ATOMS: ALMA Three-millimeter Observations of Massive Star-forming regions - XV. Steady accretion from global collapse to core feeding in massive hub-filament system SDC335
Xu, Feng-Wei; Wang, Ke; Liu, Tie; Goldsmith, Paul F; Zhang, Qizhou; Juvela, Mika; Liu, Hong-Li; Qin, Sheng-Li; Li, Guang-Xing; Tej, Anandmayee; Garay, Guido; Bronfman, Leonardo; Li, Shanghuo; Wu, Yue-Fang; Gomez, Gilberto C; Vazquez-Semadeni, Enrique; Tatematsu, Kenichi; Ren, Zhiyuan; Zhang, Yong; Toth, L. Viktor; Liu, Xunchuan; Yue, Nannan; Zhang, Siju; Baug, Tapas; Issac, Namitha; Stutz, Amelia M; Liu, Meizhu; Fuller, Gary A; Tang, Mengyao; Zhang, Chao; Dewangan, Lokesh; Lee, Chang Won; Zhou, Jianwen; Xie, Jinjin; Wang, Chao; Liu, Rong; Luo, Qiuyi; Archana Soam; Eswaraiah, Chakali
We present ALMA Band-3/7 observations towards ‘the Heart’ of a massive hub-filament system (HFS) SDC335, to investigate
its fragmentation and accretion. At a resolution of ∼0.03 pc, 3 mm continuum emission resolves two massive dense cores MM1
and MM2, with 383(+234
−120) M (10–24 % mass of ‘the Heart’) and 74(+47
−24) M, respectively. With a resolution down to 0.01 pc,
0.87 mm continuum emission shows MM1 further fragments into six condensations and multi-transition lines of H2CS provide
temperature estimation. The relation between separation and mass of condensations at a scale of 0.01 pc favors turbulent Jeans
fragmentation where the turbulence seems to be scale-free rather than scale-dependent. We use the H13CO+ J = 1 − 0 emission
line to resolve the complex gas motion inside ‘the Heart’ in position-position-velocity space. We identify four major gas streams
connected to large-scale filaments, inheriting the anti-clockwise spiral pattern. Along these streams, gas feeds the central massive
core MM1. Assuming an inclination angle of 45(± 15)◦ and a H13CO+ abundance of 5(± 3) × 10−11, the total mass infall rate
is estimated to be 2.40(± 0.78) × 10−3 M yr−1, numerically consistent with the accretion rates derived from the clump-scale
spherical infall model and the core-scale outflows. The consistency suggests a continuous, near steady-state, and efficient
accretion from global collapse, therefore ensuring core feeding. Our comprehensive study of SDC335 showcases the detailed
gas kinematics in a prototypical massive infalling clump, and calls for further systematic and statistical studies in a large sample.
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