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  • Scaria, K. K; Nair, R. M; Sivaraman, K. R (Astronomical Society of India, 1991)
    The extinction coefficients in the J, H, K near-IR bands are presented that were derived for Kavalur during the years 1987, 1988, and 1989. Humidity and temperature observations made at Kavalur during these years are used ...
  • Kumar, B; Sagar, R; Rautela, B. S; Srivastava, J. B; Srivastava, R. K (Astronomical Society of India, 2000)
    We present an analysis of the atmospheric extinction coefficients measured during 1964 to 1999 in broad-band photometric passbands at U.P. State Observatory, Naini Tal. The extinction properties are also studied from the ...
  • Sivaram, C (Deccan Herald, 2010-10-19)
    October 18 was the birth centenary of the Physics Nobel Prize winner for 1983 S Chandrasekhar. The astrophysicist has come to be known for the Chandrasekhar limit, which concerns a class of stars called white dwarfs. The ...
  • Sallum, Steph; Skemer, Andrew; Stelter, Deno; Banyal, R. K; Batalha, Natalie; Batalha, Natasha; Blake, Geoff; Brandt, Tim; Briesemeister, Zack; Kleer, Katherine de; Pater, Imke de; Desai, Aditi; Eisner, Josh; Fong, Wen-fai; Greene, Tom; Honda, Mitsuhiko; Jensen-Clem, Rebecca; Kain, Isabel; Kilpatrick, Charlie; Kupke, Renate; Lach, Mackenzie; Liu, Michael C; Macintosh, Bruce; Martinez, Raquel A; Mawet, Dimitri; Miles, Brittany; Morley, Caroline; Powell, Diana; Sethuram, Ramya; Sheehan, Patrick; Spilker, Justin; Stone, Jordan; Surya, Arun; Sivarani, T; Unni, Athira; Wagner, Kevin; Zhou, Yifan (SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2023-10)
    The Slicer Combined with Array of Lenslets for Exoplanet Spectroscopy (SCALES) is a 2 − 5 µm, high-contrast integral field spectrograph (IFS) currently being built for Keck Observatory. With both low (R ≲ 250) and medium ...
  • Brown, E. T; Bendick, R; Bourlès, D. L; Gaur, V. K; Molnar, P; Raisbeck, G. M; Yiou, F (American Geophysical Union, 2002-09)
    We measure an average slip rate of 4 +/- 1 mm yr-1 along the Karakorum fault, heretofore considered one of Earth's greatest strike-slip faults and thought by many to play a key role in Asian deformation kinematics. Levees ...
  • Lyke, Brad W; Higley, Alexandra N; McLane, J. N; Schurhammer, D. P; Myers, A. D; Ross, A. J; Dawson, K; Chabanier, S; Martini, P; Busca, N. G; Mas des Bourboux, Helion du; Salvato, Mara; Streblyanska, A; Zarrouk, P; Burtin, E; Anderson, S. F; Bautista, J; Bizyaev, D; Brandt, W. N; Brinkmann, J; Brownstein, J. R; Comparat, J; Green, Paul; de la Macorra, Axel; Munoz Gutierrez, Andrea; Hou, Jiamin; Newman, J. A; Palanque-Delabrouille, N; Paris, I; Percival, W. J; Petitjean, P; Rich, J; Rossi, G; Schneider, D. P; Smith, Alexander; Vivek, M; Weaver, Benjamin A (IOP Publishing, 2020-09)
    We present the final Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV (SDSS-IV) quasar catalog from Data Release 16 of the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS). This catalog comprises the largest selection of spectroscopically ...
  • Agarwal, S; Corasaniti, P.-S; Das, Subinoy; Rasera, Y (The American Physical Society, 2015-09-15)
    We perform a study of the nonlinear clustering of matter in the late-forming dark matter (LFDM) scenario in which dark matter results from the transition of a nonminimally coupled scalar field from radiation to collisionless ...
  • Sastri, J. H; Murthy, B. S (Japan Science and Technology Agency, 1977-03)
    Some preliminary results obtained on the small scale fluctuations in the F-region critical frequency at Kodaikanal (Dip 3.5 deg) using 1-min interval ionograms, are presented. Spectral analysis showed the fluctuations to ...
