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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 2001 to 2020 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011-12-10Observations of Far-ultraviolet Diffuse Emission from the Small Magellanic CloudPradhan, A. C; Murthy, J; Pathak, A
2012-01Preliminary results on irradiance measurements from LYRA and SWAPKumara, S. T; Kariyappa, R; Dominique, M; David, B; Dame, L; Hochedez, J. F; Doiddamani, V. H; Pradeep Chitta, L
2012-01-10Observations of the Interaction of Acoustic Waves and Small-scale Magnetic Fields in a Quiet SunPradeep Chitta, L; Jain, R; Kariyappa, R; Jefferies, S. M
2011-12Data analysis method for the search of point sources of gamma rays with the HAGAR telescope arrayBritto, R. J; Acharya, B. S; Anupama, G. C; Bhattacharjee, P; Chitnis, V. R; Cowsik, R; Dorji, N; Duhan, S. K; Gothe, K. S; Kamath, P. U; Mahesh, P. K; Manoharan, J; Nagesh, B. K; Parmar, N. K; Prabhu, T. P; Rao, S. K; Saha, L; Saleem, F; Saxena, A. K; Sharma, S. K; Shukla, A; Singh, B. B; Srinivasan, R; Srinivasulu, G; Sudersanan, P. V; Tsewang, D; Upadhya, S. S; Vishwanath, P. R
2011-12Status of the Himalayan Gamma-Ray Observatory (HIGRO) and observation with HAGAR at very high energiesBritto, R. J; Acharya, B. S; Anupama, G. C; Bhatt, N; Bhattacharjee, P; Bhattacharya, S; Chitnis, V. R; Cowsik, R; Dorji, N; Duhan, S. K; Gothe, K. S; Kamath, P. U; Koul, R; Mahesh, P. K; Manoharan, J; Mitra, A; Nagesh, B. K; Parmar, N. K; Prabhu, T. P; Rannot, R. C; Rao, S. K; Saha, L; Saleem, F; Saxena, A. K; Sharma, S. K; Shukla, A; Singh, B. B; Srinivasan, R; Srinivasulu, G; Sudersanan, P. V; Tickoo, A. K; Tsewang, D; Upadhya, S. S; Vishwanath, P. R; Yadav, K. K
2011-10Influence Function Measurement of Continuous Membrane Deformable Mirror Actuators Using Shack Hartmann SensorRoopashree, M. B; Vyas, A; Prasad, B. R
2011-10Experimental evaluation of centroiding algorithms at different light intensity and noise levelsRoopashree, M. B; Vyas, A; Prasad, B. R
2011-10Intensity Weighted Noise Reduction in MEMS Based Deformable Mirror ImagesRoopashree, M. B; Vyas, A; Prasad, B. R
2012-01Suzaku X-ray spectral study of the Compton-thick Seyfert galaxy NGC 5135Singh, V; Risaliti, G; Braito, V; Shastri, P
2012-01Comprehensive abundance analysis of red giants in the open clusters NGC 752, 1817, 2360 and 2506Reddy, A. B. S; Giridhar, S; Lambert, D. L
2012-04Solar cycle variations in the growth and decay of sunspot groupsJavaraiah, J
2011-11The astronomical significance of ‘Nilurallu’, the megalithic stone alignment at Murardoddi In Aandhra Pradesh, IndiaKameswara Rao, N; Thakur, Priya; Mallinathpur, Y
2011Hypertelescope Approach: A Novel Method for Imaging of Stellar ObjectsSaha, S. K
2011Aperture Synthesis at Optical WavelengthsSaha, S. K
2012-02The Amplitude of Sunspot Minimum as a Favorable Precursor for the Prediction of the Amplitude of the Next Solar Maximum and the Limit of the Waldmeier EffectRamesh, K. B; Lakshmi, N. B
2012-02Some aspects of rotational and magnetic energies for a hierarchy of celestial objectsSivaram, C; Arun, K
2012-01Enigmatic aspects of entropy inside the black hole: what do falling comoving observers see?Sivaram, C; Arun, K
2011-12-10Evolution of Spinning and Braiding Helicity Fluxes in Solar Active Region NOAA 10930Ravindra, B; Yoshimura, K; Dasso, S
2004-11Gaseous outflows in Seyferts and unification: The case of Mrk 533Shastri, P; Murthy, J; Hutchings, J; Wills, B. J
2011-12Active galactic nucleus activity and black hole masses in low surface brightness galaxiesRamya, S; Prabhu, T. P; Mousumi Das
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 2001 to 2020 of 5279