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Title: Modified Titius - Bode Relation
Authors: Rawal, J. J
Keywords: Titius-Bode Realation
Issue Date: Dec-1978
Publisher: Astronomical Society of India
Citation: BASI, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 95
Abstract: The Titius-Bode empirical relation for planetary distances holds as far out as Uranus, but in the cases of Neptune and Pluto, the distances derived from this relation do not agree with the observed values. In the light of newly discovered Kowal`s object "Chiron" between Saturn and Uranus, the relation fails starting from "Chiron". There is therefore a need to modify the relation suitability in order to account for such developments in the solar system. Here an attempt is made to modify this relation so that it remains valid for all the planets. We also extend this relation 'inward'. The technique goes well in the cases of satellite-systems of Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter. The interesting implications of this relation are also discussed
Appears in Collections:BASI Publications

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