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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1581 to 1600 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014-10iPTF13bvn: The First Evidence of a Binary Progenitor for a Type Ib SupernovaBersten, M. C; Benvenuto, O. G; Folatelli, G; Nomoto, K; Kuncarayakti, H; Srivastav, Shubham; Anupama, G. C; Quimby, R; Sahu, D. K
2014-10-01Nonlinear Force-free Field Modeling of the Solar Magnetic Carpet and Comparison with SDO/HMI and Sunrise/IMaX ObservationsChitta, L. P; Kariyappa, R; van Ballegooijen, A. A; DeLuca, E. E; Solanki, S. K
2014-10-01On the Binary Helium Star DY Centauri: Chemical Composition and Evolutionary StatePandey, G; Kameswara Rao, N; Jeffery, C. S; Lambert, D. L
2014-10-10The Quantum Interference Effects in the Sc II 4247 Å Line of the Second Solar SpectrumSmitha, H. N; Nagendra, K. N; Stenflo, J. O; Bianda, M; Ramelli, R
2014-10-10Effect of Cross-redistribution on the Resonance Scattering Polarization of O I Line at 1302 ÅAnusha, L. S; Nagendra, K. N; Uitenbroek, H
2014-10-01Polarized Light Scattering with the Paschen-Back Effect, Level-crossing of Fine Structure States, and Partial Frequency RedistributionSowmya, K; Nagendra, K. N; Sampoorna, M; Stenflo, J. O
2014-09Stellar Content and Star Formation in Young Clusters Influenced by Massive StarsJose, J
2014-09-11Young stellar population of bright-rimmed clouds BRC 5, BRC 7 and BRC 39Panwar, N; Chen, W. P; Pandey, A. K; Samal, M. R; Ogura, K; Ojha, D. K; Jose, J; Bhatt, B. C
2014-09-11Supernova SN 2012dn: a spectroscopic clone of SN 2006gzChakradhari, N. K; Sahu, D. K; Srivastav, S; Anupama, G. C
2014-09Optical/IR studies of Be stars in NGC 6834 with emphasis on two specific starsMathew, B; Varricatt, W. P; Subramaniam, A; Ashok, N. M; Banerjee, D. P. K
2014-09-01Study of Meridional Flow Using Ca-K Line Profiles during Solar Cycles 22 and 23Sindhuja, G; Singh, J; Ravindra, B
2014-09-20Center-to-limb Observations and Modeling of the Ca I 4227 Å LineSupriya, H. D; Smitha, H. N; Nagendra, K. N; Stenflo, J. O; Bianda, M; Ramelli, R; Ravindra, B; Anusha, L. S
2014-09-10Discovery of Relatively Hydrogen-poor Giants in the Galactic Globular Cluster omega CentauriHema, B. P; Pandey, G
2014-09-20Polar Network Index as a Magnetic Proxy for the Solar Cycle StudiesPriyal, M; Banerjee, D; Karak, B. B; Munoz-Jaramillo, A; Ravindra, B; Choudhuri, A. R; Singh, J
2015-04Latitudinal distribution of soft x ray flares and dispairty in butterfly diagramPandey, K. K; Yellaiah, G; Hiremath, K. M
2014-10Prospect for UV observations from the MoonSafonova, M; Mathew, J; Mohan, Rekhesh; Sreejith, A. G; Murthy, J; Brosch, N; Kappelmann, N; Sharma, A; Narayan, R
2014-12-11A study of K i 7699 Å and related shell lines during the recent eclipse of ϵ AurigaeMuthumariappan, C; Parthasarathy, M; Leadbeater, R; Potravnov, I. S; Appakutty, M; Jayakumar, K
2014Nonlinear force-free field modeling of the solar magnetic carpet and comparison with SDO/HMI and Sunrise/IMaX observationsPradeep Chitta, L; Kariyappa, K; van Ballegooijen, A. A; DeLuca, E. E; Solanki, S. K
2014-08-10Probing the Active Massive Black Hole Candidate in the Center of NGC 404 with VLBIParagi, Z; Frey, S; Kaaret, P; Cseh, D; Overzier, R; Preethi, K
2015-02Indian summer monsoon rainfall: dancing with the tunes of the SunHiremath, K. M; Hegde, M; Soon, Willie
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1581 to 1600 of 5279