IIAP Publications: Recent submissions

  • Mekkaden, M. V (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1985-03)
    A study of the relationship between soft X-ray luminosity and He I 10830 equivalent width in RS CVn binaries and very active late-type main-sequence stars is made. Long-period RS CVns and very active F and G main-sequence ...
  • Zlobec, P; Thejappa, G (Hvar Observatory Bulletin, 1987)
    Some new results based on high time resolution and polarization studies of solar type II radio bursts are presented. It is found that the fine structures are present in some events whereas they are completely absent in few ...
  • Habbal, S. R; Ronan, R. S; Withbroe, G. L; Shevgaonkar, R. K; Kundu, M. R (The American Astronomical Society, 1986-07)
    The first observations of solar coronal bright points made at 20-cm wavelength with the VLA are reported. The brightness temperature of the sources observed varies between 1 and 5 x 10 to the 5th K. The observations indicate ...
  • Parthasarathy, M; Pottasch, S. R (European Southern Observatory, 1986-01)
    The far infrared IRAS measurements of the high galactic latitude F-supergiant HD 161796 and related stars are found to show strong far infrared excesses, due to large amounts of dust around them. For HD 161796 the dust ...
  • Rajamohan, R; Bhargavi, S. G (Lunar and Planetary Inst, 1992-12)
    The CCD photometry of selected asteroids was carried out to check for possible cometary activity in them. To distinguish the asteroids with possible cometary activity from those of the main belt, each object of interest ...
  • Rajamohan, R; Paranjpye, A; Sajeev, T. P (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990-03)
    The identification of moderately strong spectral lines at a dispersion of 30 A per millimeter is given for the peculiar star 25 Sextantis. The observed variability of some of the lines are briefly described. It is found ...
  • Rajamohan, R (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990-03)
    The initial findings of a survey for spectrum variations in selected CP stars is reported. It is found that almost all observed mercury-manganese stars are spectrum variables. The implications of chemical anomalies in these ...
  • Shevgaonkar, R. K; Kundu, M. R (The American Astronomical Society, 1984-08)
    Three-dimensional structures of two active region groups are determined from observations with the Very Large Array (VLA) at 2, 6, and 20 cm. One of the groups exhibits a single magnetic loop of length approximately 10 to ...
  • Rajamohan, R; Mathew, A (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990-02)
    The broad-band UBV colors and the intermediate band uvby colors of Alpha Persei, Pleiades, and the Scorpio-Centaurus association are analyzed for rotation effects. An attempt was made to discriminate normal single stars ...
  • Rajamohan, R; Paranjpye, A (Konkoly Observatory, 1989-01)
  • Rajamohan, R (D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1984-11)
    The accuracy of the ultralow-dispersion slitless-spectroscopy technique of Bappu and Parthasarathy (1977) in classifying early-type stars at great distances from the sun is investigated experimentally using a 5-min exposure ...
  • Rajamohan, R (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1984-02)
    A brief description of the variation of the Hα line profile in γ Velorum and HD 47129 is given.
  • Mahapatra, U. S; Chattopadhyay, S; Chaudhuri, R. K (American Institute of Physics, 2009-01)
    We present molecular applications of a spin free size-extensive state-specific multireference perturbation theory (SS-MRPT), which is valid for model functions of arbitrary spin and generality. In addition to the singlet ...
  • Chattopadhyay, S; Chaudhuri, R. K; Mahapatra, U. S (American Institute of Physics, 2008-12)
    The improved virtual orbital (IVO) complete active space configuration interaction (CASCI) based multiconfigurational quasidegenerate perturbation theory (MCQDPT) and its single-root version (termed as MRMPPT) are applied ...
  • Kochhar, R. K (Nature Publishing Group, 1977-05)
    It is noted that the angle between the space velocity vector and the spin axis projected on the plane of the sky has a value close to zero deg for three pulsars, close to 90 deg for six others, and between zero and 90 deg ...
  • Kochhar, R. K (Nature Publishing Group, 1978-02)
    A hypothesis is proposed according to which single runaway stars are released from close binaries in which the companion star explodes as a carbon detonation supernova and is totally disrupted. From the stars which can ...
  • Kochhar, R. K (Nature Publishing Group, 1977-11)
    The implications of a pulsar classification scheme are discussed. Three types of pulsars are distinguished - Type S (S for single) from supernova explosions of single stars; type D (D for disrupted) from binaries disrupted ...
  • Kochhar, R. K (British Astronomical Society, 1991-04)
    The contributions made by French astronomers from India are reviewed. The French were more successful on the scientific front than on the colonial. The first telescopic discovery from India was made by a French Jesuit ...
  • Kochhar, R. K (International Astronomical Union, 1990-11)
    There are three types of supernovae: two subtypes SNIa and Ib; and SNII. Late type galaxies produce all types of SN, whereas early types (E, SO, and non-Magellanic irregulars IO) have hosted only SNIa. The recently identified ...
  • Arlot, J. E; Ruatti, C; Thuillot, W; Arsenijevic, J; Baptista, R; Barroso, J; Bauer, C; Berthier, J; Blanco, C; Bouchet, P; Bourgeois, J; Bulder, H. J. J; Burchi, R; Cano, J. A; Casas, R; Chauvet, F; Chis, D; Colas, F; Colin, J; D'Ambrosio, V; de Angelis, G; de Benedetto, G; Denzau, H; Desbats, J. M; Descamps, P; Dipaolantonio, A; Dumitrescu, A; Farcas, L; Federspiel, M; Flatres, T; Froeschle, M; Gherega, O; Gomez-Forrellad, J. M; Guarro, J; Hainaut, O; Horvat, A; Helmer, G; Hube, D; Ito, Y; Kidger, M; Lecacheux, J; Le Campion, J. F; Le Floch, J. C; Mallama, A; Martin, B. E; Mellilo, J. F; Meyer, C; Molau, S; Montignac, G; Morando, B; Nicolet, B; Nitschelm, C; Oprescu, G; Piersimoni, A; Przewozny, D; Protitch-Benishek, V; Rapaport, M; Riou, A; Sacre, J. J; Sevre, F; Shkodrov, V; Souchay, J; Takami, H; Taylor, R; Tholen, D. J; Turcu, V; Vasundhara, R; Vidal, J; Vu, D. T; White, G; Wilds, R. P (EDP Sciences, 1997-11)
    In this paper, all the light-curves obtained during the PHEMU91 campaign of observations of the mutual phenomena of the Galilean satellites are presented. These observations give accurate astrometric positions of major ...

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