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Browsing IIAP Publications by Title

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  • Peraiah, A; Srinivasa Rao, M (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, 1985-11)
    We have presented a series of P Cygni type profiles of special lines computed by employing different velocity laws of expansion in a spherically atmosphere. A comparison has been made with those of Beals classification. ...
  • Mahanta, Upakul; Goswami, A; Duorah, H. L; Duorah, K (IOP Publishing, 2017-08)
    Elemental abundance patterns of globular cluster stars can provide important clues for understanding cluster formation and early chemical evolution. The origin of the abundance patterns, however, still remains poorly ...
  • Cally, P. S; Moradi, H; Rajaguru, S. P (John-Wiley and Sons, 2016)
    This chapter brings together two of the prominent features of our star the Sun: its well‐developed p‐mode spectrum of global oscillations excited by near‐surface convection, and its magnetic activity famously represented ...
  • Sripathi Acharya, B; Vishwanath, P. R; Bhat, P. N; Chitnis, V. R; Majumdar, P; Rahman, M. A; Singh, B. B (International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, 2003-07)
    The data taken on the Crab pulsar by the recently commissioned array of ˇ Cerenkov telescopes at Pachmarhi using the wave front sampling technique have been analyzed. The phasograms show significant excess of events at the ...
  • Jensen, J. J; Honig, S. F; Rakshit, S; Alonso-Herrero, A; Asmus, D; Gandhi, P; Kishimoto, M; Smette, A; Tristram, K. R. W (Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017-08)
    Spectral features from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules observed in the mid-infrared (mid-IR) range are typically used to infer the amount of recent and ongoing star formation on kiloparsec scales around ...
  • Zheng, W; Shen, R. F; Sakamoto, T; Beardmore, A. P; De Pasquale, M; Wu, X. F; Gorosabel, J; Urata, Y; Sugita, S; Zhang, B; Pozanenko, A; Nissinen, M; Sahu, D. K; Im, M; Ukwatta, T. N; Andreev, M; Klunko, E; Volnova, A; Akerlof, C. W; Anto, P; Barthelmy, S. D; Breeveld, A; Carsenty, U; Castillo-Carrion, S; Castro-Tirado, A. J; Chester, M. M; Chuang, C. J; Cunniffe, R; De Ugarte Postigo, A; Duffard, R; Flewelling, H; Gehrels, N; Guver, T; Guziy, S; Hentunen, V. P; Huang, K. Y; Jelinek, M; Koch, T. S; Kubanek, P; Kuin, P; McKay, T. A; Mottola, S; Oates, S. R; O'Brien, P; Ohno, M; Page, M. J; Pandey, S. B; Perez del Pulgar, C; Rujopakarn, W; Rykoff, E; Salmi, T; Sanchez-Ramirez, R; Schaefer, B. E; Sergeev, A; Sonbas, E; Sota, A; Tello, J. C; Yamaoka, K; Yost, S. A; Yuan, F (IOP Publishing, 2012-06-01)
    We present a comprehensive analysis of a bright, long-duration (T /sub90/ ~ 257 s) GRB 110205A at redshift z = 2.22. The optical prompt emission was detected by Swift/UVOT, ROTSE-IIIb, and BOOTES telescopes when the gamma-ray ...
  • Shantikumar, S. N; Sridevi, J; Shrungeshwara, T. S (Elsevier B.V, 2018-03)
    The present work evaluates eleven existing empirical models to estimate Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV) over a high-altitude (4500 m amsl), cold-desert environment. These models are tested extensively and used globally to ...
  • Gangadhara, R. T; Krishan, V (Cambridge University Press, 1991)
    The parametric decay instability (PDI) causes anomalous absorption of strong electromagnetic (e.m) radiation under specific conditions of energy and momentum conservation. It is shown that in the source 3C 273, the conditions ...
  • Mohan, Prashanth; Mangalam, A; Chattopadhyay, S (Indian Academy of Sciences, 2014-04)
    The maximum likelihood estimator is used to determine fit parameters for various parametric models of the Fourier periodogram followed by the selection of the best fit model amongst competing models using the Akaike ...
  • Rangarajan, K. E; Mohan Rao, D (Indian Academy of Sciences, 2000-12)
  • Subramaniam, A; Anupama, G. C (American Institute of Physics, 2002)
    The parent population of novae in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) are identified by a study of the local, projected, stellar populations. The age, density and luminosity function of the stellar population are estimated ...
  • Singh, A. D; Das, B. P (Institute of Physics, 1999-10)
    The recent experimental observation of the nuclear anapole moment in atomic caesium has confirmed the existence of the nuclear spin-dependent parity non-conserving nucleus-electron interaction. Atomic ytterbium (Yb) is ...
  • Sahoo, B. K; Das, B. P (American Physical Society, 2011-07)
    We consider parity nonconservation (PNC) in singly ionized ytterbium (Yb+) arising from the neutral current weak interaction. We calculate the PNC electric dipole transition amplitude (E1PNC) and the properties associated ...
  • Kharb, P; Shastri, P (International Astronomical Union, 2001)
    A majority of a complete sample of 3CR FR I radio galaxies show unresolved optical nuclear sources on the scales of 0.1 arcsec. These Compact Central Cores (CCC) have been interpreted as the optical counterparts of the ...
  • Mohan, P; An, T; Frey, S; Mangalam, A; Gabanyi, K. E; Kun, E (Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016-12-01)
    The quasar PG 1302−102 is believed to harbour a supermassive binary black hole (SMBBH) system. Using the available 15 GHz and 2–8 GHz, multi-epoch Very Long Baseline Array data, we constrain the pc-scale jet properties ...
  • Kharb, P; Gabuzda, D; Shastri, P (Blackwell Publishing, 2008-02)
    We present very long baseline interferometry polarization images of an X-ray-selected sample of BL Lacertae objects belonging to the first HEAO-1 and the ROSAT–Green Bank (RGB) surveys. These are primarily high-energy-peaked ...
  • Lal, D. V; Shastri, P; Gabuzda, D. C (The Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2001)
  • Shah, Sarang; Subramanian, S; Avinash, Ck; Andersen, David R; Skidmore, Warren; Anupama, G. C; Delgado, Francisco; Gillies, Kim; Maheshwar, G; Ramaprakash, A. N; Reddy, B. E; Sivarani, T; Subramaniam, A (American Astronomical Society, 2024-08-01)
    At first light, the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) near-infrared (NIR) instruments will be fed by a multiconjugate adaptive optics instrument known as the Narrow Field Infrared Adaptive Optics System (NFIRAOS). NFIRAOS will ...
  • Nagendra, K. N (Springer, 1996-03)
    Velocity fields in line formation regions strongly affect the line polarization. The conventionally used observer's frame method of solving the polarized transfer equation becomes expensive and inaccurate for partial ...
  • Nagendra, K. N (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2014-10)
    In this review we first describe briefly the techniques to formulate partial redistribution (PRD) matrices for polarized line scattering on atoms. These matrices have to be formulated by either semi-classical or quantum ...

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