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  • Gonzalez, G; Lambert, D. L; Wallerstein, G; Kameswara Rao, N; Smith, V. V; McCarthy, J. K (The American Astronomical Society, 1998-01)
    We have monitored FG Sge's spectroscopic changes since the time just prior to its dramatic fading in 1992 August. The most significant qualitative changes in the spectrum include large variations in the strength of the C2 ...
  • Kameswara Rao, N; Sriram, S; Gabriel, F; Prasad, B. R; Samson, J. P. A; Jayakumar, K; Srinivasan, R; Mahesh, P. K; Giridhar, S (Anita Publications, 2004-12)
    The optical design and performance of high resolution fiber-fed echelle spectrometer for the 2.34 meter Vainu Bappu Telescope (VBT) is described. An optical fiber of core 100 J-Lm and length 45 meter is used to link the ...
  • Sagar, R; Sharples, Ray M (European Southern Observatory, 1991-04)
    New spectroscopic and photometric observations are presented for a sample of faint stars which extends the color-magnitude diagram of the open cluster NGC 3114 down to V = 16 mag. The distance to the cluster is estimated ...
  • Panthi, Anju; Subramaniam, A; Vaidya, Kaushar; Jadhav, Vikrant V; Sharmila Rani; Sivarani, T; Pandey, Sindhu (Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society, 2023-10)
    Blue metal-poor (BMP) stars are the main-sequence stars that appear bluer and more luminous than normal turn-off stars of metal-poor globular clusters. They are believed to be either field blue straggler stars (FBSS) formed ...
  • Mohan, V; Sagar, R (Astronomical Society of Indian, 1988-12)
    Photographic photometry of about 900 stars down to V = 17 mag has been carried out in the region of the open cluster NGC 2301. The cluster region seems to be severely contaminated by field stars. Statistical criteria yield ...
  • Lele, P. D; Jani, K. G; Patel, A. P (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, 1997)
    A RACAL-17L communication receiver is used to record signal strength at Ahmedabad on 11.8 MHz transmitted from Colombo. In the initial stages of the eclipse and again towards the ending phase the signal strength showed ...
  • Parthasarathy, M (American Astronomical Society, 2023-12)
    From Gaia DR3 data using a simple search criteria fifteen hypervelocity stars (HVS) are detected. These stars have radial velocities less than -600 km s-1, Gaia G magnitudes less than 16.0 and Renormalized Unit Weight Error ...
  • Bhattacharyya, J. C (Astronomical Society of India, 1973-09)
  • de Sabbata, V; Sivaram, C (Plenum Publishing Corporation, 1990-01)
    A deviation from the Newtonian inverse square law can arise from torsion coupling.
  • Narlikar, J. V (Astronomical Society of India, 1975-03)
  • Sundararaman, K; Gupta, S. S; Selvendran, R (Indian Academy of Sciences, 1993-03)
    We have taken the case of a circular H-alpha filament observed on May 9, 1979 erupting into a double-ribbon flare associated with a nonspot region. The plage motions are responsible for the filament reorientation and, here ...
  • Vemareddy, P (American Astronomical Society, 2024-02-01)
    Using multi-instrument and multiwavelength observations, we studied a coronal mass ejection (CME) that led to an intense geomagnetic storm on 2023 April 23. The eruption occurred on April 21 in solar active region (AR) ...
  • Dhara, Sajal Kumar; Ravindra, B; Banyal, R. K (Elsevier B.V., 2014-01)
    The active region magnetic field surrounding the filament plays an important role in filament formation, their evolution and disruption. We investigated a filament eruption that occurred in southern hemisphere of the Sun ...
