In a recent paper we had discussed possibility of DM at high redshifts forming primordial planets composed entirely of DM to be oneof the reasons for not detecting DM (as the flux of ambient DM particles would be consequently reduced). In this paper we discuss theevolution of these DM objects as the Universe expands. As Universe expands there will be accretion of DM, helium and hydrogen layers(discussed in detail) on these objects. As they accumulate more and more mass, the layers get heated up leading to nuclear reactionswhich burn H and He when a critical thickness is reached. In the case of heavier masses of these DM objects, matter can be ejected explo-sively. It is found that the time scale of ejection is smaller than those from other compact objects like neutron stars (that lead to x-raybursts). These flashes of energy could be a possible observational signature for these dense DM objects.