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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1561 to 1580 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1948On an apparent change of Wave-length in Solar Iron LinesEvershed, J
1925-03Note on spectroheliograms taken with different parts of the Hα lineRoyds, T
2012-08-30Nebula around R Corona BorealisKameswara Rao, N; Lambert, David L
2015-03Understanding jets from sources straddling the Fanaroff-Riley divideKharb, P; Stanley, E; Lister, M; Marshall, H; O'Dea, C; Baum, S
2018-09Association of Supergranule Mean Scales with Solar Cycle Strengths and Total Solar IrradianceMandal, Sudip; Chatterjee, Subhamoy; Banerjee, D
2018-12S stars and s-process in the Gaia era I. Stellar parameters and chemical abundances in a sub-sample of S stars with new MARCS model atmospheresShetye, S; Van Eck, S; Jorissen, A; Van Winckel, H; Siess, L; Goriely, S; Escorza, A; Drisya, K; Plez, B
2014-12Temporal asymmetry in aerosol optical characteristics: A case study at a high-altitude station, Hanle, in Ladakh regionShantikumar, N. S; Bagare, S. P; Srivastava, A. K; Kanawade, V. P; Rajendra, B. S; Padhy, S. K
2014-12Observations of photospheric vortical motions during the early stage of filament eruptionSajal Kumar Dhara; Ravindra, B; Banyal, R. K
2014-11-20An estimate of the magnetic field strength associated with a solar coronal mass ejection from low frequency radio observationsSasikumar Raja, K; Ramesh, R; Hariharan, K; Kathiravan, C; Wang, T. J
2014-11Relativistic many-body analysis of the electric dipole moment of 223 RnSahoo, B. K; Singh, Yashpal; Das, B. P
2015-01Deep optical survey of the stellar content of Sh2-311 regionYadav, Ram Kesh; Pandey, A. K; Sharma, Saurabh; Jose, J; Ogura, K; Kobayashi, N; Samal, M. R; Eswaraiah, C; Chandola, H. C
2014-12Aerosol radiative forcing over a high-altitude station Merak, in the trans-Himalayan region during advection of anthropogenic events from the Indo-Gangetic PlainShantikumar, N. S; Bagare, S. P; Srivastava, A. K; Sohn, B. J; Song, H.-J; Larson, E
2014-09-01Speckle imaging with hypertelescopesSurya, A; Saha, S. K; Labeyrie, A
2014-08Polarimetric analysis of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) for modeling instrumental polarization characteristicsAtwood, J; Skidmore, W; Anupama, G. C; Ramya, M. Anche; Krishna Reddy; Sen, Asoke
2014-11-01An Estimate of the Coronal Magnetic Field near a Solar Coronal Mass Ejection from Low-frequency Radio ObservationsHariharan, K; Ramesh, R; Kishore, P; Kathiravan, C; Gopalswamy, N
2014-12-01Optical observations of the fast declining Type Ib supernova iPTF13bvnSrivastav, S; Anupama, G. C; Sahu, D. K
2014-08Application of relativistic coupled-cluster theory to the effective electric field in YbFAbe, M; Gopakumar, G; Hada, M; Das, B. P; Tatewaki, H; Mukherjee, D
2014-07Quantum phases of attractive bosons on a Bose-Hubbard ladder with three-body constraintSingh, Manpreet; Mishra, T; Pai, Ramesh V; Das, B. P
2014-07Relativistic equation-of-motion coupled-cluster method for the double-ionization potentials of closed-shell atomsPathak, H; Ghosh, A; Sahoo, B. K; Das, B. P; Vaval, N; Pal, S
2014-10-01Discovery of Dramatic Optical Variability in SDSS J1100+4421: A Peculiar Radio-loud Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxy?Tanaka, M; Morokuma, T; Itoh, R; Akitaya, H; Tominaga, N; Saito, Y; Stawarz, L; Tanaka, Y, T; Gandhi, P; Ali, G; Aoki, T; Contreras, C; Doi, M; Essam, A; Hamed, G; Hsiao, E. Y; Iwata, I; Kawabata, K. S; Kawai, N; Kikuchi, Y; Kobayashi, N; Kuroda, D; Maehara, H; Matsumoto, E; Mazzali, P. A; Minezaki, T; Mito, H; Miyata, T; Miyazaki, S; Mori, K; Moritani, Y; Morokuma-Matsui, Kana; Morrell, N; Nagao, T; Nakada, Y; Nakata, F; Noma, C; Ohsuga, K; Okada, N; Phillips, M. M; Pian, E; Richmond, M. W; Sahu, D. K; Sako, S; Sarugaku, Y; Shibata, T; Soyano, T; Stritzinger, M. D; Tachibana, Y; Taddia, F; Takaki, K; Takey, Ali; Tarusawa, K; Ui, T; Ukita, N; Urata, Y; Walker, E. S; Yoshii, T
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1561 to 1580 of 5279