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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1601 to 1620 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014-08-20X-ray variability and the inner region in active galactic nucleiMohan, Prashanth; Mangalam, A
2014-08Galex diffuse observations of the sky: the dataMurthy, J
1938Progress of meteorology in IndiaDas, A. K
2014-08Complex shallow mantle beneath the Dharwar Craton inferred from Rayleigh wave inversionBorah, K; Rai, S. S; Priestley, K; Gaur, V. K
2015-01Long-term variations in the north–south asymmetry of solar activity and solar cycle prediction, III: prediction for the amplitude of solar cycle 25Javaraiah, J
2014-08-01Red giants in the Small Magellanic Cloud – II. Metallicity gradient and age–metallicity relationDobbie, P. D; Cole, A. A; Subramaniam, A; Keller, S
2014-08-01Red giants in the Small Magellanic Cloud – I. Disc and tidal stream kinematicsDobbie, P. D; Cole, A. A; Subramaniam, A; Keller, S
2014-07-10Frequency-Dependent Damping in Propagating Slow Magneto-Acoustic WavesKrishna Prasad, S; Banerjee, D; Doorsselaere, T. V
2014-03Indian astronomy and the transits of Venus. 2: the 1874 eventKapoor, R. C
2014-06Probing the physics of narrow-line regions of Seyfert galaxies, I. The case of NGC 5427Dopita, M. A; Scharwachter, J; Shastri, P; Kewley, L. J; Davies, R; Sutherland, R; Kharb, P; Jose, J; Hampton, E; Jin, C; Banfield, J; Basurah, H; Fischer, S
2014-06-20Generation of Magnetic Structures on the Solar PhotosphereGangadhara, R. T; Krishan, V; Bhowmick, A. K; Chitre, S. M
2014-10Gauribidanur low-frequency solar spectrographKishore, P; Kathiravan, C; Ramesh, R; Rajalingam, M; Barve, Indrajit V
2014-06-20Spitzer Mid-IR Spectroscopy of Powerful 2JY and 3CRR Radio Galaxies. II. AGN Power Indicators and UnificationDicken, D; Tadhunter, C; Morganti, R; Axon, D; Robinson, A; Magagnoli, M; Kharb, P; Almeida, C. R; Mingo, B; Hardcastle, M; Nesvadba, N. P. H; Singh, V; Kouwenhoven, M. B. N; Rose, M; Spoon, H; Inskip, K. J; Holt, J
2014-05Seismic imaging of crust beneath the Dharwar Craton, India, from ambient noise and teleseismic receiver function modellingBorah, K; Rai, S. S; Prakasam, K. S; Gupta, S; Priestley, K; Gaur, V. K
2014-07-10The peculiar radio-loud narrow line seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0323+342Paliya, Vaidehi S; Sahayanathan, S; Parker, M. L; Fabian, A. C; Stalin, C. S; Anjum, A; Pandey, S. B
2014-06-01Very large baseline array observations of Mrk 6: probing the jet–lobe connectionKharb, P; O'Dea, C. P; Baum, S. A; Hardcastle, M. J; Dicken, D; Croston, J. H; Mingo, B; Noel-Storr, J
2014-03Ab initio determination of the P- and T-violating coupling constants in atomic Xe by the relativistic-coupled-cluster methodSingh, Y; Sahoo, B. K; Das, B. P
2014-04Relativistic equation-of-motion coupled-cluster method: Application to closed-shell atomic systemsPathak, H; Sahoo, B. K; Das, B. P; Vaval, N; Pal, S
2014-05-10Polarized Scattering with Paschen-Back Effect, Hyperfine Structure, and Partial Frequency Redistribution in Magnetized Stellar AtmospheresSowmya, K; Nagendra, K. N; Stenflo, J. O; Sampoorna, M
2013Analysis of the solar coronal green line profiles from eclipse observationsMaya Prabhakar; Raju, K. P; Chandrasekhar, T
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1601 to 1620 of 5279