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  • Saxena, A. K; Vagiswari, A (Indian National Science Academy, 1990)
  • Singh, M; Singh, S (Optical Society of America, 1980-10)
    The theory of the holographically prepared grating on a cylindrical surface has been developed, to be applicable in grazing incidence, in a convergent beam of light and in transmission in the objective mode for the design ...
  • Singh, M; Singh, S; Kasana, R. S (National Institute of Science Communication And Information Resources, 1981-03)
    The theory of a cylindrical transmission grating prepared holographically has been developed. The condition and recording parameters for minimum aberration have been derived. The aberrations of the spectral images have ...
  • Banyal, R. K; Prasad, B. R (Elsevier, 2007-06)
    High diffraction efficiency measurements in a triply doped Fe:Ce:Ti LiNbO3 crystal are reported. The crystal shows an improved recording sensitivity, weak light-induced scattering and extremely slow readout erasure which ...
  • Sivaram, C; Arun, K (Springer, 2013-11)
    As is well known, black hole entropy is proportional to the area of the horizon suggesting a holographic principle wherein all degrees of freedom contributing to the entropy reside on the surface. In this note, we point ...
  • da Silva, R; Milone, A. C; Reddy, B. E (EDP Sciences, 2011-02)
    Aims. We present a determination of photospheric parameters and carbon abundances for a sample of 172 G and K dwarf, subgiant, and giant stars with and without detected planets in the solar neighbourhood. The analysis was ...
  • Gopala Rao, U. V (D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1970-10)
    Homologous characteristics of radio bursts at 3000 MHz and associated optical flares are studied. It is found that flares associated with homologous radio bursts are also homologous optically.
  • Prabhu, T. P; Mekkaden, M. V (International Astronomical Union, 1981-02)
  • Schatz, H; Becerril Reyes, A. D; Best, A; Brown, E. F; Chatziioannou, K; Chipps, K. A; Deibel, C. M; Ezzeddine, R; Galloway, D. K; Hansen, C. J; Herwig, F; Gibson, B. K; Gorda, T; Gourgouliatos, K. N; Graber, V; Gupta, M; Haxton, W. C; Heger, A; Nevins, B; Hix, W. R; Ho, W. C. G; Rebeiro, B. M; Holmbeck, E. M; Hood, A. A; Huth, S; Imbriani, G; Izzard, R. G; Jain, R; Jayatissa, H; Johnston, Z; Newton, W. G; Kajino, T; Reifarth, R; Kankainen, A; Kiss, G. G; Kwiatkowski, A; La Cognata, M; Laird, A. M; Lamia, L; Landry, P; Laplace, E; Launey, K. D; Nguyen, L. Q; Richard, A. L; Leahy, D; Leckenby, G; Lennarz, A; Longfellow, B; Lovell, A. E; Lynch, W. G; Lyons, S. M; Maeda, K; Masha, E; Matei, C; Rijal, N; Nishikawa, K; Merc, J; Messer, B; Montes, F; Mukherjee, A; Nishimura, N; Nunes, F. M; O'Connor, E; O'Shea, B. W; Ji, A. P; Roederer, I. U; Ong, W. J; Pain, S. D; Pajkos, M. A; Pignatari, M; Pizzone, R. G; Placco, V. M; Plewa, T; Pritychenko, B; Psaltis, A; Puentes, D; Rojo, J. S; Lugaro, M; Qian, Y-Z; Radice, D; Rapagnani, D; J. S. K; Meisel, Z; Saito, Y; Schwenk, A; Cote, B; Sergi, M. L; Sidhu, R. S; Simon, A; Sivarani, T; Skuladottir, A; Smith, M. S; Spiridon, A; Sprouse, T. M; Norman, D; Starrfield, S; Caplan, M. E; Steiner, A. W; Strieder, F; Sultana, I; Surman, R; Szucs, T; Tawfik, A; Thielemann, F; Trache, L; Trappitsch, R; Read, J. S; Champagne, A. E; Tsang, M. B; Tumino, A; Upadhyayula, S; Valle Martínez, J. O; Van der Swaelmen, M; Viscasillas Vazquez, C; Watts, A; Wehmeyer, B; Wiescher, M; Wrede, C; Clark, J. A; Roberts, L. F; Yoon, J; Zegers, R. G. T; Zermane, M. A; Zingale, M; Spyrou, A; Timmes, F. X; Travaglio, C; Vassh, V; Abia, C; Couder, M; Adsley, P; Agarwal, S; Aliotta, M; Aoki, W; Arcones, A; Aryan, A; Bandyopadhyay, A; Banu, A; Bardayan, D. W; Barnes, J; Couture, A; Bauswein, A; Beers, T. C; Bishop, J; Boztepe, T; de Mink, S. E; Debnath, S; deBoer, R. J; den Hartogh, J; Mumpower, M. R; Denissenkov, P; Dexheimer, V; Dillmann, I; Escher, J. E; Famiano, M. A; Farmer, R; Fisher, R; Frohlich, C; Frebel, A; Fryer, C; Neto, D; Fuller, G; Ganguly, A. K; Ghosh, S (IOP Publishing, 2022-11)
    Nuclear astrophysics is a field at the intersection of nuclear physics and astrophysics, which seeks to understand the nuclear engines of astronomical objects and the origin of the chemical elements. This white paper ...
