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  • Golovin, A; Galvez-Ortiz, M. C; Hernan-Obispo, M; Andreev, M; Barnes, J. R; Montes, D; Pavlenko, E; Pandey, J. C; Martinez-Arnaiz, R; Medhi, B. J; Parihar, P. S; Henden, A; Sergeev, A; Zaitsev, S. V; Karpov, N (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012-03)
    This paper is part of a multiwavelength study aimed at using complementary photometric, polarimetric and spectroscopic data to achieve an understanding of the activity process in late-type stars. Here, we present the ...
  • Seshadri, T. R (Astronomical Society of India, 2005-03)
    Fractal analysis is a powerful tool to study the nature of galaxy distribution. The use of multifractal analysis of the galaxy distribution for the investigation of the transition to homogeneity in the Universe is reviewed. ...
  • Paniveni, U; Krishan, V; Singh, J; Srikanth, R (European Space Agency, 2005-12)
    We employ fractal analysis to study the complexity of supergranulation structure using the solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) dopplergrams. Our data consist of 200 visually selected Supergranular cells, for which ...
  • Nair, A; Vivek, M (Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society, 2022-04)
    In this study, we investigated the orientation model of Broad Absorption Line (BAL) quasars using a sample of sources that are common in Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release (DR)-16 quasar catalogue and Very Large ...
  • Kumar, K. B; Rajamanickam, N; Bagare, S. P; Gomez, F. M; Gonzalez, L. J. J. (Elsevier, 2003-10)
    Franck-Condon factors and /r-centroids, which are very closely related to transition probabilities, have been evaluated by the more reliable numerical integration procedure for the bands of B1Σ+-X1Σ+, C1Σ+-X1Σ+, c3Σ+-b3Σ+, ...
  • Ramachandran, P. S; Rajamanickam, N; Bagare, S. P; Kumar, B. C (Springer, 2005-01)
    The Franck-Condon factors and r-centroids, which are very closely related to vibrational transition probabilities, have been evaluated by the more reliable numerical integration procedure for the bands of B 2∑+ X 2∑+, F ...
  • Raja, V; Rajamanickam, N (Astronomical Society of India, 2001)
    The Franck-Condon factors and r-centroids, which are very closely related to transition probabilities, have been evaluated by the reliable numerical integration procedure for the bands of B1?+ - X1?+, C1?+ - X1?+ D1?-X1?+ ...
  • Joshi, G. C; Joshi, U. C; Punetha, L. M; Pande, M. C (Astronomical Society of India, 1982-06)
    Some of the molecular transitions in UV in sunspots are pointed out and Franck-Condon factors for some of these have been calculated.
  • Kochhar, R. K (British Astronomical Society, 1991-04)
    The contributions made by French astronomers from India are reviewed. The French were more successful on the scientific front than on the colonial. The first telescopic discovery from India was made by a French Jesuit ...
  • Iyer, B. R; Vishveshwara, C. V (The American Physical Society, 1993)
    The phenomenon of gyroscopic precession is studied within the framework of the Frenet-Serret formalism adapted to quasi-Killing trajectories. Its relation to the congruence vorticity is highlighted with particular reference ...
  • Sundaram, G. A. S; Subramanian, K. R (Royal Astronomical Society, 2005-05)
    Type I noise storms constitute a sizeable fraction of the active Solar radio emission component. Observations of isolated instances of such bursts, in the swept-frequency mode at metric wavelengths, have remained sparse, ...
  • Sastry, Ch. V (Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers Ltd., 1972-05)
    The frequency drift and time splitting of solar radio bursts are observed with a multi-channel radiometer and a polarimeter at frequencies around 25 MHz. It is found that a majority of noise storm bursts have drift ...
  • Venkatakrishnan, P (D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1979-08)
    When a sound wave is incident on a magnetic flux sheath, it causes fluctuations in the mean magnetic field of the sheath. We have calculated the space-average of the longitudinal component of these fluctuations and plotted ...
  • Kapoor, R. C; Datta, B (The Royal Astronomical Society, 1984-08)
    The frequency shifts and line broadening of radiation from the surface of rapidly rotating neutron stars are calculated using a rotationally perturbed interior spherical metric and a representative choice of the equation ...
  • Mohan, Prashanth; Agarwal, A; Mangalam, A; Gupta, A. C; Wiita, P. J; Volvach, A. E; Aller, M. F; Aller, H. D; Gu, M. F; Lahteenmaki, A; Tornikoski, M; Volvach, L. N (Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015-09-11)
    We study the core shift effect in the parsec-scale jet of the blazar 3C 454.3 using the 4.8– 36.8 GHz radio light curves obtained from three decades of continuous monitoring. From a piecewise Gaussian fit to each flare, ...
  • Krishna Prasad, S; Banerjee, D; Doorsselaere, T. V (IOP Publishing, 2014-07-10)
    Propagating slow magneto-acoustic waves are often observed in polar plumes and active region fan loops. The observed periodicities of these waves range from a few minutes to a few tens of minutes and their amplitudes were ...
  • Mitra, S; Priestley, K; Gaur, V. K; Rai, S. S (Seismological Society of America, 2006-12)
    We use seismograms from regional earthquakes recorded on digital seismographs in peninsular India to determine the frequency-dependent Q of Lg for the Indian platform. We measure Lg attenuation by determining the decay of ...
  • Benomar, O; Baudin, F; Campante, T. L; Chaplin, W. J; García, R. A; Gaulme, P; Toutain, T; Verner, G. A; Appourchaux, T; Ballot, J; Barban, C; Elsworth, Y; Mathur, S; Mosser, B; Régulo, C; Roxburgh, I. W; Auvergne, M; Baglin, A; Catala, C; Michel, E; Samadi, R (EDP Sciences, 2009-11)
    Context. Solar-like oscillations have now been observed in several stars, thanks to ground-based spectroscopic observations and space-borne photometry. CoRoT, which has been in orbit since December 2006, has observed the ...
  • Nair, S; Garrett, M. A (Astronomical Society of India, 2000)
    Fresh modelling of PKS1830-211 points to a perturbation in the NE image by a lens of globular cluster scale.
  • Shah, G. A (Astronomical Society of India, 1978-12)

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