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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1701 to 1720 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Classification of Nova SpectraAnupama, G. C
2012Classical Be stars in our Galaxy and the Magellanic CloudsSubramaniam, A; Mathew, B; Paul, K. T; Mennickent, R. E; Sabogal, B
2012Spectroscopic charaterization of FHLC stars from the Hamburg/ESO survey and a newly found HdC starGoswami, A
2014-01The Diffuse Ultraviolet ForegroundMurthy, J
1922-11Obituaries: Prof. C. Michie SmithThe Editor
1923-02Obituary: Professor Charles Michie SmithEddington, A. S
1910-03Beobachtungen des Kometen 1910 aSmith, C. M
1900-01Observations of the Leonids, 1899Smith, C. M
1894-12The annular eclipse of the Sun 1894 April 6Smith, C. M
1909-10-07A solar outburst and a magnetic stormSmith, C. M
2013-10-11Study of Young Stellar Objects and Associated Filamentary Structures in the Inner GalaxyBhavya, B; Subramaniam, A; Kuriakose, V. C
2013-10-21Improved characterization of intranight optical variability of prominent AGN classesGoyal, A; Gopal-Krishna; Wiita, P. J; Stalin, C. S; Sagar, R
1982Indications of twist in the Epsilon rings of UranusVasundhara, R; Bhattacharyya, J. C
2013-11-11Kinematics and Excitation of the Nuclear Spiral in the Active Galaxy Arp 102BCouto, G. S; Storchi-Bergmann, T; Axon, D. J; Robinson, A; Kharb, P; Riffel, R. A
2013First Steps with CO5BOLD Using HLLMHD and PP Reconstruction.Steiner, O; Rajaguru, S. P; Vigeesh, G; Steffen, M; Schaffenberger, W; Freytag, B
2013Carbon Abundances From SDSS Globular Clusters: Exploring the Origin in the Large Spread in [C/Fe]Fiorenza, S. L; Sivarani, T; Susmitha, A; Lee, Y. S; Beers, T. C
2013-09-20Low-frequency Observations of Transient Quasi-periodic Radio Emission from the Solar AtmosphereSasikumar Raja, K; Ramesh, R
2013-08-20Intensity profile of light scattered from a rough surfaceChatterjee, S; Vani, V. C; Banyal, R. K
2013-09COSMOGRAIL: the COSmological MOnitoring of GRAvItational Lenses. XIV. Time delay of the doubly lensed quasar SDSS J1001+5027Rathna Kumar, S; Tewes, M; Stalin, C. S; Courbin, F; Asfandiyarov, I; Meylan, G; Eulaers, E; Prabhu, T. P; Magain, P; Van Winckel, H; Ehgamberdiev, Sh
2013-06Spectro-Polarimetry of Self-Luminous Extrasolar PlanetsSengupta, S
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1701 to 1720 of 5279