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  • Venkatakrishnan, P (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, 1984)
    The role played by convection in the formation of slender magnetic flux tubes and in the dynamics of the gas within the tube is discussed in the case of simplified models. Convection instability cannot drive systematic ...
  • Hasan, S. S (European Space Egency, 1984-11)
    The collapse of solar flux tubes by a convective instability is investigated. At the initial epoch it is assumed that the flux tube is in hydrostatic equilibrium and that it has the same temperature as the ambient medium. ...
  • Rajaguru, S. P; Kurucz, R. L; Hasan, S. S (The American Astronomical Society, 2002-02)
    The convective collapse of thin magnetic flux tubes in the photospheres of Sun-like stars is investigated using realistic models of the superadiabatic upper convection zone layers of these stars. The strengths of convectively ...
  • Singh, H. P; Roxburgh, I. W; Chan, K. L (Astronomical Society of India, 2000)
    The region of turbulent convective motions in stellar envelopes provides for both energy transport and the redistribution of chemical elements by mixing processes. Penetration or overshooting of these convective motions ...
  • Bombaci, I; Datta, B (The American Astronomical Society, 2000-02)
    We study the conversion of a neutron star to a strange star as a possible energy source for gamma-ray bursts. We use different recent models for the equation of state of neutron star matter and strange quark matter. We ...
  • Malagnini, M. L; Morossi, C; Buser, R; Parthasarathy, M (EDP Sciences, 1992-08)
    Five solar-composition cool giant stars have been observed with the IUE low resolution mode. The UV energy distributions were merged with visual spectrophotometry from the literature and compared with predictions from two ...
  • Kariyappa, R; DeLuca, E. E; Saar, S. H; Golub, L; Dame, L; Varghese, B. A (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2012-08)
    We use a 7-hour (17:00 UT - 24:00 UT) time sequence of soft X-ray images observed almost simultaneously in two filters (Ti_poly and Al_mesh) on April 14, 2007 with X-Ray Telescope (XRT) on-board the Hinode mission to ...
  • Kalita, Surajit; Sarmah, Lupamudra; Wojnar, Aneta (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2022-12)
    A simple cooling model of white dwarf stars is re-analyzed in Palatini 𝑓(𝑅) gravity. Modified gravity affects the white dwarf structures and consequently their ages. We find that the resulting super-Chandrasekhar white ...
  • Bhat, C. L; Kaul, R. K; Kaul, C. L (Astronomical Society of India, 1998)
  • Joshi, U. C; Baliyan, K. S; Ganesh, S; Deshpande, M. R; Bhattacharyya, S; Kaul, R. K; Kaul, C. L; Bhat, C. L (Astronomical Society of India, 2000)
    Coordinated TeV gamma-ray and optical polarization observations of the BL Lac object Mkn 501, carried out during 1997 with the TACTIC imaging Cerenkov telescope of the BARC and the 1.2 m Gurushikhar optical/IR telescope ...
  • Vagiswari, A; Birdie, C (DRTC, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore, 2007-02)
    In this paper we discuss the various steps followed while creating an open access repository of historical material available at the Indian Institute of Astrophysics using DSpace. While uploading these materials we have ...
  • Merlitz, H; Gopakumar, G; Chaudhuri, R. K; Das, B. P; Mahapatra, U. S; Mukherjee, D (The American Physical Society, 2001-02)
    Ionization potentials (IP's) are evaluated for various excited states of Tl using the relativistic coupled cluster (CCCD) theory in the even-parity pair channel approximation (CCSD-EPC). An average accuracy below half a ...
  • Sharma, Ekta; Maheswar, G; Archana Soam; Lee, Chang Won; Seshadri, T. R (Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society, 2022-11)
    Molecular clouds are sites of star formation. Magnetic fields are believed to play an important role in their dynamics and shaping morphology. We aim to study any possible correlation that might exist between the magnetic ...
  • Latha, K. V. P; Angom, D; Chaudhuri, R. K; Das, B. P; Mukherjee, D (Institute of Physics, 2008-01)
    The effects of a parity and time-reversal violating potential, in particular the tensor–pseudotensor electron–nucleus interaction, are studied. We establish that selected terms representing the interplay of these effects ...
  • Agarwal, A; Mohan, P; Gupta, A. C; Mangalam, A; Volvach, A. E; Aller, M. F; Aller, H. D; Gu, M. F; Lahteenmaki, A; Tornikoski, M; Volvach, L. N (Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017-07)
    We studied the pc-scale core shift effect using radio light curves for three blazars, S5 0716+714, 3C 279 and BL Lacertae, which were monitored at five frequencies (ν) between 4.8 and 36.8 GHz using the University of ...
  • Dastidar, R; Kumar, B; Sahu, D. K; Misra, K; Singh, M; Gangopadhyay, A; Anapuma, G. C; Pandey, S. B (Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege, 2018-04)
    The type II supernovae (SNe) are hydrogen-rich cosmic explosions resulting from the collapse of massive stars. The impetus of studying individual events arises from its cosmological importance and the diverse understanding ...
  • Vats, H. O (Astronomical Society of India, 2003)
    The calculations of the gradient of coronal rotation period with altitude were performed using electron density model and the radio measurements of solar coronal rotation. The magnitude of the gradient reduces if the ...
  • Liebenberg, D. H; Sanders, W. M; Brown, E. A; Murray, H. S; Kennedy, R. N (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, 1980-06)
    We have observed coronal emission line profiles at the February 16, 1980 total solar eclipse from an NC-135 aircraft. Very successful observations of a highly active corona near the peak of the 11 year solar cycle show ...
  • Venkatakrishnan, P (Springer, 1993-12)
    The time-averaged equivalent width of the He 1 10830 Angstrom line is seen to be correlated with the time-averaged line width. This correlation is interpreted as evidence for the association of the chromospheric energy ...
  • Banerjee, D; Dikpati, M; Choudhuri, A. R (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1998)
    We show that the magnetic kink waves generated by the motions of the Photospheric footpoints of the coronal flux tubes can supply adequate energy for heating the quiet corona. We model the solar corona as two-layer isothermal ...

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