  • Sharmila Rani; Pandey, G; Subramaniam, A; Sahu, S; Kameswara Rao, N (Indian Academy of Sciences, 2020-12)
    We present the results obtained from the UV photometry of the globular cluster NGC 1261 using far-UV (FUV) and near-UV (NUV) images acquired with the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) on-board the AstroSat satellite. ...
  • Subramaniam, A; Snehalata Sahu; Postma, J; Cote, Patrick; Hutchings, J. B; Darukhanawalla, N; Chung, Chul; Tandon, S. N; Kameswara Rao, N; George, K; Ghosh, S. K; Girish, V; Murthy, J; Mohan, Rekhesh; Murthy, J; Pati, A. K; Sankarasubramanian, K; Stalin, C. S; Choudhury, S (IOP Publishing, 2017-12)
    The Horizontal Branch Population of NGC 1851 as Revealed by the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope ( UVIT ) Annapurni Subramaniam 1 , Snehalata Sahu 1 , Joseph E. Postma 2 , Patrick Côté 3 , J. B. Hutchings 3 , ...
  • Jain, K; Tripathy, S. C; Ravindra, B; Komm, R; Hill, F (IOP Publishing, 2016-01)
    Continuous high-cadence and high spatial resolution Dopplergrams allow us to study subsurface dynamics that may be further extended to explore precursors of visible solar activity on the surface. Since the p -mode ...
  • Guha, Labanya Kumar; Srianand, Raghunathan; Dutta, Rajeshwari; Joshi, Ravi; Noterdaeme, Pasquier; Petitjean, Patrick (Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society, 2022-07)
    From a sample of 109 candidate ultrastrong Mg II (USMg II; having rest equivalent width of Mg II, W2796 > 3.0 Å) systems at z = 0.4–0.6, we confirm 27 and identify host galaxies of 20 systems based on associated nebular ...
  • Valtonen, Mauri J; Dey, Lankeswar; Zola, S; Ciprini, S; Kidger, M; Pursimo, T; Gopakumar, A; Matsumoto, K; Sadakane, K; Caton, D. B; Nilsson, K; Komossa, S; Bagaglia, M; Baransky, A; Boumis, P; Boyd, D; Castro-Tirado, A. J; Debski, B; Drozdz, M; Perez, A. Escartin; Fiorucci, M; Garcia, F; Gazeas, K; Ghosh, S; Godunova, V; Gomez, J. L; Gredel, R; Grupe, D; Haislip, J. B; Henning, T; Hurst, G; Janík, J; Kouprianov, V. V; Lehto, H; Liakos, A; Mathur, S; Mugrauer, M; Nogues, R. Naves; Nucciarelli, G; Ogloza, W; Ojha, D. K; Pajdosz-Śmierciak, U; Pascolini, S; Poyner, G; Reichart, D. E; Rizzi, N; Roncella, F; Sahu, D. K; Sillanpää, A; Simon, A; Siwak, M; Alfaro, F. C. Soldán; Sonbas, E; Tosti, G; Vasylenko, V; Webb, J. R; Zielinski, P (Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society, 2022-08)
    OJ 287 is a BL Lacertae type quasar in which the active galactic nucleus (AGN) outshines the host galaxy by an order of magnitude. The only exception to this may be at minimum light when the AGN activity is so low that ...
  • Swastik, C; Banyal, R. K; Narang, Mayank; Manoj, P; Sivarani, T; Reddy, B. E; Rajaguru, S. P (IOP Publishing, 2021-03-01)
    Directly imaged planets (DIPs) are self-luminous companions of pre-main-sequence and young main-sequence stars. They reside in wider orbits (~tens to thousands of astronomical units) and generally are more massive compared ...
  • Banerjee, Bihan; Narang, Mayank; Manoj, P; Henning, Thomas; Tyagi, Himanshu; Surya, Arun; Nayak, Prasanta K; Tripathi, Mihir (American Astronomical Society, 2024-07-01)
    Giant planets exhibit diverse orbital properties, hinting at their distinct formation and dynamic histories. In this paper, using Gaia Data Release 3 (DR3), we investigate if and how the orbital properties of Jupiters are ...
  • Pravabati, C; Park, C; Yogendran, K. P; van de Weygaert, R (IOP Publishing, 2012-08-20)
    We introduce the numbers of hot and cold spots, n/subh/ and n/subc/, of excursion sets of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature anisotropy maps as statistical observables that can discriminate different ...
  • Subramaniam, A; Sindhu, N; Tandon, S. N; Kameswara Rao, N; Postma, J; Cote, Patrick; Hutchings, J. B; Ghosh, S. K; George, K; Girish, V (IOP Publishing, 2016-12-20)
    We present early results from the Ultra-Violet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) on board the ASTROSAT observatory. We report the discovery of a hot companion associated with one of the blue straggler stars (BSSs) in the old open ...
  • Parthasarathy, M; Gauba, G; Fujii, T; Nakada, Y (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001-08)
    From the study of IRAS sources with far-IR colors similar to planetary nebulae (PNe), several proto-planetary nebulae with hot (OB) post-AGB central stars have been detected. These stars form an evolutionary link between ...
  • Kameswara Rao, N; Giridhar, S; Lambert, D. L (The European Southern Observatory, 1993-12)
    High resolution spectra in the red region of the hot R CrB star DY Cen show the following characteristics: a strong absorption line spectrum dominated by lines of C II, N II, and Ne I inverse P-Cygni type profiles of some ...

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