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dc.contributor.authorManohar, G. K-
dc.contributor.authorKandalgaonkar, S. S-
dc.contributor.authorVernekar, K. G-
dc.contributor.authorTrimbake, H. K-
dc.identifier.citationKodaikanal Observatory Bulletins Series A, Vol. 13, pp. 191en
dc.description.abstractA study of the impact of a total solar eclipse (TSE) on surface atmospheric electricity was made using observations of surface electrical potential gradient and boundary layer parameters during the TSE of 24 October 1995 and on three control days (22, 23 and 25 Oct. 1995) at Robertsgan (24°, 52' N, 83° 04' E; 220 m above m s l), UP., India. The potential gradient was measured by the conventional method of freely exposing the radioactive probe at 1 m above ground level and the use of operational amplifier circuit. The boundary layer parameters were monitored by using appropriate sensors and the sophisticated electronics.en
dc.publisherIndian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangaloreen
dc.titleObservations of surface atmospheric electric potential gradient and boundary layer parameter during the total solar eclipse of October 24, 1995en
Appears in Collections:IIAP Publications
Kodaikanal Observatory Bulletins (1905 - 1997 )

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