Hernandez-García, L; Munoz-Arancibia, A. M; Lira, P; Bruni, G; Cuadra, J; Arevalo, P; Sanchez-Saez, P; Bernal, S; Bauer, Franz E; Catelan, Marcio; Panessa, F; Pavez-Herrera, M; Ricci, Claudio; Reyes-Jainaga, I; Ailawadhi, Bhavya; Chavushyan, V; Dastidar, R; Deconto-Machado, A; Forster, F; Gangopadhyay, A; Garcia-Perez, A; Marquez, I; Masegosa, J; Misra, K; Patino-Alvarez, V. M; Puig-Subira, M; Rodi, J; Singh, M
(EDP Sciences, 2024-12)
With a growing number of facilities able to monitor the entire sky and produce light curves with a cadence of days, in recent years there has been an increased rate of detection of sources whose variability deviates from ...