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Photometric, polarimetric, and spectroscopic studies of the luminous, slow-decaying Type Ib SN 2012au

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dc.contributor.author Pandey, S. B
dc.contributor.author Amit Kumar
dc.contributor.author Brajesh Kumar
dc.contributor.author Anupama, G. C
dc.contributor.author Srivastav, S
dc.contributor.author Sahu, D. K
dc.contributor.author Vinko, J
dc.contributor.author Aryan, A
dc.contributor.author Pastorello, A
dc.contributor.author Benetti, S
dc.contributor.author Tomasella, L
dc.contributor.author Singh, A
dc.contributor.author Moskvitin, A. S
dc.contributor.author Sokolov, V. V
dc.contributor.author Gupta, R
dc.contributor.author Misra, K
dc.contributor.author Ochner, P
dc.contributor.author Valenti, S
dc.date.accessioned 2021-10-18T06:28:54Z
dc.date.available 2021-10-18T06:28:54Z
dc.date.issued 2021-10
dc.identifier.citation Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 507, No. 1, pp. 1229–1253 en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1365-2966
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2248/7874
dc.description Restricted Access en_US
dc.description.abstract Optical, near-infrared (NIR) photometric and spectroscopic studies, along with the optical imaging polarimetric results for SN 2012au, are presented in this article to constrain the nature of the progenitor and other properties. Well-calibrated multiband optical photometric data (from –0.2 to +413 d since B-band maximum) were used to compute the bolometric light curve and to perform semi-analytical light-curve modelling using the MINIM code. A spin-down millisecond magnetar-powered model explains the observed photometric evolution of SN 2012au reasonably. Early-time imaging polarimetric follow-up observations (–2 to +31 d) and comparison with other similar cases indicate signatures of asphericity in the ejecta. Good spectral coverage of SN 2012au (from –5 to +391 d) allows us to trace the evolution of layers of SN ejecta in detail. SN 2012au exhibits higher line velocities in comparison with other SNe Ib. Late nebular phase spectra of SN 2012au indicate a Wolf–Rayet star as the possible progenitor for SN 2012au, with oxygen, He-core, and main-sequence masses of ∼1.62 ± 0.15 M⊙, ∼4–8 M⊙, and ∼17–25 M⊙, respectively. There is a clear absence of a first overtone of carbon monoxide (CO) features up to +319 d in the K-band region of the NIR spectra. Overall analysis suggests that SN 2012au is one of the most luminous slow-decaying Type Ib SNe, having comparatively higher ejecta mass (∼ 4.7–8.3 M⊙) and kinetic energy (∼ [4.8–5.4] × 1051 erg). Detailed modelling using MESA and the results obtained through STELLA and SNEC explosions also strongly support spin-down of a magnetar with mass of around 20 M⊙ and metallicity Z = 0.04 as a possible powering source of SN 2012au. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society en_US
dc.relation.uri https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stab1889
dc.rights © The Royal Astronomical Society
dc.subject Techniques: photometric en_US
dc.subject Techniques: spectroscopic en_US
dc.subject Supernovae: general en_US
dc.subject Supernovae: individual: SN 2012au en_US
dc.subject Galaxies: individual: NGC 4790 en_US
dc.subject Techniques: polarimetric en_US
dc.title Photometric, polarimetric, and spectroscopic studies of the luminous, slow-decaying Type Ib SN 2012au en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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