Results are presented of numerous X-ray observations of the broad-line radio galaxy 3C 382 carried out with Exosat between 1983 and 1985, with emphasis on a major outburst of this galaxy in 1985. During the outburst, both the low-energy (LE) and medium-energy (ME) count rates displayed dramatic variations. Maximum to minimum variations were about 120 and 110 percent in the LE and ME bands, respectively, with different rise/decay time scales. Both the LE and ME light curves contain a prominent dip about halfway through. Although the variability of the LE and ME count rates was correlated, the ME spectral slope was roughly constant (about 1.7 +/- 0.1) and the LE spectral slope varied in correlation with the LE count rate, with the soft excess and with the softness ratio of the source. Correlated variability was also observed between the LE count rate and the softness ratio of 3C 382 during the outburst. Spectra of this galaxy exhibit the presence of an emission line at 6.2 +/- 0.6 keV, which may be due to the fluorescence of cold iron around the central continuum source.