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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1741 to 1760 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009Analysing Solar‐like Oscillations with an Automatic PipelineMathur, S; Garcia, R. A; Regulo, C; Ballot, J; Salabert, D; Chaplin, W. J
2009GOLF: A New Proxy for Solar MagnetismMathur, S; Jimenez-Reyes, S. J; Garcia, R. A
2009-12What Can We Learn on the Structure and the Dynamics of the Solar Core with g Modes?Mathur, S; Eff-Darwich, A; García, R. A; Jimenez-Reyes, S. J; Korzennik, S. G; Turck-Chieze, S
1982The sun is a starBappu, M. K. V
1980The rings of Uranus: story of its discoveryBhattacharyya, J. C
2013-08-11Supernova 2012aw – a high-energy clone of archetypal Type IIP SN 1999emBose, Subhash; Kumar, Brijesh; Sutaria, F. K; Kumar, Brajesh; Roy, Rupak; Bhatt, V. K; Pandey, S. B; Chandola, H. C; Sagar, R; Misra, Kuntal; Chakraborti, Sayan
2012-12-10Discussion of Seismicity Near JaitapurGaur, V. K; Bilham, R
2013-02Predicting UV sky for future UV missionsSafonova, M; Mohan, Rekhesh; Sreejith, A. G; Murthy, J
2005Multiple Large-scale MHD Shocks Related Radio Emission at Decameter WavelengthsEbenezer, E
2004Dust-Alfvenic Shocklets in Dusty PlasmasShukla, P. K; Morfill, G. E; Krishan, V
2009-03Numerical Simulation of Wave Propagation in Magnetic NetworkVigeesh, G; Hasan, S. S; Steiner, O
2013-07-01Hubble Space Telescope Observations Of Dusty Filaments In Hercules A: Evidence For EntrainmentO'Dea, C. P; Baum, S. A; Tremblay, G. R; Kharb, P; Cotton, W; Perley, R
2014-01Long Term Variations in Chromospheric Features from Ca-K Images at KodaikanalPriyal, M; Singh, J; Ravindra, B; Priya, T. G; Amareswari, K
2013-07Design and Performance of a Low-Frequency Cross-Polarized Log-Periodic Dipole AntennaSasikumar Raja, K; Kathiravan, C; Ramesh, R; Rajalingam, M; Barve, Indrajit V
2013-06Low-frequency radio observations of Seyfert galaxies: A test of the unification schemeSingh, V; Shastri, P; Ishwara-Chandra, C. H; Athreya, R
2013-05-01Chiral Mott insulator with staggered loop currents in the fully frustrated Bose-Hubbard modelDhar, A; Mishra, T; Maji, M; Pai, R. V; Mukerjee, S; Paramekanti, A
2013-06-20Line-Interlocking Effects on Polarization In Spectral Lines By Rayleigh And Raman ScatteringSampoorna, M; Nagendra, K. N; Stenflo, J. O
2013-07-11Young stellar population and ongoing star formation in the H ii complex Sh2-252Jose, J; Pandey, A. K; Samal, M. R; Ojha, D. K; Ogura, K; Kim, J. S; Kobayashi, N; Goyal, A; Chauhan, N; Eswaraiah, C
2013-03Giant Low Surface Brightness Galaxies: Evolution in IsolationMousumi Das
2013-07-21One year of monitoring of the Type IIb supernova SN 2011dhSahu, D. K; Anupama, G. C; Chakradhari, N. K
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1741 to 1760 of 5279