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Title: Astrophysical molecule CN: vibronic transition probability parameters
Authors: Karthikeyan, B
Balachandra Kumar, K
Rajamanickam, N
Bagare, S. P
Keywords: C N molecule
Franck-Condon factors & amp
Astrophysical sources
Issue Date: Jun-2006
Publisher: Astronomical Society of India
Citation: Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 203 – 209
Abstract: Astrophysical applications are broadened by the emerging consensus on the vibration-electronic (vibronic) transition probability parameters such as Franck - Condon (FC) factors & r - centroids of some molecular species like C N , which could be useful in the identification of molecular lines and in the estimation of relative abundance of the species in various celestial bodies especially in the interstellar medium. Such important parameters, that is FC factors and r - centroids, have been computed by a reliable numerical integration procedure for the bands of E2 sum+ - X2 sum+,D2 prod i -A2 prod i, E2 sum+ - A2 prod i, F 2Delta r -A2prod i and J2 Delta i - A2prod i systems of astrophysical molecule CN, using a suitable potential. For E - X system, the improved values of FC factors from the revised molecular constants are given along with the already reported values.
ISSN: 0304-9523
Appears in Collections:BASI Publications
IIAP Publications

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