  • Wang, Jia-Wei; Koch, Patrick M; Clarke, Seamus D; Fuller, Gary; Peretto, Nicolas; Tang, Ya-Wen; Yen, Hsi-Wei; Lai, Shih-Ping; Ohashi, Nagayoshi; Arzoumanian, Doris; Johnstone, Doug; Cho, Jungyeon; Liu, Hong-Li; Fanciullo, Lapo; Hwang, Jihye; Pattle, Kate; Poidevin, Frederick; Tahani, Mehrnoosh; Onaka, Takashi; Rawlings, Mark G; Chung, Eun Jung; Lin, Sheng-Jun; Liu, Junhao; Choi, Minho; Lyo, A-Ran; Priestley, Felix; Hoang, Thiem; Tamura, Motohide; Berry, David; Bastien, Pierre; Ching, Tao-Chung; Coude, Simon; Konyves, Vera; Kwon, Woojin; Chen, Mike; Choi, Yunhee; Eswaraiah, Chakali; Archana Soam; Hasegawa, Tetsuo; Qiu, Keping; Bourke, Tyler L; Byun, Do-Young; Chen, Zhiwei; Kang, Ji-hyun; Choi, Youngwoo; Chrysostomou, Antonio; Dai, Sophia; Francesco, James Di; Diep, Pham Ngoc; Li, Guangxing; Doi, Yasuo; Duan, Yan; Duan, Hao-Yuan; Eden, David; Kang, Miju; Fiege, Jason; Fissel, Laura M; Franzmann, Erica; Friberg, Per; Friesen, Rachel; Gledhill, Tim; Li, Di; Graves, Sarah; Greaves, Jane; Griffin, Matt; Karoly, Janik; Gu, Qilao; Han, Ilseung; Hayashi, Saeko; Houde, Martin; Inoue, Tsuyoshi; Iwasaki, Kazunari; Jeong, Il-Gyo; Kataoka, Akimasa; Kawabata, Koji; Khan, Zacariyya; Kim, Mi-Ryang; Kim, Kee-Tae; Lee, Chang Won; Kim, Kyoung Hee; Liu, Tie; Kim, Shinyoung; Kim, Jongsoo; Kim, Hyosung; Kim, Gwanjeong; Kirchschlager, Florian; Kirk, Jason; Kobayashi, Masato I. N; Kusune, Takayoshi; Tang, Xindi; Kwon, Jungmi; Lacaille, Kevin; Liu, Sheng-Yuan; Law, Chi-Yan; Lee, Sang-Sung; Lee, Hyeseung; Lee, Jeong-Eun; Lee, Chin-Fei; Li, Dalei; Li, Hua-bai; Thuong, Hoang Duc; Lu, Xing; Mairs, Steve; Matsumura, Masafumi; Matthews, Brenda; Moriarty-Schieven, Gerald; Furuya, Ray; Nagata, Tetsuya; Nakamura, Fumitaka; Nakanishi, Hiroyuki; Ngoc, Nguyen Bich; Tomisaka, Kohji; Park, Geumsook; Parsons, Harriet; Pyo, Tae-Soo; Qian, Lei; Rao, Ramprasad; Rawlings, Jonathan; Inutsuka, Shu-ichiro; Retter, Brendan; Richer, John; Rigby, Andrew; Tram, Le Ngoc; Sadavoy, Sarah; Saito, Hiro; Savini, Giorgio; Seta, Masumichi; Sharma, Ekta; Shimajiri, Yoshito; Shinnaga, Hiroko; Tsukamoto, Yusuke; Viti, Serena; Wang, Hongchi; Whitworth, Anthony; Wu, Jintai; Chen, Huei-Ru Vivien; Xie, Jinjin; Ward-Thompson, Derek; Yang, Meng-Zhe; Yoo, Hyunju; Yuan, Jinghua; Yun, Hyeong-Sik; Zenko, Tetsuya; Zhang, Chuan-Peng; Zhang, Yapeng; Zhang, Guoyin; Chen, Wen Ping; Zhou, Jianjun; Zhu, Lei; Gouellec, Valentin J. M. Le; Looze, Ilse de; Andre, Philippe; Dowell, C. Darren; Eyres, Stewart; Falle, Sam; Robitaille, Jean-Francois; Loo, Sven van (American Astronomical Society, 2024-02-20)
    We report 850 μm continuum polarization observations toward the filamentary high-mass star-forming region NGC 2264, taken as part of the B-fields In STar forming Regions Observations large program on the James Clerk Maxwell ...
  • Mallik, D. C. V; Peimbert, M (Instituto de Astronomía, 1988-12)
    The authors have computed the filling factor for a sample of thirty-five galactic PN for which there are distance estimates independent of statistical arguments. They found that about half of the PN in their sample have ...
  • Gupta, S. K; Nautiyal, S. L; Negi, B. S (Astronomical Society of India, 1994)
    A filter disk rotator has been designed and developed in the electronics laboratory of Uttar Pradesh State Observatory (UPSO) for photometric observations. A stepper motor is used to rotate the filter disk in the forward ...
  • Mishra, Anwesh Kumar; Kamath, U. S (Indian Academy of Sciences, 2022-06)
    The photometric accuracy in the near-infrared (NIR) wavelength range (0.9–2.6 lm) is strongly affected by the variability of atmospheric transmission. The Infrared Working Group (IRWG) has recommended filters that help ...
  • de Sabbata, V; Sivaram, C (D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1990)
  • Vasantharaju, N.; Vemareddy, P; Ravindra, B; Doddamani, V. H (IOP Publishing, 2019-11)
    The background fi eld is assumed to play a prime role in erupting structures like prominences. In the fl ux rope models, the critical decay index ( n c ) is a measure of the rate at which background fi eld ...
  • Krishna Moorthy, K; Sreekanth, V; Jai Prakash, C; Gogoi, M. M; Suresh Babu, S; Sobhan Kumar, K; Bagare, S. P; Bhatt, B. C; Gaur, V. K; Prabhu, T. P; Shantikumar, N. S (American Geophysical Union, 2011-10)
    Number-size distributions of ultrafine, fine, and accumulation mode aerosols in the size range 5–1300 nm have been measured regularly from the pristine, high-altitude (for 4520 m above mean sea level) station Hanle in the ...

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