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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1721 to 1740 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013-06India’s Participation in the Thirty-Meter Telescope ProjectReddy, B. E
2013-06Generation of a Near Infra-Red Guide Star Catalog for Thirty-Meter Telescope ObservationsSubramanian, S; Subramaniam, A; Simard, L; Gillies, K; Ramaprakash, A. N; Anupama, G. C; Stalin, C. S; Ravindranath, S; Reddy, B. E
2013-09Very Low Mass Stellar and Substellar Companions to Solar-like Stars from MARVELS. IV. A Candidate Brown Dwarf or Low-mass Stellar Companion to HIP 67526Jiang, P; Ge, J; Cargile, P; Crepp, J. R; De Lee, N; Porto de Mello, G. F; Esposito, M.; Ferreira, L. D; Femenia, B; Fleming, S. W; Gaudi, B. S; Ghezzi, L; Gonzalez Hernandez, J. I; Hebb, L; Lee, B. L; Ma, Bo; Stassun, K. G; Wang, Ji; Wisniewski, John P; Agol, Eric; Bizyaev, Dmitry; Brewington, Howard; Chang, Liang; Nicolaci da Costa, Luiz; Eastman, Jason D; Ebelke, Garrett; Gary, Bruce; Kane, Stephen R; Li, Rui; Liu, Jian; Mahadevan, Suvrath; Maia, Marcio A. G; Malanushenko, Viktor; Malanushenko, Elena; Muna, Demitri; Nguyen, Duy Cuong; Ogando, Ricardo L. C; Oravetz, Audrey; Oravetz, Daniel; Pan, Kaike; Pepper, Joshua; Paegert, Martin; Allende Prieto, Carlos; Rebolo, Rafael; Santiago, Basilio X; Schneider, Donald P; Shelden Bradley, Alaina C; Sivarani, T; Snedden, Stephanie; van Eyken, J. C; Wan, Xiaoke; Weaver, Benjamin A; Zhao, Bo
2013-09-01The Progenitor of SN 2011ja: Clues from Circumstellar InteractionChakraborti, S; Ray, A; Smith, R; Ryder, S; Yadav, N; Sutaria, F. K; Dwarkadas, V. V; Chandra, P; Pooley, D; Roy, R
2013-11Holography, dark energy and entropy of large cosmic structuresSivaram, C; Arun, K
2013-08Identification of metal-poor stars using the artificial neural networkGiridhar, S; Goswami, A; Kunder, A; Muneer, S; Selvakumar, G
2013-08A study of the starless dark cloud LDN 1570: Distance, dust properties, and magnetic field geometryEswaraiah, C; Maheswar, G; Pandey, A. K; Jose, J; Ramaprakash, A. N; Bhatt, H. C
2013-08-20Dust Around R Coronae Borealis Stars. II. Infrared Emission Features in an H-poor EnvironmentGarcia-Hernandez, D. A; Kameswara Rao, N; Lambert, D. L
2014-03Velocities and linewidths in the network and cell interiors of a polar coronal hole compared with the quiet SunRaju, K. P; Bromage, B. J. I
2013-10A Comparison of Solar Cycle Variations in the Equatorial Rotation Rates of the Sun's Subsurface, Surface, Corona, and Sunspot GroupsJavaraiah, J
2013-10-11Radiative Transfer Modelling of Dust in IRAS 18333–2357: The only planetary nebula in the metal-poor globular cluster M22Muthumariappan, C; Parthasarathy, M; Ita, Y
2013-08Seismology of the Sun: Inference of Thermal, Dynamic and Magnetic Field Structures of the InteriorHiremath, K. M
2013-06Mapping extinction using GALEX and SDSS photometric observationsPreethi, K; Gudennavar, S. B; Murthy, J
2013-06Depletion Studies in the Interstellar MediumHaris, U; Parvathi, V. S; Gudennavar, S. B; Murthy, J
2013-09-11A detailed census of variable stars in the globular cluster NGC 6333 (M9) from CCD differential photometryArellano Ferro, A; Bramich, D. M; Jaimes, R. F; Giridhar, S; Kains, N; Kuppuswamy, K; Jorgensen, U. G; Alsubai, K. A; Andersen, J. M; Bozza, V; Browne, P; Novati, S. C; Damerdji, Y; Diehl, C; Dominik, M; Dreizler, S; Elyiv, A; Giannini, E; Harpsoe, K; Hessman, F. V; Hinse, T. C; Hundertmark, M; Juncher, D; Kerins, E; Korhonen, H; Liebig, C; Mancini, L; Mathiasen, M; Penny, M. T; Rabus, M; Rahvar, S; Ricci, D; Scarpetta, G; Skottfelt, J; Snodgrass, C; Southworth, J; Surdej, J; Tregloan-Reed, J; Vilela, C; Wertz, O
2013-06Betti Numbers of Gaussian fieldsPark, C; Pranav, P; Pravabati, C; Weygaert, R; Jones, B; Vegter, G; Kim, I; Hidding, J; Hellwing, W. A
1990-03Photoelectric observations of V CraterisSanwal, N. B; Sarma, M. B. K; Vivekanand Rao, P; Parthasarathy, M
2013Acoustic Emission From Magnetic Flux Tubes in the Solar NetworkVigeesh, G; Hasan, S. S
2003Near-Infrared Spectra of Some Symbiotic StarsKamath, U. S; Ashok, N. M
2012-08Cooler and Hotter X-ray Bright Points from Hinode/XRT ObservationsKariyappa, R; DeLuca, E. E; Saar, S. H; Golub, L; Dame, L; Varghese, B. A
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1721 to 1740 of 5279