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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1761 to 1780 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013-03Stellar Relics from the Early GalaxySivarani, T
2013-05COSMOGRAIL: the COSmological MOnitoring of GRAvItational Lenses*,**, XII. Time delays of the doubly lensed quasars SDSS J1206+4332 and HS 2209+1914Eulaers, E; Tewes, M; Magain, P; Courbin, F; Asfandiyarov, I; Ehgamberdiev, S; Rathna Kumar, S; Stalin, C. S; Prabhu, T. P; Meylan, G; Van Winckel, H
2013-06-21Magnetic fields in cometary globules – IV. LBN 437Soam, A; Maheswar, G; Bhatt, H. C; Won Lee, C; Ramaprakash, A. N
2013-09-12Taming the Electronic Structure of Lead and Eka-lead (Flerovium) by the Relativistic Coupled Cluster MethodChaudhuri, R. K; Chattopadhyay, S; Mahapatra, U. S
2013-10-03Theoretical Studies of the Ground and Excited State Structures of StilbeneChaudhuri, R. K; Freed, K. F; Chattopadhyay, S; Mahapatra, U. S
1975-04Westward ionospheric currents over the dip equator during geomagnetic disturbancesRastogi, R. G
2013-06-01The Role of Rotation and Polar-Cap currents on Pulsar Radio Emission and PolarizationDinesh Kumar; Gangadhara, R. T
2013-09-01Long-term temporal variations in the areas of sunspot groupsJavaraiah, J
2013-04An efficient decomposition technique to solve angle-dependent Hanle scattering problemsSupriya, H. D; Sampoorna, M; Nagendra, K. N; Ravindra, B; Anusha, L. S
2013-04Reliability test for the experimental results of electric-quadrupole hyperfine-structure constants and assessment of nuclear quadrupole moments in 135Ba and 137BaSahoo, B. K; Barrett, M. D; Das, B. P
2013-05-10Habitable Planets Eclipsing Brown Dwarfs: Strategies for Detection and CharacterizationBelu, A. R; Selsis, F; Raymond, S. N; Palle, E; Street, R; Sahu, D. K; Braun, K. V; Bolmont, E; Figueira, P; Anupama, G. C; Ribas, Ignasi
2013-05-10Modeling the Quantum Interference Signatures of the Ba II D2 4554 Å Line in the Second Solar spectrumSmitha, H. N; Nagendra, K. N; Stenflo, J. O; Sampoorna, M
2007ARCO: a program for Automatic Reduction of CCD ObservationsDistefano, E; Messina, S; Cutispoto, G; Parihar, P. S; Comparato, M; Busá, I; Lanza, A. F; Lanzafame, A. C; Pagano, I; Strassmeier, K. G
2005-09Characterization of solar multi-scaling magnetic loop interactionsRosa, R. K; Karlicky, M; Zanandrea, A; Sych, R. A; Hanumant, S. S; Krishan, V
2013-05-01The Nature of γ -ray loud Narrow-line Seyfert I Galaxies PKS 1502+036 And PKS 2004-447Paliya, Vaidehi S; Stalin, C. S; Shukla, A; Sahayanathan, S
2009The RACE-OC project: Rotation and ACtivity Evolution in Open ClustersMessina, S; Distefano, E; Parihar, P. S; Busa, I; Cutispoto, G; Lanza, A.F; Lanzafame, A; Pagano, I; Biazzo, K; Leto, G; Hatzidimitriou, D; Kim, S. -L; Koo, J. -R; Kang, Y. B
2004-12-10Complex Variations in the Line-Intensity Ratio of Coronal Emission Lines with Height above the LimbSingh, J; Sakurai, T; Ichimoto, K; Watanabe, T
2013-04-01Photometric and spectroscopic evolution of supernova SN 2009an: another case of a transitional Type Ia eventSahu, D. K; Anupama, G. C; Anto, P
1997Effect of the solar eclipse on some atmospheric parameterRai, J; Rai, A; Kumar, A; Singh, A. K; Singh, M. P; Nigam, M. J
1997Record of extended corona using colour videoSaxena, A. K; Samson, J. P. A; Lancelot, J. P
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1761 to 1780 of 5279