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Title: Bar formation and destruction in the FIRE-2 simulations
Authors: Ansar, Sioree
Pearson, Sarah
Sanderson, Robyn E
Arora, Arpit
Hopkins, Philip F
Wetzel, Andrew
Cunningham, Emily C
Quinn, Jamie
Keywords: Hydrodynamical simulations
Galaxy bars
Galaxy interactions
Dark matter
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2025
Publisher: American Astronomical Society
Citation: The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 978, No. 1, 37
Abstract: The physical mechanisms responsible for bar formation and destruction in galaxies remain a subject of debate. While we have gained valuable insight into how bars form and evolve from isolated idealized simulations, in the cosmological domain, galactic bars evolve in complex environments, with mergers and gas accretion events occurring in the presence of the turbulent interstellar medium with multiple star formation episodes, in addition to coupling with their host galaxies' dark matter halos. We investigate the bar formation in 13 Milky Way–mass galaxies from the Feedback in Realistic Environments (FIRE-2) cosmological zoom-in simulations. 8 of the 13 simulated galaxies form bars at some point during their history: three from tidal interactions and five from internal evolution of the disk. The bars in FIRE-2 are generally shorter than the corotation radius (mean bar radius ∼1.53 kpc), have a wide range of pattern speeds (36–97 km s‑1 kpc‑1), and live for a wide range of dynamical times (2–160 bar rotations). We find that the bar formation in FIRE-2 galaxies is influenced by satellite interactions and the stellar-to-dark-matter mass ratio in the inner galaxy, but neither is a sufficient condition for bar formation. Bar formation is more likely to occur, with the bars formed being stronger and longer-lived, if the disks are kinematically cold; galaxies with high central gas fractions and/or vigorous star formation, on the other hand, tend to form weaker bars. In the case of the FIRE-2 galaxies, these properties combine to produce ellipsoidal bars with strengths A 2/A 0 ∼ 0.1–0.2
Description: Open Access
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ISSN: 1538-4357
Appears in Collections:IIAP Publications

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