Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2010-04 | The asteroseismic potential of Kepler: first results for solar-type stars | Chaplin, W. J; Appourchaux, T; Elsworth, Y; Garcia, R. A; Houdek, G; Karoff, C; Metcalfe, T. S; Molenda-Zakowicz, J; Monteiro, M. J. P. F. G; Thompson, M. J; Brown, T. M; Kiss, L. L; Kitiashvili, I. N; Kolenberg, K; Korhonen, H; Kosovichev, A. G; Kupka, F; Lebreton, Y; Leroy, B; Ludwig, H. G; Mathis, S; Michel, E; Miglio, A; Montalban, J; Moya, A; Noels, A; Noyes, R. W; Palle, P. L; Piau, L; Preston, H. L; Roca Cortes, T; Roth, M; Sato, K. H; Schmitt, J; Serenelli, A. M; Silva Aguirre, V; Stevens, I. R; Suarez, J. C; Suran, M. D; Trampedach, R; Turck-Chieze, S; Uytterhoeven, K; Ventura, R; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J; Gilliland, R. L; Kjeldsen, H; Borucki, W. J; Koch, D; Jenkins, J. M; Ballot, J; Basu, S; Bazot, M; Bedding, T. R; Benomar, O; Bonanno, A; Brandao, I. M; Bruntt, H; Campante, T. L; Creevey, O. L; Di Mauro, M. P; Dogan, G; Dreizler, S; Eggenberger, P; Esch, L; Fletcher, S. T; Frandsen, S; Gai, N; Gaulme, P; Handberg, R; Hekker, S; Howe, R; Huber, D; Korzennik, S. G; Lebrun, J. C; Leccia, S; Martic, M; Mathur, S; Mosser, B; New, R; Quirion, P. O; Regulo, C; Roxburgh, I. W; Salabert, D; Schou, J; Sousa, S. G; Stello, D; Verner, G. A; Arentoft, T; Barban, C; Belkacem, K; Benatti, S; Biazzo, K; Boumier, P; Bradley, P. A; Broomhall, A. M; Buzasi, D. L; Claudi, R. U; Cunha, M. S; D'Antona, F; Deheuvels, S; Derekas, A; Garcia Hernandez, A; Giampapa, M. S; Goupil, M. J; Gruberbauer, M; Guzik, J. A; Hale, S. J; Ireland, M. J |
2010-04 | Detection of solar-like oscillations from Kepler photometry of the open cluster NGC 6819 | Stello, D; Basu, S; Bruntt, H; Mosser, B; Stevens, I. R; Brown, T. M; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J; Gilliland, R. L; Kjeldsen, H; Arentoft, T; Ballot, J; Barban, C; Bedding, T. R; Chaplin, W. J; Elsworth, Y. P; Garcia, R. A; Goupil, M. J; Hekker, S; Huber, D; Mathur, S; Meibom, S; Samadi, R; Sangaralingam, V; Baldner, C. S; Belkacem, K; Biazzo, K; Brogaard, K; Suarez, J. C; D'Antona, F; Demarque, P; Esch, L; Gai, N; Grundah, F; Lebreton, Y; Jiang, B; Jevtic, N; Karoff, C; Miglio, A; Molenda-Zakowicz, J; Montalban, J; Noels, A; Roca Cortes, T; Roxburgh, I. W; Serenelli, A. M; Silva, V; Christiaan Sterken, A; Stine, P; Szabo, R; Weiss, A; Borucki, W. J; Koch, D; Jenkins, J. M |
2000 | Effect of asymmetry in peak profile on f-mode frequencies | Antia, H. M; Basu, S |
2015-07-20 | The eleventh and twelfth data releases of the sloan digital sky survey: final data from SDSS-III | Alam, S; Albareti, F. D; Prieto, C. A; Anders, F; Anderson, S. F; Anderton, T; Andrews, B. H; Armengaud, E; Aubourg, E; Bailey, S; Basu, S; Bautista, J. E; Beaton, R. L; Beers, T. C; Bender, C. F; Berlind, A. A; Beutler, F; Bhardwaj, V; Bird, J. C; Bizyaev, D; Blake, C. H; Blanton, M. R; Blomqvist, M; Bochanski, J. J; Bolton, A. S; Bovy, J; Bradley, A. S; Brandt, W. N; Brauer, D. E; Brinkmann, J; Brown, P. J; Brownstein, J. R; Burden, A; Burtin, E; Busca, N. G; Cai, Z; Capozzi, D; Rosell, A. C; Carr, M. A; Carrera, R; Chambers, K. C; Chaplin, W. J; Chen, Y-C; Chiappini, C; Chojnowski, S. D; Chuang, C-H; Clerc, N; Comparat, J; Covey, K; Croft, R. A. C; Cuesta, A. J; Cunha, K; da Costa, L. N; Da Rio, N; Davenport, J. R. A; Dawson, K. S; De Lee, N; Delubac, T; Deshpande, R; Dhital, S; Dutra-Ferreira, L; Dwelly, T; Ealet, A; Ebelke, G. L; Edmondson, E. M; Eisenstein, D. J; and 237 coauthors; Sivarani, T |
2003 | Excitation of Solar p-mode Oscillations by Flares | Ambastha, A; Basu, S; Antia, H. M |
1993 | Helioseismic detections of overshoot below the solar convection zone | Basu, S; Antia, H. M; Narasimha, D |
2000 | Helium abundance in the solar envelope | Basu, S |
1993 | The infall time-scale in the solar neighborhood | Basu, S |
1975-02 | Ionospheric electron content and equivalent slab thickness in the equatorial region | Das Gupta, A; Basu, S; Bhar, J. N; Bhattacharyya, J. C |
2001-12 | Ring Diagram Analysis of the Characteristics of Solar Oscillation Modes in Active Regions | Rajaguru, S. P; Basu, S; Antia, H. M |
2000 | The seismic sun | Basu, S |
1996 | Solar structure as revealed by 1 year LOWL data | Basu, S; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J; Schou, J; Thompson, M. J; Tomczyk, S |
1993 | The spatial and temporal evolution of gas and heavy elements in the galaxy | Basu, S |