We present optical photometric and spectroscopic analysis of a Type Iax supernova (SN) 2020rea situated at the brighter
luminosity end of Type Iax supernovae (SNe). The light curve decline rate of SN 2020rea is m15(g) = 1.31 ± 0.08 mag which
is similar to SNe 2012Z and 2005hk. Modelling the pseudo-bolometric light curve with a radiation diffusion model yields a
mass of 56Ni of 0.13 ± 0.01 M and an ejecta mass of 0.77+0.11 −0.21 M. Spectral features of SN 2020rea during the photospheric
phase show good resemblance with SN 2012Z. TARDIS modelling of the early spectra of SN 2020rea reveals a dominance of
Iron Group Elements (IGEs). The photospheric velocity of the Si II line around maximum for SN 2020rea is ∼ 6500 km s−1
which is less than the measured velocity of the Fe II line and indicates significant mixing. The observed physical properties of
SN 2020rea match with the predictions of pure deflagration model of a Chandrasekhar mass C–O white dwarf. The metallicity
of the host galaxy around the SN region is 12 + log(O/H) = 8.56 ± 0.18 dex which is similar to that of SN 2012Z.