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Title: Line formation in spherical media with partial frequency redistribution. II - Expanding media with redistribution function R sub I
Authors: Peraiah, A
Keywords: Distribution Functions
Frequency Distribution
Gas Expansion
Line Spectra
Stellar Atmospheres
Stellar Spectra
Computerized Simulation
Gas Dynamics
Radiative Transfer
Wolf-Rayet Stars
Issue Date: Jul-1979
Publisher: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
Citation: Astrophysics and Space Science, Vol. 63, No. 2, pp. 267 - 277
Abstract: Lines formed in a differentially expanding atmosphere have been calculated by using the angle averaged redistribution functionR I (Hummer, 1962). We have compared these lines, in a few cases, with those formed by complete redistribution in the observer's frame of reference. We have considered an atmosphere whose ratios of inner to outer radii are 2 and 10, and it is assumed that the gas in the atmosphere is expanding uniformly with a maximum velocity of 3 mean thermal units. We have presented lines formed in spherical symmetry and those obtained by integrating over the apparent disc. Three types of physical situations are considered with a 2-level atom with non-LTE approximation (1) є=10/sup–4, β=10/sup–4, (2) є=10/sup–4, β=0 and (3) є=β=0, where is the probability per scatter that a photon is destroyed by collisional de-excitation, and is the ratioKc/Kl of absorption in the continuum per unit frequency interval to that in the line centre. It is found that there are noticeable differences between the profiles formed by partial redistribution (PRD) and complete redistribution (CRD). The profiles integrated over the stellar disc from the first type of the media are box type with flat top, which are similar to those observed in WC stars and those from the second type of media show emission peaks on red and blue sides with emission on the red side larger than the one on the blue side. The profiles from the third type of media with pure scattering, show some emission on the red side and deep absorption on the blue side. Large geometrical extensions of the atmosphere and higher gas velocities seem to enhance these two effects.
ISSN: 0004-640X
Appears in Collections:IIAP Publications

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