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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1981 to 2000 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Evaluation of Astrophysically Useful Parameters for LaO MoleculeSri Ramachandran, P; Shanmugavel, R; Rajamanickam, N; Bagare, S. P
2008Estimation of Astrophysically Useful Parameters for SnF and ScF MoleculesSri Ramachandran, P; Shanmugavel, R; Rajamanickam, N; Bagare, S. P
2011-12High altitude (∼4520 m amsl) measurements of black carbon aerosols over Western trans-Himalayas: seasonal heterogeneity and source apportionmentBabu, S. S; Chaubey, Jai Prakash; Krishna Moorthy, K; Gogoi, M. M; Kompalli, S. K; Sreekanth, V; Bagare, S. P; Bhatt, B. C; Gaur, V. K; Prabhu, T. P; Shantikumar, N. S
2006-12Astrophysically Useful Parameters for Certain Band Systems of BeH, BeD and BeT MoleculesShanmugavel, R; Bagare, S. P; Rajamanickam, N
2006-06Evaluation of Astrophysically Useful Parameters for Strontium Monohydride and DeuterideSri Ramachandran, P; Rajamanickam, N; Bagare, S. P
2002Transition Probability Parameters for Certain Band Systems of the Astrophysical Molecule POBalachandra Kumar, K; Raja, V; Nagarajan, K; Bagare, S. P; Rajamanickam, N
2012-01Advanced Methods for Improving the Efficiency of a Shack Hartmann Wavefront SensorVyas, A; Roopashree, M. B; Prasad, B. R
2012-01Myths, Superstitions and Propaganda in Scientific AgeBanyal, R. K
2011-10Detection of a periodic structure embedded in surface roughness, for various correlation functionsVani, V. C; Chatterjee, S
2011-10Ab Initio Multireference Investigation of Disjoint Diradicals: Singlet versus Triplet Ground StatesChattopadhyay, Sudip; Chaudhuri, R. K; Mahapatra, Uttam Sinha
2003-03Proposed SMEX to spectrally analyze the diffuse x-ray background: The Baryonic Extragalactic Structure Tracer (BEST)Sanders, W. T; Henry, R. C; Bregman, J. N; Cen, R; Cox, D. P; Croft, R. A. C; Hammond, E. C; Hurwitz, M. V; McKee, C; Kimble, R. A; Porter, F. S; Serlemitsos, P. J; Stahle, C. K; Murthy, J; Raymond, J. C; Smith, R. K; Szymkowiak, A. E
2002-06Upper Limits on O VI Emission from Voyager ObservationsMurthy, J
2002-08Spaceborne ultraviolet 251-384 nm spectroscopy of a meteor during the 1997 Leonid showerJenniskens, P; Tedesco, Ed; Murthy, J; Laux, C. O; Price, S
2012-02-01Polarized Partial Frequency Redistribution in Subordinate Lines. I. Resonance Scattering with CollisionsSampoorna, M
2012-12Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Remotely Sensed Data through Conditional Probability Analysis Using Seed Cell and Point Sampling TechniquesSujatha, E. R; Kumaravel, P; Rajamanickam, V. G
2012-02The unusually large population of Blazhko variables in the globular cluster NGC 5024 (M53)Arellano Ferro, A; Bramich, D. M; Figuera Jaimes, R; Giridhar, S; Kuppuswamy, K
2012-01-10Carbon-enhanced Metal-poor Stars in the Inner and Outer Halo Components of the Milky WayCarollo, D; Beers, T. C; Bovy, Jo; Sivarani, T; Norris, J. E; Freeman, K. C; Aoki, W; Lee, Young Sun; Kennedy, C. R
2012-01-10The Three-dimensional Structure of the Small Magellanic CloudSubramanian, S; Subramaniam, A
2012-01-10High Angular Resolution Radio Observations of a Coronal Mass Ejection Source Region at Low Frequencies during a Solar EclipseRamesh, R; Kathiravan, C; Barve, Indrajit V; Rajalingam, M
2011-11Anomalous surface wave dispersion and the enigma of “continental-like” structure for the Bay of BengalMitra, S; Priestley, K; Acton, C; Gaur, V. K
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1981 to 2000 of 5279