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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 841 to 860 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-11-10Evolution of the universe and Earth’s place in cosmos – The 2019 Nobel Prize for PhysicsMurthy, J
2019-10Stellar and Galactic studies with the 2-m Himalayan Chandra TelescopeGoswami, A
2019-10Probing the Galactic s-process nucleosynthesis using barium starsGoswami, A.; Jameela, S
2019-10Optical characterization and Radial velocity monitoring of Exoplanet and Eclipsing Binary candidatesJoshi, Y. C; De Cat, P; Panchal, A; Goswami, A; Lampens, P; Vermeylen, L; Maurya, J
2019-10Magnetic activities on active solar-type starsNaik, S; Pandey, J. C; Naik, S; Savanov, I. S; Raj, A.
2019-10REMAP: Determination of the inner edge of the dust torus in AGN by measuring time delaysMandal, A. K; Rakshit, S; Pal, I; Stalin, C. S; Sagar, R; Mathew, B.
2019-10Scientific potential of the Indo-Belgian 3.6-m DOT in the field of Galactic AstronomySagar, R; Kumar, B; Subramaniam, A
2019-11Simultaneous longitudinal and transverse oscillations in filament threads after a failed eruptionRakesh Mazumder; Vaibhav Pant; Manuel Luna; Dipankar Banerjee
2020-01Full orbital solution for the binary system in the northern Galactic disc microlensing event Gaia16ayeWyrzykowski, L; Mroz, P; Rybicki, K. A; Gromadzki, M; Kolaczkowski, Z; Zielinski, M; Zielinski, P; Britavskiy, N; Gomboc, A; Sokolovsky, K; Hodgkin, S. T; Abe, L; Aldi, G. F; AlMannaei, A; Altavilla, G; Al Qasim, A; Anupama, G. C; Awiphan, S; Bachelet, E; Bakış, V; Baker, S; Bartlett, S; Bendjoya, P; Benson, K; Bikmaev, I. F; Birenbaum, G; Blagorodnova, N; Blanco-Cuaresma, S; Boeva, S; Bonanos, A. Z; Bozza, V; Bramich, D. M; Brun, I; Burenin, R. A; Burgaz, U; Butterley, T; Caines, H. E; Caton, D. B; Calchi Novati, S; Carrasco, J. M; Cassan, A; Cepas, V; Cropper, M; Chruslinska, M; Clementini, G; Clerici, A; Conti, D; Conti, M; Cross, S; Cusano, F; and 134 co-authors
2020-02Long term γ-ray variability of blazarsRajput, Bhoomika; Stalin, C. S; Rakshit, S
2019-08Disintegration of active asteroid P/2016 G1 (PANSTARRS)Hainaut, O. R; Kleyna, J. T; Meech, K. J; Boslough, Mark; Micheli, Marco; Wainscoat, Richard; Dela Cruz, Marielle; Keane, J. V; Sahu, D. K; Bhatt, B. C
2019-11SIGNALS: I. Survey descriptionRousseau-Nepton, L; Martin, R. P; Robert, C; Drissen, L; Amram, P; Prunet, S; Martin, T; Moumen, I; Adamo, A; Alarie, A; Barmby, P; Boselli, A; Bresolin, F; Bureau, M; Chemin, L; Fernandes, R. C; Combes, F; Crowder, C; Della Bruna, L; Duarte Puertas, S; Egusa, F; Epinat, B; Ksoll, V. F; Girard, M; Gomez Llanos, V; Gouliermis, D; Grasha, K; Higgs, C; Hlavacek-Larrondo, J; Ho, I.-T; Iglesias-Paramo, J; Joncas, G; Kam, Z. S; Karera, P; Kennicutt, R. C; Klessen, R. S; Lianou, S; Liu, L; Liu, Q; Luiz de Amorim, A; Lyman, J. D; Martel, H; Mazzilli-Ciraulo, B; McLeod, A. F; Melchior, A-L; Millan, I; Molla, M; Momose, R; Morisset, C; Pan, H.-A; Pati, A. K; and 13 co-authors
2019-11The intrinsic reddening of the Magellanic Clouds as traced by background galaxies – I. The bar and outskirts of the Small Magellanic CloudBell, C. P. M.; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L; Wright, A. H; Rubele, Stefano; Nidever, David L; Tatton, Ben L; van Loon, Jacco Th; Ivanov, Valentin D; Subramanian, S; Oliveira, J. M; Grijs, Richard de; Pennock, Clara M; Choi, Yumi; Zaritsky, Dennis; Olsen, Knut; Niederhofer, Florian; Choudhury, S; Martinez-Delgado, David; Munoz, R. R
2019-09Multiband optical variability of 3C 279 on diverse time-scalesAgarwal, A; Cellone, S. A; Andruchow, Ileana; Mammana, Luis; Mridweeka Singh; Anupama, G. C; Mihov, B; Raj, A; Slavcheva-Mihova, L; Ozdonmez, Aykut; Ege, Ergun
2020-01-20Tracing the Dynamical Mass in Galaxy Disks Using H i Velocity Dispersion and Its Implications for the Dark Matter Distribution in GalaxiesMousumi Das; McGaugh, S. S; Ianjamasimanana, Roger; Schombert, James; Dwarakanath, K. S
2020-02-01Flash Ionization Signatures in the Type Ibn Supernova SN 2019uoGangopadhyay, A; Misra, K; Hiramatsu, D; Wang, Shan-Qin; Hosseinzadeh, G; Wang, Xiaofeng; Valenti, Stefano; Zhang, Jujia; Howel, D. A; Arcavi, Iair; Anupama, G. C; Burke, Jamison; Dastidar, Raya; Koichi Itagaki, Koichi; Kumar, Brajesh; Kumar, B; Li, Long; McCully, Curtis; Mo, Jun; Pandey, S. B; Pellegrino, Craig; Sa, Hanna; Sahu, D. K; Pankaj Sanwal; Singh, A; Singh, M; Zhang, Jicheng; Zhang, Tianmeng; Zhang, Xinhan
2020-02-01Optical Transmission Spectra of Hot Jupiters: Effects of ScatteringSengupta, S; Chakrabarty, Aritra; Tinetti, Giovanna
2020-03Infrared properties of planetary nebulae with [WR] and wels central starsMuthumariappan, C; Parthasarathy, M
2019-10High-resolution spectroscopy of the high-velocity hot post-AGB star IRAS 18379–1707 (LS 5112)Ikonnikova, N. P.; Parthasarathy, M.; Dodin, A. V.; Hubrig, S.; Sarkar, G.
2020-01-01Development of image motion compensation system for 1.3m telescope at Vainu Bappu ObservatorySreekanth Reddy, V; Banyal, R. K; Sridharan, R; Aishwarya, S
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 841 to 860 of 5279