca II KKameswara Rao, N; Lambert, D. L; Reddy, A. B. S; Gupta, R; Muneer, S; Singh, H. P
2020-02Discovery of a large HI ring around the quiescent galaxy AGC 203001Bait, Omkar; Kurapati, Sushma; Duc, Pierre-Alain; Cuillandre, Jean-Charles; Wadadekar, Yogesh; Kamphuis, Peter; Barway, Sudhanshu
2020-02Photoionization modelling of quiescence-phase spectra of novae and a symbiotic starMondal, Anindita; Das, Ramkrishna; Anupama, G. C; Mondal, Soumen
2020-02-10The Intriguing Parsec-scale Radio Structure in the “Offset AGN” KISSR 102Kharb, P; Lena, D; Paragi, Z; Subramanian, S; Vaddi, S; Das, M; Khatun, R
2019-12X-shaped Radio Galaxies: Optical Properties, Large-scale Environment, and Relationship to Radio StructureJoshi, Ravi; Gopal Krishna; Yang, Xiaolong; Shi, Jingjing; Yu, Si-Yue; Wiita; Paul J.; Ho, Luis C.; Wu, Xue-Bing; An, Tao; Wang, Ran; Subramanian, S; Yesuf, Hassen
2019-12GASP XXIII: A Jelly fi sh Galaxy as an Astrophysical Laboratory of the Baryonic CyclePoggianti, Bianca M.; Ignesti, Alessandro; Gitti, Myriam Gitti; Wolter, Anna; Brighenti, abrizio; Biviano, Andrea; George, K; Vulcani, enedetta; Gullieuszik, Marco; Moretti, Alessia; Paladino, Rosita; Bettoni, Daniela; Franchetto, Andrea; Jaffe, Yara L.; Radovich, Mario; Roediger, Elke; Tomicic, Neven; Tonnesen, Stephanie
2019-12SN 2017gmr: An Energetic Type II-P Supernova with AsymmetriesAndrews, Jennifer E.; Sand, D. J.; Valenti, S.; Smith, Nathan; Dastidar, Raya; Sahu, D. K.; Misra, Kuntal; Singh, A; Hiramatsu, D; Brown, P. J.; Hosseinzadeh, G.; Wyatt, S.; Vinko, J.; Anupama, G. C; & 62 Co-authors
2019-12The intrinsic reddening of the magellanic clouds as traced by background galaxies – I. The bar and outskirts of the small magellanic cloudBell, Cameron P. M; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L.; Wright, A. H; Rubele, Stefano; Nidever, David L.; Tatton, Ben L; van Loon, Jacco Th.; Ivanov, Valentin D.; Subramanian, S; Oliveira, Joana M; Grijs, Richard de; Pennock, Clara M.; Choi, Yumi; Olsen, Knut; Niederhofer, Florian; Choudhury, Samyaday; Delgado, David Mart ́ınez; Munoz, Ricardo R.
2020-03-01Detection of fluorine in hot extreme helium starsBhowmick, A; Pandey, G; Lambert, D. L
2020-02Morphology of CMB fields—effect of weak gravitational lensingGoyal, Priya; Pravabati, C; Appleby, S
2019-11Estimation and correction of the instrumental perturbations of Vainu Bappu Telescope Echelle spectrograph using a model-based approachChamarthi, Sireesha; Banyal, R. K; Sriram, S
2020-03-10Nearly Century-scale Variation of the Sun’s RadiusHiremath, K. M; Rozelot, J. P; Sarp, V; Kilcik, A; Pavan, D. G; Gurumath, S. R
2020-03-10CS Depletion in Prestellar CoresKim, Shinyoung; Lee, Chang Won; Maheswar, G; Tafalla, Mario; Sohn, Jungjoo; Kim, Gwanjeong; Kim, Mi-Ryang; Archana Soam; Myers, P. C
2019-09Morphology of 21cm brightness temperature during the Epoch of Reionization using Contour Minkowski TensorAkanksha, K; Pravabati, C; Appleby, S
2020-03Time-latitude distribution of prominences for 10 solar cycles: a study using Kodaikanal, Meudon, and Kanzelhohe dataChatterjee, S; Manjunath, H; Banerjee, D; Ravindra, B; McIntosh, Scott W
2019-09Chasing the Total Solar Eclipse 2019Kapoor, R. C
2020-02Fizeau mask interferometry of solar features using the multi-application solar telescope at the udaipur solar observatoryBayanna, A. R; Venkatakrishnan, P; Rengaswamy, S; Mathew, S. K.
2019-08Connecting galaxy structure and star formation: the role of environment in formation of S0 galaxiesMishra, K. P; Wadadekar, Y; Barway, Sudhanshu
2019-07Radio emission from pulsars due to relativistic plasmaRoy, Tridib; Gangadhara, R. T.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 861 to 880 of 5279