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  • Gokhale, M. H; Hiremath, K. M (International Astronomical Union, 1993-01)
    We have modeled the 'steady' part of sun's internal poloidal magnetic field in the form of a central dipole and a central hexapole with strengths (0.6 +/- 0.1)B(o)R(0) exp 3 and (0.16 +/- 0.05)B(o)R(0) exp 5 embedded in ...
  • Hiremath, K. M (Astronomical Society of India, 2001)
    With reasonable assumptions and approximations, we solve analytically the full set of Chandrasekhar's (1956) MHD equations in the convective envelope, for steady part of rotation and toroidal component of the magnetic field ...
  • Hiremath, K. M; Gokhale, M. H (Astronomical Society of India, 1998)
    It is shown that steady part of rotation in the Sun's convective envelope (CE) and radiative core (RC)can be determined as an analytical solution of the diffusion equation in an incompressible medium of constant diffusivity. ...
  • Hiremath, K. M; Gokhale, M. H (Astronomical Society of India, 1996)
    We use the full set of Chandrasekhar's (1956) MHD equations for determining the steady parts of rotation and poloidal as well as toroidal magnetic field, in the Sun's convective envelope assuming incompressibility. The ...
  • Hiremath, K. M; Gokhale, M. H (The American Astronomical Society, 1995-07)
    Using reasonable assumptions and approximations it is shown that the poloidal component part of the magnetic field in the Sun's radiative core (RC) and convection zone (CE) can be modeled as in an analytical solution of ...
  • Padmakar; Pandey, S. K (Astronomical Society of India, 1999)
    Using our data along with the photometric data available from the literature, we have made extensive analysis of the light variations of UX Ari. The parametric study of the photometric data for the last 22 years in the ...
  • Goswami, A (Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege, 2019-10)
    The Himalayan Chandra Telescope (HCT), of the Indian Astronomical Observatory (IAO), is currently one of the most heavily subscribed telescopes in India. The telescope has been in regular use for scientific observations ...
  • Mageshwaran, T; Mangalam, A (IOP Publishing, 2015-12-01)
    A detailed model of the tidal disruption events (TDEs) has been constructed using stellar dynamical and gas dynamical inputs that include black hole (BH) mass M•, specific orbital energy E and angular momentum J, star mass ...
  • Malkov, O; Karpov, S; Kovaleva, D; Murthy, J; Sichevsky, S; Sytov, A; Zhao, G; Zhukov, A; Zakharo, A (NAS RA Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, 2020-12)
    The parameterization of stars is a well known problem and used for various purposes in astronomy. We have shown that multicolor photometric data from large modern surveys can be used for parameterization of stars. With ...
  • Kameswara Rao, N (Astronomical Society of India, 1993)
    The 2.34 meter Vainu Bappu Telescope (VBT) has been operating as a national facility for the last 3-4 years. Some of the current observational programs with VBT regarding the galactic astronomy are reviewed
  • Bappu, M. K. V (Indian Science Congress Association, 1977)
  • Bappu, M. K. V (1977)
  • Bappu, M. K. V (1969)
  • Jose, J (American Astronomical Society, 2014-09)
    Star Formation (SF) in extreme environment is always challenging and can be significantly different from that in quiet environments. This study presents the comprehensive multi-wavelength (optical, NIR, MIR and radio) ...
  • Jose, J; Pandey, A. K; Ojha, D. K; Ogura, K; Chen, W. P; Bhatt, B. C; Ghosh, S. K; Mito, H; Maheswar, G; Sharma, S (Blackwell Publishing, 2008-03)
    We present UBVIc CCD photometry of the young open cluster Stock 8 with the aim of studying its basic properties such as the amount of interstellar extinction, distance, age, stellar contents and initial mass function (IMF). ...
  • Pandey, A. K; Sharma, S; Ogura, K; Ojha, D. K; Chen, W. P; Bhatt, B. C; Ghosh, S. K (Blackwell Publishing, 2008-01)
    We present UBV Ic CCD photometry of the young open cluster Be 59 with the aim to study the star formation scenario in the cluster. The radial extent of the cluster is found to be ~10 arcmin (2.9 pc). The interstellar ...
  • Pandey, A. K; Durgapal, A. K; Bhatt, B. C; Mohan, V; Mahra, H. S (EDP Sciences, 1997-04)
    We present UBVRI CCD photometry for previously unstudied open clusters (Be 64 and Be 69). Photometry has also been carried out for nearby fields to correct for the effects of field stars contamination. From the colour-colour ...
  • Pandey, A. K; Upadhyay, K; Ogura, K; Sagar, R; Mohan, V; Mito, H; Bhatt, H. C; Bhatt, B. C (Royal Astronomical Society, 2005-04)
    UBVRI CCD photometry in a wide field around two young open clusters, NGC 663 and 654, has been carried out. Hα and polarimetric observations for the cluster NGC 654 have also been obtained. We use the photometric data to ...
  • Gopal-Krishna; Mangalam, A; Wiita, P. J (The American Astronomical Society, 2008-06-10)
    The origin of the dichotomy of radio loudness among quasars can be explained using recent findings that the mass of the central supermassive black hole (SMBH) in extended radio-loud quasars is systematically a few times ...
  • Asplund, M; Gustafsson, B; Lambert, D. L; Kameswara Rao, N (European Southern Observatory, 1997-05)
    The surface chemical composition of this remarkable star shows that it is hydrogen-deficient, carbon-rich and enriched in the light s-process elements. Spectra taken in May and October 1996 indicate a decrease in the surface ...

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