  • Chandrashekhar, K (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, 2013-08)
    Solar coronal heating and the energy/mass flow of the solar wind is one of the unsolved but fundamental problems of solar physics. While it has been well established for decades that the corona and solar wind owe their ...
  • Gupta, R (Astronomical Society of India, 1996)
    Over the past decade, Small Automated Telescopes have been developed at. various observatories. The operation of these telescopes and their related observations are carried out under the control of a computer and thus the ...
  • Gupta, R (Astronomical Society of India, 2001)
    In the past decade, with the inception of IUCAA and other similar efforts from Universities and Institutes, several MSc teaching courses at Universities now offer Astronomy & Astrophysics as a special paper along with a ...
  • Joseph, P; George, K; Subramanian, S; Mondal, C; Subramaniam, A (IOP Publishing, 2022-09)
    The spatial distribution and physical sizes of star-forming clumps at the smallest scales provide valuable information on hierarchical star formation (SF). In this context, we report the sites of ongoing SF at ∼120 pc along ...
  • Iglesias, F. A; Feller, A; Nagaraju, K (Optical Society of America, 2015-07-01)
    Image smear, produced by the shutterless operation of frame-transfer CCD detectors, can be detrimental for many imaging applications. Existing algorithms used to numerically remove smear do not contemplate cases where ...
  • The Hindu (The Hindu, 2023-08-31)
  • Prabhu, T. P (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, 1988)
    The UBVRI light curves of SN 1987a are described. The inferences one can draw from these data, such as the colour evolution, evolution of photospeheric radius and temperature, and bolometric light curve, are discussed. ...
  • Prabhu, T. P; Mayya, Y. D; Singh, K. P; Kameswara Rao, N; Ghosh, K. K; Mekkaden, M. V; Pati, A. K; Raveendran, A. V; Reddy, B. E; Sagar, R; Subramaniam, A; Surendiranath, R (The European Southern Observatory, 1995-03)
    CCD photometric and spectrophotometric data on the type IIb supernova 1993J in M 81 (NGC 3031) obtained from Vainu Bappu Observatory, Kavalur, during the first two months since the outburst are reported. The evolution of ...
  • Pandey, S. B; Sahu, D. K; Anupama, G. C; Bhattacharya, D; Sagar, R (Astronomical Society of India, 2003)
    The supernova SN 2002ap was discovered in the outer regions of the nearby spiral M74 on January 29.4 UT. Early photometric and spectroscopic observations indicate the supernova belongs to the class of Ic hypernova. Late ...
  • Roy, R; Sollerman, J; Silverman, J. M; Pastorello, A; Fransson, C; Drake, A; Taddia, F; Fremling, C; Kankare, E; Brajesh Kumar; Cappellaro, E; Bose, S; Benetti, S; Filippenko, A. V; Valenti, S; Nyholm, A; Ergon, M; Sutaria, F. K; Kumar, B; Pandey, S. B; Nicholl, M; Garcia-Alvarez, D; Tomasella, L; Karamehmetoglu, E; Migotto, K (EDP Sciences, 2016-12)
    Context. Research on supernovae (SNe) over the past decade has confirmed that there is a distinct class of events which are much more luminous (by ~2 mag) than canonical core-collapse SNe (CCSNe). These events with visual ...
  • Bose, S; Valenti, S; Misra, K; Pumo, M. L; Zampieri, L; Sand, D; Kumar, B; Pastorello, A; Sutaria, F. K; Maccarone, T. J; Kumar, B; Graham, M. L; Howell, D. A; Ochner, P; Chandola, H. C; Pandey, S. B (Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015-07-01)
    We present densely sampled ultraviolet/optical photometric and low-resolution optical spectroscopic observations of the Type IIP supernova 2013ab in the nearby (∼24 Mpc) galaxy NGC 5669, from 2 to 190 d after explosion. ...
  • Bose, S; Sutaria, F. K; Kumar, B; Duggal, C; Misra, K; Brown, P. J; Singh, M; Dwarkadas, V; York, D. G; Chakraborti, S; Chandola, H. C; Dahlstrom, J; Ray, A; Safonova, M (IOP Publishing, 2015-06)
    We present optical photometric and spectroscopic observations of SN 2013ej. It is one of the brightest Type II supernovae (SNe II) exploded in a nearby (∼10 Mpc) galaxy, NGC 628. The light-curve characteristics are similar ...

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