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Title: Phase Transition and Hybrid Star in a Nonlinear $\sigma - \omega$ model
Authors: Acharya, S
Maharana, L
Mohanty, R
Panda, P. K
Keywords: Nuclear Theory
Phase Transition
Hybrid Star
Issue Date: Apr-1999
Publisher: World Scientific
Citation: International Journal of Modern Physics E, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 107 - 120
Abstract: The phase transition between the nuclear matter and the quark matter is examined. The relativistic mean field theory(RMF) is consider with interacting nucleons and mesons using TM1 parameter set for the nuclear matter equations of state. It is found that the trasition point depends on coupling constant $\alpha_s$ and bag pressure. From the study of the structure of a hybrid neutron star, it is observed that the star contains quark matter in the interior and neutron matter on the outer perifery.
Appears in Collections:IIAP Publications

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