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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1781 to 1800 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1997Response of the small-scale dynamics of lower F-region plasma over Kodaikanal to the total solar eclipse of October 24, 1995Visweswara Rao, J. V. S; Sastri, J. H
1997F-region oscillations observed during October 24, 1995 solar eclipse at WaltairRao, B. M; Anhjaneyulu, P
1997Observations of surface atmospheric electric potential gradient and boundary layer parameter during the total solar eclipse of October 24, 1995Manohar, G. K; Kandalgaonkar, S. S; Vernekar, K. G; Trimbake, H. K
1997NCSTC programme on total solar eclipse 1995Kamble, V. B
1997Details of the expedition to Iradatganj during total solar eclipse of October 24, 1995Bandyopadhyay, A; Pandey, P; Narayan, A; Biswas, C; Neogy, S
1997Colour photography of solar corona during the total solar eclipse of October 24, 1995Gopalakrishna Reddy, M; Rama Rao, P. V. S; Krishna Rao, D. V
1997Variation of light intensity during the total solar eclipseDutta, A
2012-12COSMOGRAIL: Measuring Time Delays of Gravitationally Lensed Quasars to Constrain CosmologyTewes, M; Courbin, F; Meylan, G; Kochanek, C. S; Eulaers, E; Cantale, N; Mosquera, A. M; Asfandiyarov, I; Magain, P; Van Winckel, H; Sluse, D; Keerthi, R. K. S; Stalin, C. S; Prabhu, T. P; Saha, P; Dye, S
2003-06ISOGAL: A deep survey of the obscured inner Milky Way with ISO at 7 mu m and 15 mu m and with DENIS in the near-infraredOmont, A; Gilmore, G. F; Alard, C; Aracil, B; August, T; Baliyan, K; Beaulieu, S; Begon, S; Bertou, X; Blommaert, J. A. D. L; Borsenberger, J; Burgdorf, M; Caillaud, B; Cesarsky, C; Chitre, A; Copet, E; de Batz, B; Egan, M. P; Egret, D; Epchtein, N; Felli, M; Fouque, P; Ganesh, S; Genzel, R; Glass, I. S; Gredel, R; Groenewegen, M. A. T; Guglielmo, F; Habing, H. J; Hennebelle, P; Jiang, B; Joshi, U. C; Kimeswenger, S; Messineo, M; Miville-Deschenes, M. A; Moneti, A; Morris, M; Ojha, D. K; Ortiz, R; Ott, S; Parthasarathy, M; Perault, M; Price, S. D; Robin, A. C; Schultheis, M; Schuller, F; Simon, G; Soive, A; Testi, L; Teyssier, D; Tiphene, D; Unavane, M; van Loon, J. T; Wyse, R
2013-04Structure of the Large Magellanic Cloud from near infrared magnitudes of red clump starsSubramanian, S; Subramaniam, A
2013-06-01Comprehensive abundance analysis of red giants in the open clusters NGC 2527, 2682, 2482, 2539, 2335, 2251 and 2266Reddy, A. B. S; Giridhar, S; Lambert, D. L
2013-05-01Observations and Modeling of the Emerging Extreme-Ultraviolet Loops in the Quiet Sun as Seen With the Solar Dynamics ObservatoryPradeep Chitta, L; Kariyappa, R; Van Ballegooijen, A. A; DeLuca, E. E; Hasan, S. S; Hanslmeier, A
2012India's National Large Solar TelescopeHasan, S. S
2013-07Planets in the early UniverseShchekinov, Y. A; Safonova, M; Murthy, J
2013-05Is there lower limit to velocity or velocity change?Sreenath, B.N; Arun, K; Sivaram, C
1988Reddening and dust distribution around V348 SGRKameswara Rao, N; Nandy, K
2013-04-20Multi-dimensional Radiative Transfer to Analyze Hanle Effect in Ca II K Line at 3933 ÅAnusha, L. S; Nagendra, K. N
1997Photometric observations of solar corona during total solar eclipse of October 24, 1995Kumar, S. S; Sharma, P; Devgun, C. B
1997Observations on the Unusual States in the Normal Patterns of the Private Behavior During the Total Solar EclipseParthasarathy, M. D; Kulkarni, A. G
1997γ and X ray measurements during total solar eclipse on October 24, 1995 at Diamond HarbourChintalapudi, S. N; Ghosh, V; Krishna, J. B. M; Verman, J. R; Prakash, H; Pal, G; Mishra, N. R; Bera, M; Reddy, V. R; Ranganath, M. R; Majumdar, C. K
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1781 to 1800 of 5279