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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1381 to 1400 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-08Once in a blue moon: detection of bluing' during debris transits in the white dwarf WD 1145+017Hallakoun, N; Xu, S; Maoz, D; Marsh, T. R; Ivanov, V. D; Dhillon, V. S; Bours, M. C. P; Parsons, S. G; Kerry, P; Sharma, S; Su, K; Sridharan, R|; Pravec, P; Kusnirak, P; Kucakova, H; Armstrong, J. D; Arnold, C
2018-03V2676 Oph: Estimating Physical Parameters of a Moderately Fast NovaRaj, A; Pavana, M; Kamath, U. S; Anupama, G. C; Walter, F. M
2017-07Hanle-Zeeman Scattering Matrix for Magnetic Dipole TransitionsMegha, A; Sampoorna, M; Nagendra, K. N; Sankarasubramanian, K
2017-04Theoretical analysis of effective electric fields in mercury monohalidesSrinivasa Prasannaa, V; Abe, M; Bannur, V. M; Das, B. P
2017-08On Minkowski Functionals of CMB polarizationPravabati, C; Vidhya, G; Yogendran, K. P; Park, C
2017-04Static structure of chameleon dark matter as an explanation of dwarf spheroidal galaxy coresDas, Subinoy; Prolay Krishna Chanda
2017-04High-resolution spectroscopy of the extremely iron-poor post-AGB star CCâLyrAoki, W; Matsuno, Tadafumi; Honda, S; Parthasarathy, M
2017-05Optical variability of narrow-line and broad-line Seyfert 1 galaxiesRakshit, S; Stalin, C. S
2017-05Tensor Minkowski Functionals: first application to the CMBVidhya, G; Pravabati, C
2017-07Structure and variability in the corona of the ultrafast rotator LO PegasiLalitha, S; Schmitt, J. H. M. M; Singh, K. P
2017-05Coronal magnetic field lines and electrons associated with type IIIV radio bursts in a solar flareKishore, P; Kathiravan, C; Ramesh, R; Ebenezer, E
2018-06Hundred Years of Einstein's Cosmological ConstantSivaram, C; Arun, K; Kiren, O. V; Sivaram, C
2017-06In-orbit performance of UVIT and first resultsTandon, S. N; Hutchings, J. B; Ghosh, S. K; Subramaniam, A; George, K|; Girish, V; Kamath, P. U; Kathiravan, S; Kumar, A; Lancelot, J.P; Mahesh, P. K; Mohan, Rekhesh; Murthy, J; Nagabhushana, S; Pati, A. K; Postma, J; Kameswara Rao, N; Sankarasubramanian, K; Sreekumar, P; Sriram, S; Stalin, C. S; Sutaria, F. K; Sreedhar, Yuvraj Harsha; Barve, Indrajit V; Mondal, Chayan; Snehalata Sahu
2017-07Long-term variations in the intensity of plages and networks as observed in Kodaikanal Ca-K digitized dataPriyal, M; Singh, J; Ravindra, B; Kameshwaran Rathina, Somasundaram
2017-06Accretion and wind dynamics in tidal disruption eventsMageshwaran, T; Mangalam, A
2013-08Buildings as Weapons of Mass DestructionBilham, R; Gaur, V. K
2013-03Noninvasive characterisation of foot reflexology areas by Sawept Source-Optical Coherence Tomography in patients with low back painKrishna, Dalal; Elanchezhiyan, D; Raunak, Das; Devjyoti, Dalal; Ravindra, Mohan Pandey; Chatterjee, Subhamoy; Ashish Datt, Upadhyay; Bharathi Maran, V; Jyotirmoy Chatterjee
2012-12A New Technique for Solar Imaging Spectro-polarimetry using Shack-Hartmann and Fabry-PerotGosain, S; Sankarasubramanian, K; Venkatakrishnan, P; Bayanna, A. R
2018-04Theoretical validation of potential habitability via analytical and boosted tree methods: An optimistic study on recently discovered exoplanetsSaha, S; Basak, S; Safonova, M; Bora, K; Agrawal, S; Sarkar, P; Murthy, J
2018-04-20Study of Three-dimensional Magnetic Structure and the Successive Eruptive Nature of Active Region 12371Vemareddy, P; Demoulin, P
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1381 to 1400 of 5279